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“I love you so much baby. I will never cause you an ounce of pain again. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there tonight to protect you.” I close my eyes again, not just because my head hurts, but to try to block out the images of what happened to me. I have never been so scared in all my life.

The door opens and a nurse walk in.

“She’s awake.” Campbell says to her with relief clear in his voice. I crack my eyes open to look at her.

“Hello, Kennedy. I’m your nurse, Tammy. I’m just going to do a couple of tests before the doctor gets here to check you more thoroughly.” She asks Campbell to please stand to the side. She asks me my name, the year, if I remember what happened. She asks me who Campbell is, how old I am, and if I am feeling any pain. I answer all her questions and explain that my head is about to explode. She checks my pulse, blood pressure and listens to my heart. She brings a light up and shines it in both of my eyes.

“Oh my God! OUCH!” I squeeze my eyes shut and cry from the horrible pain.

“I’m so sorry, sweetie. As soon as the doctor checks you out I will give you pain medicine to help with that.”

The doctor comes in and introduces himself as Dr. Keet. He unwraps my head to check the lacerations. He explained that my test results were all normal, but he would like to repeat them tomorrow. He presses on my stomach, legs, and arms. He explains the extent of my injuries to me, but all I can think about is the pain in my head.

“Do you have any questions for me?” I close my eyes against the pain.

“How long do I have to stay here and can I please have something to help this pain?” I hear him flipping through papers before he answers me.

“I’d like to keep you a few days. I want to repeat all the tests, just to make sure everything is alright. I will have Nurse Tammy give you a shot of morphine so the relief is quick. You’re going to get an IV put in for fluids, that way when you need more they can inject it into the IV line.” I don’t even care that I will receive a shot. I need this pain to subside.

I don’t open my eyes but I can hear Campbell quietly talking to the doctor. Nurse Tammy comes over to my side. “Kennedy, I’m going to give you an injection of morphine for you pain alright? I need you to try to relax for me.” I relax the best I can and she sticks me with the needle. The pain in my head is so serve I don’t even really notice the injection. “There you go sweetie. You should start to feel better in a few minutes. You will probably fall back to sleep. That’s good your body needs to rest.”

I don’t want to sleep, I want to be with Campbell. I open my eyes, and notice the pain is already less. I look around for Campbell, but I can’t find him. My eyes begin to water.

“What’s wrong sweetie? Do you need something?” I turn my head to look at her.

“Where is Campbell?” She smiles at me.

“You have yourself a good guy there. He hasn’t left your side even for a second. The doctor wanted to speak with your father, so Campbell went to get him. He asked me to stay with you until he got back because he wanted to wash up.” I am stunned by everything she just said.

“My dad is here?”

“Yes. He and Campbell sat with you for a while, your friends too. He and all your friends went to get a bite to eat.” I smile at the thought of everyone I love being together.

Campbell walks back into the room with that sexy ass grin on his face. The morphine is doing its job so I have my eyes wide open. I am getting sleepy though, but I’m trying to fight it.

“Well that is a beautiful sight baby. I love seeing your baby blues. How are you feeling?” He kisses me gently on the lips and smiles down at me.

“Morphine is awesome.” He chuckles and my heart skips a beat. I’ve missed him so much. Once again, I begin to cry.

“Oh, baby, what’s wrong?” I close my eyes against the heartache.

“I missed you so much. I was going to come over tomorrow.” He wipes my tears.

“Baby, open your eyes.” I do as he asks. “I was waiting at the bar for you. I missed you more then you could imagine. We are going to make it baby. Nothing will come between us again. I love you.”

I smile up at him with teary eyes. He is my whole world. “I love you too.”

Just then, the door opens and my dad comes in.

“Daddy.” He comes over and kisses my cheek.

“Hi, baby girl. You nearly gave me a damn heart attack. How are you feeling?” I love my dad so much. He has always been there for me, whether I wanted it or not.

“The morphine made me feel better. How long have you been here?” He pulls up a chair to sit beside me.

“I’ve been here for a while. I finally got to meet Campbell.” He raises his eyebrows at me. Crap, I didn’t even think about that. Obviously, he knew all about Campbell, I just didn’t tell him where he was from. I am guessing from the look on his face that he already knows.

“I’m sorry I didn’t bring him home to meet you sooner.” He grabs my hand and gives it a quick squeeze.
