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Thank goodness, though.

If I had to go back to Gigi’s in the middle of the night for my keys—I’d probably die.

The sun had barely started rising when I heard a gentle rap on my door.

Muscles I hadn’t used in a while protested slightly when I crawled out of bed.

Trey had been inventive last night, to say the least. There were just certain sex muscles you only used—well, during sex.

I opened the door to see a very disheveled, very ticked off—Trey.

“What the fuck, Hunter?” he said in a not very nice tone. His eyes squinted at me questioningly.

I shrugged and asked, “What do you mean?”

He set his hand on my belly and gently pushed me inside. His gaze went to my clock on the wall, then to the show’s camera in the corner.

He huffed and grabbed my hand. “It’s almost seven, that fuckin’ thing is going to turn on any second.” He nodded toward the camera.

Then, he pulled me out of my apartment, shut my door, and walked me in the direction of his place.

“Trey,” I whisper-yelled, not wanting to wake anyone up, “what are you doing?”

“Shut it,” he grumbled back.


Trey was mad.

He pulled me into his apartment closed the door, turned to me, and said, “I finally make up with my wife last night—spend the better part of the evening and into the early hours of the next day making love to her—in every fuckin’ way I’d been dreaming about doing her—then this morning I reach for her to do more of the same—” he leaned into me, “and she’s fuckin’ gone. So, what the fuck?”

Holy shitballs.

Yeah, we really should have discussed the terms of me jumping him last night. Obviously, Trey was not aware that last night didn’t mean we were back together.

“Uh, we didn’t make up,” I spouted out quickly, hoping he’d accept that as an answer.

He tilted his head and leaned in further. “Excuse me? I seem to remember us makin’ up several times last night.” Gosh, the expression on his face made me take a step back. He was super upset.

“We had sex, Trey. That didn’t solve our—issues. It was just a—blip. A one time thing.”

If I’d thought his expression had been scary before—I’d been wrong.

Because now, it was furious.

“A fucking blip?” His hands flew out to his sides. “We made love, Lexi. You said you loved me.” Trey hit his hand hard to his chest. “Did you lie?”

My eyes fell to the floor for a moment. When I looked back at him, I said, “I do love you.”

His shoulders dropped along with his head. “Then what’s the problem?”

My eyes looked from one eye to the other. And my heart broke in half for the hundredth time since I’d left him.

“I’ll always love you, Trey,” my voice was soft and gentle, “but you know I can’t be with you.”

I felt my heart bust in half again at having to say those words. I wasn’t sure why he didn’t understand this—and I wished like heck he’d clue in.

“Because of the pills? I’m not even taking them anymore.”
