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Shit, I do not want to talk about this especially now. Although, I won’t lie to him either, “Yes, sir, I did. We didn’t really know each other until we met last year though.” I’m not sure if he believes me or not, but he doesn’t say anything else on the matter.

“Kennedy told me you guys have been dating for a year. When the hell was I going to meet you son?” I can’t help the smile that spreads on my face.

“I have been trying to get us all together for months now. Your daughter can be a bit stubborn when she wants to be.” Shit I hope I didn’t just piss him off calling her stubborn. He chuckles next to me.

“She is stubborn just like her mom.” A sad expression passes his face while he looks at Kenz. “She looks just like her mom. Absolutely beautiful.”

I smile over at John and say, “No argument here. She is my beautiful girl.” He slaps my back and nods his head. I think I just got his approval.

We sit for about an hour together. Talking or just sitting and staring at Kenz. “I’m going to go down to the cafeteria for a bite to eat and some coffee. Would you like to come?” There is not a chance in hell I’m leaving my girl.

“No, thanks, sir. I’ll stay here.” He gets up and heads to the door. He turns around before leaving.

“Campbell? Just so you know, she may not have brought you home to meet me, but I knew all about you. I think she may love you. Which is not easy for a father to except.”

I look right up at him because I want him to know how serious I am. “I love your daughter, John. More than anything. I will never let anything happen to her again. I promise you that.”

He shakes his head. “Good to know.” Then he leaves me alone with her again.

As soon as I am alone with her, I get up to kiss her again. It’s been to fucking long since I’ve kissed her and held her in my arms. I kiss her lips and say, “Come on baby. It’s just you and me. Wake up, talk to me. I miss you, beautiful.” I kiss her again. “I love you Kennedy Greene.” I hear a throat clear and look up to see who it is. Young, Dick, Maddie, and Becca are all standing there. “Hey.” I say and pull away from Kenz. The girls rush over to her, one on either side of the bed. I walk over to talk with the guys.

“What’s going on?” Dick asks.

“No change.” I say blowing out a breath and rubbing my neck.

“The doctor said she will wake up soon, man. Just give it a little time.” I look over at Young.

“I know what he said, but I just want my girl to fucking wake up already. I need to hear her voice.” Neither of them says anything, because honestly what can they say. I can hear the girls whispering to her, it makes me smile. I am so fucking grateful that she has these amazing girls in her life.

The five of us are sitting around talking about anything, but what happened tonight. I’m sure we are all doing it for the same reason, to try to think of anything but the attack. It isn’t working so well for me because I am holding my girl’s hand covered in a cast.

“Remember the first time we all met at the bar. I never would have thought we would all become such great friends.” Becca says. I think back to that night and how Kenz ran out. She ran out because she knew who I was, she was scared I would recognize her and be that same asshole I used to be. I am so disgusted with myself for causing her that pain.

“As soon as Kenz is out of here we are going to have a kickass party with lots of alcohol and truth or dare.” We all laugh at Young.

“When my girl gets out of here, I have a lot of making up to do.” I say looking at her, wishing she would just open her eyes.

“Everything is going to be alright Campbell. She loves you.” Maddie says. I look over at her, again noticing that she is at Young’s side. His arm is wrapped around her. Looks like he finally found the balls to show how he feels. I can’t wait to tease the shit out of him.

“I know everything is going to be alright Maddie. I love her too much to let her go.” A half hour later, they decide to go join John in the cafeteria. I promise to get ahold of them as soon as she wakes up.


; “Kenz, come on baby wake up. I can’t take it anymore. Please.” I don’t know how much longer I can stand this. It’s fucking killing me. I stand up kiss her lips and run my fingers down her face. I place my hands on either side of her face and rest my forehead on hers. She loves when I do this. “Baby, wake up. You can do it. Open your beautiful eyes. I’m right here I’m not going anywhere. Wake up Kenz.” For the first time I see her eyes move behind her lids. Holy shit. “That’s it baby. Come on wake up. I need you Kenz. I love you so much.” This time she squeezes her eyes tightly. “Kenz?” My heart is racing my stomach is flipping over. “Beautiful, wake up for me. It’s just you and me baby.” She begins to blink her eyes. “Oh my God. Kenz.” I kiss her lips and pull back slightly to see her better. She has her eyes cracked open. “Oh, baby. I love you. I love you so fucking much. I’m so sorry for everything.” I whisper because I’m sure she is in a great deal a pain. A tear runs down her face. I wipe it with my thumb. “Don’t cry baby. Everything is going to be alright. I promise you that. Are you alright? Are you in any pain? Can I get you anything?” I need to let the nurse know she is awake, but I’m being selfish right now. I just want her to myself. She opens her eye more and closes them quickly.

“Ouch.” She says so quietly that if I wasn’t right next to her I would not have heard it. As much as I want it to be just the two of us, I press the call button for the nurse. I won’t have her in any pain.

“The nurse will be in here soon baby. They will check you over, give you pain medicine.” She blinks her eyes open again. I have tears running down my face and as soon as she notices, she begins to cry too. “I love you, Kennedy.”

I can’t help crying when I see him and hear him even though it is causing me extreme pain.

“Shh, baby don’t cry.” I lift my right arm to touch his face, but it feels extremely heavy. My eyes widen and I look up at Campbell. “Your wrist is broken baby, you have a cast on it.” I close my eyes again; the pain is over whelming. “Kenz, don’t fall back to sleep baby. Open your eyes, please.” I can’t deny the pleading tone of his voice. I crack my eyes open again. I can’t seem to stop the tears. I’m over whelmed with everything. Joe attacking me, Campbell being right here with me.

“I’m so sorry.” I whisper. If I talk any louder, I’m sure my head will actually explode. He leans down and presses kisses to my lips.

“Baby you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry for the way I treated you when we were in high school, that I was responsible for even a second of your pain makes me sick. I’m sorry it took me so long to come back to you. I needed to try to forgive myself, so you could forgive me.” I give him the best smile I can manage.

“I already forgave you.” I can see the relief on his face. He smiles at me and a few more tears fall.
