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“Would you settle down?” Stuart snapped at Jillian after she’d moved his hand off her arm.

From what I’d witnessed, every time he came around to visit with Jillian—she seemed less than enthusiastic toward him.

For whatever reason.

I knew couples got into fights and tiffs. I wasn’t completely clueless.

But whatever Jillian and Stuart had going on behind the scenes baffled me.

The only time she showed any affection toward Stuart at all was when a camera was around.

Otherwise, to me, she always looked like she’d rather be a mile away from him.

I never caught Jillian gazing at him with love in her eyes.

Not like Lexi looked at me last night—right in the middle of book club.

I could tell how much my words meant to her. It was written clear as day all over her face.

And the kiss she gave me after I told her I wanted to marry her before I touched her—well, it pretty much knocked my socks off.

What felt less loving was when she’d asked me to wear a condom—which I did, each and every time we made love.

Needless to say, we’d gone through a lot of condoms.

It still stung my heart every time I rolled one on, though. Knowing that my wife really didn’t trust me—hurt.

Winning back that trust would be no easy feat if she refused to be around me.

Which was exactly what she’d done.

Stayed in my bed until we ended up in a sweaty, exhausted heap—and then tiptoed out while I was asleep.

Damn, that still pissed me off.

So did her attitude about my pills. She made me feel like I’d been doing something wrong by taking medication that I still needed.

She just didn’t understand.

She might never understand.

It wasn’t her who got checked at full speed, head first into the boards.

It wasn’t her who ended up choking on her own blood in the fucking ambulance.

And it sure as hell wasn’t her who ended up on goddamn life support for days.

She didn’t have a clue what I’d been through.

Not one fucking clue.

“Unless you want to walk around with your arm up your ass, I suggest you keep your grungy hands to yourself,” Jillian spat back at Stuart.

I could see them down the aisle, but they hadn’t spotted me. I’d offered to drive them to the mall since my day had opened up. I’d hoped to be spending some serious ‘in bed’ time with my wife since the men had a late game tonight.
