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Not even twenty-four hours later, Jo was staring in awe at the woman standing in her garage. Dressed in jeans and a t-shirt covered in grease, she shouldn’t be as beautiful as she was. Danica Dyers was otherworldly despite being human because of the way she carried herself. To top that all off, she was as humble as could be, discussing Frankie as if she wasn’t just some cobbled together monster.

“You have no idea how excited I am right now to meet you,” Jo said calmly, her eyes wide.

Nic frowned at her. “You don’t look it.”

Jo smacked him on the arm but didn’t look away from Danica where she leaned over Frankie’s frame into the engine compartment.

Danica laughed at their antics and straightened. “You’ve done a fantastic job piecing together the weapons system and engine. I’m impressed.”

Nic smiled proudly. “It’s all Jo. I just follow orders.”

Danica winked at Nic. “Oh, I knew it was all her. I just figured I’d give you the benefit of the doubt.” She pointed at the computer system integrated through. “This is great tech work.”

Jo didn’t say a word, her mouth slightly open at the compliments Danica fucking Dyers was paying her. When had her life gotten so exciting?

“Jo is a genius,” Nic gushed. “She can build anything.”

Only then did Jo react. A blush began to spread along her cheeks, and though her skin tone kept it from being too obvious, they still felt warm to the touch.

Danica grinned. “If you ever need another job, hit me up,” Danica teased, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand. “Arden was talking about how promising your new app is. He seemed pretty impressed and that’s hard to do. Phi even gushed about it.”

Jo had never been able to take compliments well, but she flourished under Danica paying them to her. It made her want to be open, to be able to befriend someone like her, so she found herself shrugging it off and saying, “oh, you don’t have to lie.”

“I’m not,” Danica said seriously. “Letting people match across species and by genuine interests is clever. I checked out the app and I love that there are over five hundred interests to pick from and a whole hour-long quiz. Apparently, you’re responsible for a lot of couples.”

Jo grinned. “It took a long time for us to come up with the algorithm for that, but I’m proud of it.”

“As you should be,” Danica said. She leaned over the car again and finished changing out the spark plugs for new ones, then attaching the spark plug wires back as they were. “There. They can’t say you broke any rules now. We’ve scoured the new rule book, and this was the only one they could get you on. I don’t know how it passed when the majority of the council didn’t even vote on it. The higher ups are getting bold.”

Jo leaned over the engine compartment to study the variety of new parts Danica had added. Fairy dust, kelpie tears, so many new additions that would supposedly help Frankie run smoother and faster. Jo hated that she had to have them added but it was necessary.

“How much do we owe you?” Nic asked, pulling out his wallet. “Those parts had to be expensive, and you flew all the way out here.”

“Nothing,” Danica answered. “It’s on the house. Consider it a sponsorship if you’d like.”

“We can’t pay you nothing,” Jo argued, facing the woman who’d made history.

Danica leaned in and gave her a hug. “Consider it a gift to a friend if you have to. I think what you’re doing is amazing and I’m rooting for you. You have friends in the vamps. And now you have a whole team behind you. Just go win that race and show them the wolves can be just as much a badass as anyone else.”

Jo grinned and nodded her head, accepting the gift. “Deal.”

And she was happy to call Danica Dyers a friend.
