Page 111 of So Now You're Back

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‘It was involved. But that’s as far as we’ve gone.’ Lizzie flopped back down on the bed, sounding distinctly disappointed. So clearly the not-sleeping-together hadn’t been Lizzie’s idea. ‘I think I probably just caught Trey at a really weak moment, though. His mother just died yesterday and he was cut up about it. Plus, he was still half asleep and I practically jumped him.’

‘He didn’t look like he was objecting much to me.’

Lizzie’s blush flared anew, but she looked more pleased than mortified at the observation.

‘But more to the point,’ Halle said, ‘when did all this happen? Because, as I recall, you were rather antagonistic towards Trey before I left.’

‘That’s only because I had a massive crush on him.’

‘I see.’

‘He’s such a wonderful guy, Mum. He’s so much more mature and responsible than any of the other guys I know. He really cares about people, and he doesn’t try to be cool, he just is cool. And …’ She grinned at Halle, her flushed cheeks warming to the subject. ‘He is super hot.’

The dreamy tone reminded Halle of her own infatuation with Luke at Lizzie’s age. She pushed aside yet more thoughts of Luke. At least Trey was older and clearly not as screwed up as Luke had been. But even so …

‘I thought he told me his mother was dead,’ she said, still struggling to get the events of the past twelve days straight in her head.

Lizzie looked at her feet. ‘He was worried you wouldn’t hire him if you knew. She’s been in a hospice for months, and she’s been sick for years.’

‘I see.’

‘You’re not mad at him, are you, Mum?’

Well, he had lied, but she’d done a few of those white lies herself and she could see now he’d been very vulnerable. And she’d put him on the spot by asking him to move in without even realising it. Plus, it sounded as if he’d been super honourable with Lizzie, despite their couch clinch. ‘No, I’m not mad at him. But I do think I need to have a little talk with him.’

‘You’re not going to fire him, are you?’

‘That would be up to all three of us, and him. I think Aldo would be devastated if he leaves. But I’m not going to pretend that it wouldn’t be uncomfortable to have him here looking after Aldo and knowing that the two of you are an item.’

‘But we’re not really an item.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘I’d like us to be an item. I’m not going to lie, but I care about him, Mum. Much more than I ever did for Liam and I guess it would be better for him if we cooled it for a bit. You know, he’s dealing with all this stuff with his mum dying, and I think Dad punching him in the face probably didn’t help much. Trey takes stuff really seriously. He’ll probably think it’s all his fault that Dad punched him. I don’t want him to feel bad.’

‘It sounds like you’ve given this a lot of thought.’ And been super mature about it, too, Halle thought, her admiration for her daughter increasing. Lizzie was putting Trey’s needs first, and while this might just be puppy love, it still showed a level of maturity that she had never managed with Luke at Lizzie’s age.

There’s that bitch hindsight again, come back to bite me.

Lizzie nodded, her face sober. ‘I have. I’ve had a lot of time to think over the past week or so. Getting to know Trey, making things up a bit with Aldo, and I’ve realised I’ve been a total bitch for a while now. I don’t want to be that person any more.’

‘Lizzie, you’re not a bitch.’

‘If you say so, Mum.’ Lizzie sent her a look that said, Yes, I am, but it’s nice of you not to rub it in. ‘Can I ask you a question?’

Halle nodded. ‘Of course.’

‘What was Dad doing here?’


‘Don’t lie. Please.’

‘I won’t,’ she said, but she didn’t defend herself against the accusation. Clearly, Lizzie had known as well as Aldo that she had not been entirely truthful in her dealings with them. How humiliating to get caught out by your kids. ‘I may have been a bit, shall we say, economical with the truth about where I’ve been the past twelve days.’

‘You mean you lied.’

You are so busted, lady. ‘Yes, I lied.’
