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“Thank you for loving Kenz the way you do. I know you guys have some things to work through, but I know that you still love her. Please don’t let what happen break you guys. Kenz has been miserable without you. I just want her to be happy.” I pull her to me and give her a tight hug.

“I never for one second felt any different about her. I love her more than anything. She was and still is my world. I will never do anything to hurt her again. I swear to you.” I pull back and she has a smile on her face with tears running down her cheeks.

“You two are meant to be together.”

“Damn right we are.”

The door opens and a nurse walks in.

“I’m looking for Campbell.” I jump up.

“That’s me.”

“If you follow me I’ll bring you to Kennedy’s room.”

I turn to everyone before I leave. “I’ll text you her room when I get there.”

I follow her through all the hallways and doorways. There are people all around. Some talking to doctors, some are laughing and some are embracing. I wonder what they are here for. Is it something happy like the birth of a child or live altering like death? I look down at my blood stained clothes wondering what these people think when they see me.

“We are almost there.” The nurse says as we wait at yet another door for it to be unlocked. My hands start to get sweaty, my stomach is in knots, and my heart feels like it’s going to explode. The door opens and we walk through. I follow her past a few rooms until she stops. “This is her room. She is still unconscious, but you can talk to her. We believe that she can hear everything you say. If you need anything just come out to the nurse’s station.” She gives me a smile and pat on the arm.

I take a deep breath and walk in. I see my beautiful girl laying in that bed and I can’t get to her fast enough. There is a chair by the bed so I pull it over. I sit and tak

e in her appearance. Her head wrapped in gauze, face is starting to bruise. She has a blanket up to her shoulders, except for the right arm with the broken wrist that is artfully placed on top of the blanket. She has a cast on that stops half way to her elbow. I reach out and carefully touch her fingers that stick out of the cast. I look up at her, stand, and lean over to kiss her. I press my lips to hers and begin to cry.

“Oh baby, I’m so sorry for everything. I’m sorry I was an asshole back in high school. That I treated you badly, that I didn’t stop other people from doing it. I’m sorry that I waited this long to come to you. I’m sorry I wasn’t there tonight to protect you. I swear I will never let anything happen to you again.” I kiss her lips again and again. I kiss her cheeks, eyes and her forehead. “I love you so much, Kenz. I will always love you. You’re my world, my heart. I’m lost without you.” I kiss her lips once more and sit back down. I grab her hand that has the cast and hold it. “I was waiting for you, beautiful. I was at the bar. I wanted to fix everything, to fix us. When Maddie screamed for me, I was never so scared in my life. When I saw you, I thought I lost you for good. The thought of it makes me sick. I can’t go on without you Kenz.” I lay my head down on our hands and cry out all the fear and pain I’ve felt over the last few hours.

After a while, I look up at her. “Come on baby. Open your eyes. Wake up, please.” I need her to wake up. I need to hear her voice, to know if she is in any pain. “Kenz, baby. Please open your beautiful eyes for me.” Still nothing. I sit pleading with her for about a half hour. I am desperate for her to wake up. I promise her I’ll never leave her again. I tell her how beautiful she is, how she is my life. I beg her to wake up. Nothing. I lay my head back on our hands and wait.

I hear the door open, but I assume it’s another nurse so I don’t bother to look up.

“Campbell?” I snap my head up at the deep man’s voice. As soon as I see him, I know it’s Kenz’s dad. I give her fingers a kiss and get up.

“Yes, I’m Campbell Boyd. You must be Mr. Greene.” I stick out my hand to shake his. I don’t know what he knows about me. I have no idea if he thinks I’m a fucking asshole or if he thinks I’m the man who loves his daughter. I am hoping it’s the latter.

“Please, call me John.” He sticks his hand out to shake mine. “I spoke to the doctor and nurses, they told me they expect her to have a full recovery.”

I shake my head. “Yes, sir.”

He walks over to the bed and kisses her cheek. “Oh, Kennedy. Are you trying to put your old man in the grave?” He kisses her cheek again and pulls a chair over next to where mine is. “Let’s sit.”

“What the fuck happened? They said she was attacked. Is that true?” I take a deep breath.

“Yes, sir. She was on her way to meet everyone at the bar and this ass ... um ... guy from school attacked her.”

He covers his mouth with his hands. “Son of a bitch.” He mumbles.

We sit in silence for a bit, both of us lost in our own thoughts. It’s strange to be meeting him for the first time under such horrible circumstances. I wish I would have known him before this happened.

“So, Campbell Boyd, you’re from Toms River too aren’t you? Your parents are Christina and James?” I look over at him.

“Yes, sir. Do you know my parents?”

He gives a small laugh. “Everyone knows your father. He’s a great man.”

He is a great man. He owns a restaurant in town. He is very successful, but he is down to earth. He does a lot for charity and if someone is just down on their luck, he makes sure they have extra food from the restaurant. My mom is just as wonderful. She doesn’t need to work, but she is a cafeteria aid at one of the local elementary schools. She loves to be around the kids and they love her just as much. She is always doing some kind of fundraiser. I am lucky that my parents are so wonderful. “Thank you, sir.”

“You went to school with Kennedy, right?”
