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He kisses my cheek as his hands rub my back. “Waking up next to you is something I could get used to.”

I close my eyes as I let his words sink in. “Me, too.” I pinch my hand and kiss his soft lips.

He sits forward, causing me to back up a bit. “Baby, stop pinching yourself.”

My eyes widen as I sit back further. “What?”

He tilts his head, and the sun bounces off his bright blue eyes. “This is real. You’re safe, you’re alive, and you’re mine. You don’t need to keep pinching yourself to check.”

I feel my face flush with embarrassment as I look to the ground. “It’s hard to believe,” I whisper.

His fingers grip onto my chin, lifting my head. “What’s hard to believe?”

I’m a talker. I can get a conversation going and keep it going. I’m not shy when it comes to talking, but after everything that’s happened, I’m having a difficult time opening up. My trust was stolen. It’s hard to let that go. However, Cash has been the light at the end of this tunnel, and I owe him the truth. I owe him my life, literally.

I clear my throat and nod. “It’s hard to believe that I’m safe, that I’ll continue to be safe, and that this incredibly sexy, intimidating, handsome guy wants me. It doesn’t feel real. I’m waiting to wake up in that shitty apartment with no water, no food, and no escape.”

He cradles me to him, wrapping his strong arms around me. “I’ve never in my life felt for someone the things I feel for you. From the second I saw your photo; I knew you were innocent. I saw it in your eyes. When I saw you that first time, weak and desperate, my heart hurt. That shit never happens to me. I feel empathy, but I never felt that kind of ache. When you told me everything, it just proved I was right. I wanted to protect you before I even knew you. Once I knew you, it was fucking over. You don’t shut up, you have no filter, your laugh is like a song. I felt this overwhelming need, not want, a need, to make you mine. The thought of you being with anyone else makes me see fucking red. It makes me want to physically hurt them.”

He runs his hands down my back, gripping the shirt in his fists. “You are safe with me. I will never let anyone hurt you again. I will die protecting you. This is real, Leslie. This is the most real I’ve been in my entire life. You have me. You’re in control here. I can’t walk away, so I fucking hope you’ll stay.”

Tears run down my face as I lift my head. He quickly brushes them away with his thumbs and sinks his fingers into my hair.

“I’m scared, Cash. I’m terrified I’ll get comfortable and it’ll all end. That you’ll walk away.” He goes to interrupt, but I place a soft kiss on his lips to shut him up. “But there’s no way I can walk away. You saved me, more than you could ever realize. You brought me back to life. I’m yours, Cash. I’m completely yours.”

He slams his lips to mine. This kiss is not soft and sweet, no it’s demanding. It’s full of promise, hope, and need.

“I need to go talk to my boss, but I won’t be too long. I ordered groceries to be delivered, so I’ll wait until they get here to leave.” He kisses my nose and grins. “I figured someone should use that kitchen.”

I laugh as I climb off his lap. “Hell yes. Now, where the hell is my coffee?”

Something happened last night. We both let the other in - completely.

Chapter 11


* * *

I left Leslie in the kitchen surrounded by groceries. She looked so excited that it was difficult to leave. I kinda wanted to watch her move around the kitchen, but I need to take care of things first. I’ve claimed her, she’s mine. There’s no disputing that. It’s rare, but there have been a handful of times that guys in the Corp have fallen for women they shouldn’t. We decided a long time ago when something like that happens, once you’ve claimed her, she’s yours. She’s untouchable. It’s a code between us that will never be broken.

The flip side of that is Rogue. He’s usually not so understanding. The difference here is Leslie is innocent. I’m not going to kill someone who is innocent. Man or woman. I’m sure he’ll be pissed, but I’m hoping he’ll understand.

I park outside and push my way into the headquarters. I see a few guys and I nod toward them. I’m sure word has gotten out, but I’m not willing to talk about it until I talk to Rogue. When I’m outside his office, I take a deep breath and knock.

“What?” he yells.

I push the door open and step inside. “We need to talk.”

He tosses down the file he is reading and leans back in his chair. “About fucking time.”

It’s a dig I well deserve, so I simply nod as I walk toward his desk. “I found her, which I’m sure you know. I brought her back with me, which I’m sure you know as well.”

His hands fist on th

e desk as he stands to his full height. “I’m aware. What I don’t fucking understand is why you took it upon yourself to leave me out of it. I’m your goddamn boss. You’ve cost me a lot of fucking money,” he shouts.

I keep my anger under control as I nod. “I’m a man sent out by you to kill. I’m fucking good at my job. I’ve never given you a reason to question my abilities or my intentions. When I went to look for Leslie...”
