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Chapter One “Dash it all!” Matthew, Duke of Blackwell, strode hurriedly across the grass towards the stalls, praying that his horse was fully prepared and readied for his jockey. He had not had any intention of being so late this afternoon, but last evening, he had drunk a little too much and had, somehow, managed to find himself in a rather disreputable establishment along with some of his acquaintances. It had been an excellent evening, but unfortunately for Matthew, the liquor had taken its toll and he had fallen into a sound sleep that had been difficult to rouse from. Waking to discover that, not only was he in the same clothes as last evening, but also that he was not even in his own townhouse had been something of an embarrassment and had brought Matthew a good deal of frustration, given that he had meant to be at the racecourse rather early to ensure that his newest mount, Beauchamp, was ready and prepared. Of course, he had not had any other choice but to return to his lodgings to wash and change his clothes, which had made him very late when it came to returning to the course.
