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Jade’s reluctance could not be about the official visit. She was an expert at participating in these kinds of events, so her reluctance had to be about him, and the chemistry they shared.

He was glad their physical connection had unsettled her so much, because it had unsettled him, too.

‘But I didn’t agree to this.’

He stifled the sting of sympathy.

‘Your Majesty,’ the overbearing Garland butted in again. ‘As you know, your father was keen for this match to—’

‘Enough.’ Leo lifted his hand, seeing the flash of something in her eyes that surprised him. Stubborn refusal, yes, but more than that... Distress. Garland’s intervention was hindering his cause now, rather than helping it.

‘I wish to speak to the Queen in private,’ he said, giving his own advisors a nod. They left the room immediately, knowing not to contradict their King’s orders. ‘Leave us, Garland,’ he added.

‘As you wish, Your Majesty,’ the major said, and finally left too, because Leo suspected he was a chauvinist as well as a self-important stickler.

‘Miss...’ Leo turned to Jade’s personal assistant, to dismiss her too, if he could remember her surname.

‘Jenkins, Serena Jenkins,’ she said, then, instead of obeying his order, she turned to her Queen. ‘Your Majesty, are you happy to participate in a private audience with His Majesty?’

‘I... I suppose so.’ Jade blinked, as if she’d been pulled from a deep well. A well that intrigued him now as much as the rest of her. Perhaps her relationship with her father had not been as comfortable as appearances suggested? ‘I suppose it can’t do any more damage.’

He smiled despite the tension in the room. Damn but she was refreshingly outspoken.

Jenkins curtsied and left them alone together.

The hunger that had kept him up half the night surged. No longer able to resist, he pressed his palm to the flushed skin of her cheek.

She stiffened, but didn’t draw away.

‘Relax, Jade,’ he said. ‘I’m not going to devour you,’ he murmured, even though he had to admit he wanted to.

Which was not like him at all.

He enjoyed women, and he enjoyed sex. But he had never felt this visceral need before.

He let his hand drop. Disturbed by the thought.

‘I don’t want to go on this state tour or visit or whatever,’ she said, the flash of anger in her eyes a potent partner to the arousal.

‘You have made that very apparent, Your Majesty,’ he said, determined not to be charmed by her candour again. They had a shared purpose, which had only been enhanced by what had happened on that balcony, and he was struggling to understand why she could not see it. ‘To which I would have to ask, why? Garland is a pompous ass, but he is your advisor, and until last night you too understood the political value of our union.’

She blinked, clearly dismayed by the reprimand. He hadn’t intended to be quite so blunt with her, but he’d be damned if he would allow her to ignore the huge benefits of the plan he had outlined with Garland.

‘Right...okay,’ she said, clearly flustered. Turning, she walked to the window, and wrapped her arms around her waist. He could see the tension in her body, and thought he understood it. ‘I just...’ she murmured, her voice so low he could barely hear it. ‘I just didn’t want to spend a week in Severene. I was looking forward to having no official duties now until after Christmas.’

He followed her to the window, his gaze roaming over her hair as he stood behind her. He shoved his hands into his pockets, resisting the desire to place his lips on the sensitive skin of her nape and breathe in the enchanting scent that had intoxicated him the night before. Now was not the time to claim the spoils of victory—or ignite a spark he still wasn’t entirely sure he could control.

He understood what her real reservations were about joining him on this tour, even if she did not. This wasn’t about the burden of the official duties. Jade had always been prepared to do whatever it took to benefit her kingdom. Her reluctance to spend the week with him was to do with the strength of the physical connection they had discovered last night. It scared her, he got that. As much as he planned to use it to his advantage, at the same time he needed to reassure her that he would not ravish her, the way he almost had yesterday.

All of which meant, he would have to be patient now, if it killed him.

‘I want you to come to Severene with me, Jade. To see the kingdom properly, to get a chance to meet my people and for them to meet you.’

She swung round, her gaze both wary and tense. ‘Really, is that all?’

‘Not quite,’ he said and, before he could stop himself, he touched his thumb to the tendril of hair that had slipped from her topknot and dangled enticingly over her cheekbone. Testing the texture between his thumb and forefinger, he hooked it behind her ear. ‘I enjoyed last night immensely,’ he said, the husky tone as raw as the desire searing his throat.

Arousal had darkened her irises to black, something she could not hide.
