Page 118 of BTW I Love You

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‘I’ve been thinking about children.’ She cleared her throat, the sudden blockage coming from nowhere. ‘About us. And children. And whether we want to have any. Or not.’

Instead of looking stunned, or worse, horrified, his smile barely faltered. ‘I see.’

‘So what do you say? Are you in favour of the idea?’ She tried to be brusque, businesslike. Not easy with her heart now pummelling her larynx. ‘You know, in principal, that is. We only have to make a decision in principal at this point. Obviously we don’t have to start trying straight away. I’m only twenty-eight, we’ve got a few years yet before we have to worry about …’ Her voice trailed off.

She was babbling. She sounded like a nincompoop.

‘Well, say something,’ she said, starting to get a little annoyed by the dimples deepening in his cheeks. ‘Why are you smiling like that? It’s not supposed to be …’

‘It sounds like a wonderful idea,’ he interrupted. His hands gripped her sides as he pressed her back against the countertop. ‘How about we get started right now?’

She braced her arms against his chest, her temper kicking in. ‘This isn’t a joke, Cal. I’m serious.’

‘I know you are,’ he said, the grin widening. ‘So am I.’

‘But …?’ Her mouth dropped open. ‘You are?’

That couldn’t be right. She’d been agonising over asking him for weeks now, months even. He never made a decision without judging every piece of advice, weighing each iota of relevant information carefully. It had taken him a week to choose a new TV. It was one of the things she loved about him. He couldn’t possibly have made up his mind in three seconds flat.

‘But aren’t you going to think about it first?’ she murmured, still reeling.

He shrugged, his palms warm on her back. ‘What’s there to think about? You’d make an amazing mother. And I’m sure I can manage to make a halfway decent Dad if I set my mind to it. We’ll probably make mistakes, all parents do. But that’s all part of the adventure.’

‘But, I …’ She couldn’t speak. Excitement and love and total shock combining to make her tongue numb.

‘Ruby, I love you. I adore just being around you. The last seven months have been the best of my life. Even though you still can’t follow instructions worth a damn,’ he teased. ‘When I come home at night and you’re there, I have to kick myself, because I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you. We make a great pair. I’d never have considered having children with anyone else. But with you, it makes sense.’

Tears welled in her eyes. They made sense. That was it. And here she’d been tying herself in knots about the question, when the answer had always been there, right in front of her.

He brushed the tear away with his thumb. ‘I’m hoping those are happy tears.’

She gave his arm a little punch, laughed. ‘You know they are.’

‘Good, because there is one small hitch in your plan.’

‘What’s that?’

‘As you know I’m a logical, boringly conventional guy. I like to do things in their proper order. And what we have here is definitely a cart-before-horse situation.’

Ruby blinked and sniffed. ‘What?’ He’d totally lost her again, but she was willing to give him the chance to explain, because the wave of euphoria inside her was kind of hard to contain.

‘Before we have a baby, or babies. I want my ring on your finger. And your signature on a marriage certificate.’

‘You do?’ She hadn’t actually thought she could be any happier, but now she was.

‘I definitely do,’ he said, gathering her close.

He slanted a kiss across her lips.

As always the passion ignited between them instantly. But before she could get completely carried away, Ruby struggled back and held him at arm’s length.

‘Not so fast, Westmore. If that’s your idea of a proposal, it’s pathetic.’

He chuckled, hauling her up to seat her on the countertop and step between her thighs. ‘I guess I’m going to have to work on it,’ he murmured, a wicked glint in his eyes. ‘But the good news is,’ he said, sliding his palms under her dress and making her thighs quiver. ‘Even if we hit the jackpot tonight, I still have a few months to practice.’

‘I’ve got a better idea,’ she said, sending him a saucy grin as she leaned close, tasting her own chocolate cupcakes and desire on his breath. ‘Why don’t I save you the trouble?’ Running her palms over broad shoulders, she gazed deep into his emerald eyes. ‘Callum Westmore, will you marry me and give me your babies?’

Lifting her in his arms, his hands caressing her bottom as she wrapped her legs round his waist, he swung her round in a circle, kissed her full on the lips, and then laughed.
