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She reached out expecting to feel warm skin, but her hand landed on cool cotton instead. Kiera opened her eyes. The blankets on the other side were tossed back and wrinkled. The pillow sat at an odd angle and there was no sign of Gray. Disappointment settled in her chest as Kiera sat up, but it vanished when she spotted Gray’s suitcase. He hadn’t jetted off for work again.

Another strong whiff of coffee floated into the room. Eager for it, as well as Gray’s company, she pushed back the covers and got up. Rather than call out a greeting when she got downstairs, she watched Gray in kitchen for a few seconds. I’m definitely one lucky girl.

“You made breakfast?”

Gray faced the microwave, but turned at her voice. “Don’t worry, I didn’t cook it, so it’s safe to eat.” He pulled out a chair. “Did I wake you?” He kissed her after she sat, then went back to the counter. “I tried not to make too much noise when I left.” He came back carrying a large bowl of fresh fruit and a cup of coffee.

“What else have you been up to?”

“I did some work, before I went to the bakery. The woman there promised I only needed to heat up the quiche. I got some muffins, too, if you don’t like it.” He placed the food on the table.

Kiera reached for him. “I love yo—.”

Her brain registered her words, and she dropped his hand. “I mean… I love it.” She looked down at her empty plate. “I can’t believe you did all this. Thank you.” How had she let that slip? She’d been waiting until he said he loved her to tell him.

Gray forced her chin up with his fingers, but she kept her eyes averted. “Why do you think I bought breakfast instead of cooking it?”

“Because you don’t know how to cook?”

“Yup. I love you too much to make you eat my cooking.” He appeared happy, not at all about to bolt out the door because she’d dropped the dreaded L-word.

“Since I love you, I’ll give you some cooking lessons.” Now, that she’d told him how she felt, she didn’t know why she’d waited so long.

Gray took the seat next to her. “You must really love me if you’re volunteering to do that. I’m a mess in the kitchen. It could take years to teach me even the basics. Are you up for that?”

“I love you to much to care how bad you are in the kitchen.” His warm hand wrapped around hers, and she swallowed the lump in her throat. “And don’t worry I’ll have you boiling water and making pasta in two or three years.”

“Sounds good but what do you get out of the deal?” He picked up a strawberry and fed it to her. “I could teach you all about international finance.”

“Sounds boring.”

Gray frowned. “You’re right. Fortunately, there’s another thing I’m really good at.”

“Which is?”

He leaned a little closer. “Sex. I could repay the favor with sex.”

Gray’s hot breath traveled across her skin, making her nipples tingle.

“Perfect. We can start your cooking lessons right after we come back downstairs. I require prepayment.”

Gray gave her a smile that made her toes curl, and then he fed her another strawberry.

“Why bother going upstairs?” He licked the strawberry juice off her lips.

She didn’t care if they did it on the table. Kiera stood and pulled her panties off. Her t-shirt followed.

“I could look at you all day.” Gray reached for her.


talk and more removing your clothes.” She grabbed the bottom of his t-shirt.

Eventually, they made their way back to breakfast. It didn’t take Kiera long to finish a muffin and while Gray finished his own food, she sipped her coffee and watched him.

He loved her. The word sent waves of emotion through her. Happiness, which bordered on full-out giddiness, left her smiling.

Her mom meant well, but in this case she didn’t know anything. Any man who would go out of his way and surprise her with breakfast couldn’t be wrong for her.

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