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“What the fuck happened anyway?” I turn to Maddie.

“When I went outside that piece of shit Joe from school threw her against the wall. She already must have been hurt because I saw her head just smash back into the wall.”

I have to bend over at the waist to breathe through the sick feeling. “Did you tell the cops?” Maddie and Becca are no longer paying attention to me. They are both crying holding each other.

“The cops know everything man. They interviewed Maddie before we could leave. They have his name, I’m sure they probably have him in custody already.” Dick tells me.

“I hope they didn’t find him because I’m going to fucking kill him. I am going to bust his fucking head open on a brick wall.” I say completely serious. I will kill that fucking piece of shit for doing this to my girl.

It’s quiet for a few minutes before Young says, “Campbell I have a change of clothes in the car if you want me to go grab them.” I give him a questioning look. He points to my clothes so I look down.

Holy shit, I didn’t realize I am covered in blood, her blood. My shirt and jeans have blood all over. I lift my hands and they have blood on them too. I close my eyes to try to fight back the tears. I am covered in my girl’s blood for fuck sake.

“No, I’m good, man.” I am not leaving until I talk to the doctor. Not even to get out of the blood covered clothes or wash my hands.

“Oh, I called her dad. He is on his way.” Becca says.

Shit, I didn’t even consider the fact that her family would be here. I hope this isn’t going to be awkward for anyone. I hope he doesn’t know I was a dick in high school. That is all meaningless now though. What’s important is making sure my girl is going to be alright.

“How fucking long have we been waiting?” I ask again for the millionth time.

“Dude it’s only been fifteen minutes from the last time you asked.” Dick says.

We’ve been waiting for almost two hours now. I’ve asked every nurse I can find what the hell is going on. No one gives me any answers. They all say they will look into for me. Young walks back into the room with coffee for everyone. He passes them out to everyone, but I don’t take it.

“I’m good.” I can’t stomach the idea of drinking coffee right now. I need to know how Kenz is. Just then, the waiting room door opens and a doctor walks in. My heart drops into my stomach. I’m scared shitless to hear what he has to say.

“I’m looking for Campbell?” he says.

“That’s me.” Everyone jumps up and comes to stand next to me. The doctor looks at me questioning if he can talk freely.

“We all love her. You can talk to us all.” I say.

“Very well. My name is Dr. Keet and I’ve been taking care of Kenz. She has some severe head trauma from her head being banged on the brick wall. The good news is there is no brain trauma. We did an MRI and CAT SCAN both were clear. We did x-rays to check for broken bones, her wrist is broken probably from falling to the ground after she blacked out. She has no internal injuries. She is still unconscious, but I expect her to wake up in a few hours. Her body is trying to protect its self.” I stare at him in complete shock.

“So you’re telling me that she is going to be alright?”

He gives me a smile and says, “She is going to be alright. She is going to have to stay for monitoring after she wakes up, just to make sure. Other than external injuries that will heal in time, she should make a full recovery.”

I feel myself start to relax for the first time in hours. The relief I feel is unexplainable.

“Thank you, Dr. Keet. When can I see her?” I can hear the girls crying beside me, but I know it is from relief this time.

“She is being moved to a room. A nurse will come get you when you can see her.” I shake his hand, thanking him again. He leaves the room and I fucking smile, thanking God for not taking my girl.

We are sitting in the waiting room feeling lighter than we did just moments before.

“Best fucking news ever.” Young says.

“No shit. I am so relived.” Dick adds.

I haven’t said anything yet. I feel better knowing she is going to be alright, but I need to see her. I need to touch her, to know she is alright.

“I was never so scared in my life. That image will forever be in my head.” Maddie says and begins to cry again. Young goes to her and pulls her into his arms. He is whispering in her ear, she shakes her head and they continue to hold on tightly to each other. I guess there is something more going on with them. I smile looking at them. Becca comes to sit next to me.

“Campbell?” I turn to look at her. She looks so sad and scared.

“What’s up, Becca?” She runs her fingers under her eyes to catch the tears that start to fall.
