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I am walking to the bar enjoying the warm night air. I feel myself starting to actually like the idea of being out tonight. I think being out is just what I need. I know that after tonight I am going to talk to Campbell. I am feeling more determined the closer I get to the bar. I will get in touch with him and

try to figure this whole mess out.

“Kenz?” I’m pulled from my thoughts when I hear my name. I look up and see Joe, my friend from school. He just came walking out of the bar.

“Hi, Joe. How are you?” I really don’t feel like making small talk with him. He has been trying to get me to go out with him since he found out Campbell and I were not together. He is being persistent and I have had enough. I’ve been nice, but maybe that’s the problem. I just need to tell him that I’m not interested in him that way. He comes stalking over to me, I can tell immediately that he is completely trashed. Great this should go wonderfully. He stands right in front of me and I can smell the liquor on him.

“Kenz, what are you doing tonight?” Here we go.

“I’m going to have a girl’s night, Joe.” I try to be as short as possible hoping he takes the hint.

“I think you need to ditch the girls and come home with me.” He gives me what I assume is supposed to be a sexy grin, but looks like he is trying to eat his upper lip!

“No, I don’t think so Joe. I’m going to hang out with my girls.” I try to get around him and he grabs my arm tightly. I look up at him with what I’m hoping is fire in my eyes.

“I don’t think you heard me, Kenz. I said you’re coming home with me.” His hold gets tighter on my arm when I try to pull it away.

“Joe, let me go before I fucking scream and cause a scene. Is that what you want? I am not interested in you like that Joe. I’m sorry.” I try again to pull my arm away but this time he pulls me and slams me up against the brick wall. Now I’m scared. I open my mouth to scream and he slaps his hand over it.

“Don’t think about it. Now, I said I want you to come home with me. I’m done playing these fucking games with you, Kenz. I want you in my fucking bed once and for all. Stop being such a cock tease. Speaking of cocks, wait until I fuck you, you’ll be screaming my name. Now, I’m going to move my hand and we are going to walk away together. Got it?”

My heart is pounding in my chest and tears are running down my face. I never would have thought Joe would be an evil person. He removes his hand and I just get out “Help” when he slaps me so hard my head smacks back on the brick.

“I told you not to do that Kenz. Why the fuck are you making this so difficult?” He has his huge body pressed against mine, pinning me to the wall. My head is pounding, my face hurts, and because of my strapless top, the brick is scratching my back. It all hurts so badly, but I can’t figure out how to get away from him. Unless I let him think I’m leaving with him, and run the other way. It’s risky because I’m not sure what he’ll do but I need to try something. To any passerby we look like a couple pressed against each other. No one is paying attention to us.

“I’m going to say it one more time. I want you to come home with me. Alright, sweet girl?”

I almost throw up from his sicklysweet voice. I nod my head, hoping this is the right decision.

“Yes? You’re going to let me fuck you?”

I can’t help the tears as I shake my head again. He removes his hand but doesn’t back up right away. He’s testing me to see what I’ll do. His eyes have a far off look in them and it scares the shit out of me.

“Ok, let’s go, sweetheart.” He backs up just enough for me to fit through. I don’t get two steps away when I feel my hair being pulled so hard my head jerks back.

“HELP! PLEASE!” I scream.

He pulls me back against him by my hair and once my back is to his chest he holds his hand over my mouth again. He is so fucking strong I can’t move. Everything happens so quickly I don’t have time to react. He spins me to face him, grabs me by my shoulders and pushes me full force back into the brick wall again. My head cracks against the brick with a sickening sound. My vision is starting to get blurry from the force of the hit. I start sinking down to the ground, but he grabs my hair to hold me up. I am in so much pain, I can’t even manage any sound. Once he has me standing again he grabs my shoulders and slams me against the wall again. My head hits again and I start to black out. I feel his hand across my face when he tells me to look at him, but I can’t lift my head. He pulls me toward him one more time before I meet the brick again. I have no control of my body anymore and this time when my head connects with the brick I black out. The last thing I hear before my body falls to the ground is Maddie screaming my name.

I am sitting at the table in the bar a nervous wreck. I hope Maddie is right, that Kenz will be happy to see me. I can’t do it anymore. I need to see her, to hold her to tell her how much I love her. After I left her apartment door that one day, I was determined to fight for her. That’s what I’m doing now. I’m going to do whatever the hell I have to do. I’m picking at the label of my beer when Maddie looks over at the door again.

“I wonder what is taking her so long?” I don’t like how she says it. It makes me get a bad feeling that something happened to her.

“Relax, she is probably just taking her time getting here.” Young says.

“Maybe she changed her mind about coming and went back home.” Becca suggests. I look over at Maddie.

“How long ago did she text saying she was on her way?” My nerves are gone replaced by fear.

She checks her phone and says, “Almost twenty minutes ago.” I jump up in my seat ready to run out and find her.

“Stop, don’t go running out like that. If she sees you before she comes in she might go back home. I’ll go look outside, she probably found someone from school and is talking to them. I’ll be right back.” Maddie goes to look outside, but I can’t sit back down.

I have a sick feeling in my stomach that something is wrong. She goes outside and Dick says, “Relax man. She’s fine.” I look at him and just nod my head.

Seconds pass and Maddie screams, “Campbell, oh my God, help!”

In my life I have never ran so hard and fast. Not when I played football and the team was counting on me, not when my dog was hit by a car, not even when my dad was in an accident. I feel like my own life is in danger. I push people out of my way to get outside faster. I run through the doors and see Maddie on the sidewalk holding a lifeless Kenz in her arms. I run full speed to get to them. My knees give out when I reach them and I fall to the ground next to them.
