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So, while the dental hygienist cleaned her teeth, Kiera sat back and thought about her mom’s phone call. She realized that while the Sherbrookes included her family in their inner circle, they didn’t truly belong there. Sometimes, it was easy to forget that and her mom had only been looking out for her by reminding her. Most people would also say that her mom’s opinion that Gray wasn’t the type to settle down was correct.

Kiera didn’t.

Maybe she would’ve a year ago, but now that both his brother and Jake, the two biggest playboys in the world, were married, anything was possible.

All that led her back to the half-truths she’d told her mom. While they weren’t technically dating, they had kissed.

Oh, how they kissed.

Kiera sighed, but with her mouth wide open and dental tools inside, it came out as more of a choking sound.

“Are you okay?” The hygienist stopped working to ask.

Kiera nodded, and the hygienist went back to work while she went back to thinking.

He’d kissed just her cheek in Pierre’s office, and she hadn’t tried for more. Would he give her another brotherly kiss today or something more like the ones last weekend? Her lips wanted more of last weekend’s treatment.

Her brain kept replaying her mother’s voice. Was her mom only conc

erned that Gray would break her heart, or was she worried Mark Sherbrooke would fire her and Dad?

Kiera had known Mark Sherbrooke forever and couldn’t see him doing anything like that. That didn’t mean it wasn’t a concern for her mom, though.

“You can sit up and rinse now.” The dental hygienist raised the back of Kiera’s chair.

Maybe the dentist chair isn’t the place to figure this out. Kiera followed the hygienist’s instructions. Once out of the chair, she stopped at the desk and made her next appointment before she drove home eager for the fun to really start.


Kiera almost bit down on her fingernail, but yanked her hand away and shoved it into her jeans pocket. She’d buzzed Gray into the building seconds before, and any minute he’d knock on her apartment door.

How would today play out? She’d asked herself the same question over and over since leaving the dentist. How do I want it to go? Her mom’s comments kept coming back.

A simple day on the ice, followed by dinner and then a, “Goodbye, see you around,” would be the safest route. Safe was good. Most of the time, she played it safe. Nobody got hurt or in trouble when she did that.

This time, a little voice kept telling her not to play it safe. It kept shouting that if the opportunity to live dangerously arose, she should take it and hang on tight.

In fact, it was that little voice that convinced her to wear makeup today and put a little extra thought into her outfit. She’d never mastered the art of applying makeup and doing fancy hairstyles, so she threw on some eyeliner and lipstick, then pulled her curls into a loose braid to keep her hair under control while skating.

Kiera expected the knock on the door, but still, she jumped when she heard it. So that it didn’t look as if she’d just been standing around waiting, she counted to ten, then opened the door.

“I’ve been looking forward to this since last week.” Gray stepped inside and kissed her before she said a word.

The kiss was quick, but it still sent enough heat through her to bake an entire soufflé.

“Sorry I’m a few minutes late. I stopped to buy new gloves. I lost one of mine somewhere.”

She’d forgotten about the glove he dropped on his last visit. “It’s here. You dropped it. I’ll grab it.”

Gray took her hand before she could step away. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll grab it when we come back.” He pulled her closer. “Are you ready to go?”

“I’ve had my skates out since this morning.” The little voice that told her to take a risk got louder. She allowed herself a quick glimpse at his lips before making eye contact again. The kiss he gave her had been way too short. If it had been any shorter, she would’ve missed it.

Would he mind if she kissed him? They stood close enough. All she had to do was lean forward a little.

Kiera moistened her lips. If he could kiss her, she could do the same. She leaned forward.

Your father and I work for the Sherbrookes. Her mother’s voice canceled out the urging to take a chance, and she stepped back.
