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“Why is it so funny that I’d ask if you have a boyfriend?” I straighten my back and clear my throat, feeling like I need to defend myself.

“You’re a nosy little shit. If you must know, most guys are jealous, insecure pricks that can’t handle what I do for a living. What I do is so much more important than a relationship anyway. I really need to get home, Jax. Thank you for helping with my bag and for being part of this today.” I open my Jeep door, and he puts his arm against the truck, trapping me in place. I have my back turned to him, and I’ve no intention of turning around. I feel him move closer and my heart pounds in my chest.

“You just haven’t found the right guy, that’s all. Good night, Kallie.” He doesn’t say another word, and I hear his feet crunching on the rocks as he makes his way to his car. I never once turn around. I climb into the truck and slam the door. The only sound is my heavy breathing and the frantic beating of my heart. With a shaking hand, I push the key into the ignition and start my Jeep. I close my eyes momentarily and think about what he said. He’s right about one thing. I haven’t found the right guy, a

nd I sure as shit know it won’t be him, if that’s what he meant. I snap my eyes open at the realization. What the hell am I getting so worked up about? I know nothing will happen with us, and I know he knows it too. He’s more than likely just being a major flirt, which I have read he is. I shake my head and laugh at myself. What a fool. I throw the Jeep in reverse and finally head home.

When I get home, I take a shower, and I am so exhausted, I fall asleep on my bed in just my towel. I wake up this morning thankful I live alone, considering I am butt ass naked lying on top of my covers. I throw on my yoga pants and a tank top, go into my office, and star loading all the photos from yesterday. While they load, I go into the kitchen and make myself a cup of tea. I sip it and smile. I love tea. I’ll drink coffee, but tea is my favorite. I check on the photos and see I have hundreds to go on just this memory card, and I have five more. I’m not going to sit here while they load; I am going to relax on my couch and hopefully find something good on TV. I have a few hours before Braden gets here with his family. I want to just veg out.

That’s just what I end up doing for an hour, sitting on the couch watching some movie on Lifetime and drinking my tea. I haven’t had a relaxing morning like this in a long time, and it feels great. When the movie goes to a commercial, I figure I should check the photos. I get up and there is a knock on the door. I look at the clock and see it’s much too early for it to be Braden. There is another knock, so I rush over to answer it. I swing open the door and there standing in the hallway is Jax. He is dressed in a pair of jeans, a plain blue T-shirt, and a black baseball hat with some writing on it I can’t make out. He looks amazing, and that’s when I realize I’m standing there in yoga pants, a tank top with no bra on, and my hair in a messy bun. I just keep staring at him in shock. How the hell did he know where I live? Why is he here? Why am I not speaking? “Sorry to bother you at home. I went back onto the beach last night before I left, and I found this laying in the sand. I figured you’d miss it.” He sticks out his hand and my cell phone is in it.

“Holy shit, I didn’t even notice it was missing yet. I was so tired last night I just passed out after my shower. I’ve been busy all morning and didn’t even look for it. Fuck, thank you so much for finding it and bringing it to me.” I grab it from him and hold it to my chest. I’d be lost without my cell phone. All my contacts are on there; he’s literally saved my life.

“You’re welcome. I would have brought it last night, but I figured you probably fell asleep. I know you’ve got plans today. I’ll let you get to it.” He turns to leave, and I feel awful he came out here just for that.

“Jax, please let me make you breakfast if you haven’t eaten yet. It’s the least I can do. You have no idea how important my phone is to me, to my business. Everything is on here.” He turns and smiles.

“I appreciate the offer, but I’ve got Blake waiting for me in the car. I actually have plans with my brother too.” I smile. I don’t know why, but it makes me happy that he hangs out with his brother as well. I wonder if they are as close as Braden and I are? “How about a rain check?”

“Definitely. Thank you again, Jax. Have a good day.” He winks at me and grins.

“You too, Kallie.” Just as I’m closing the door, it hits me. I swing it open and run into the hallway.

“Jax, wait.” He stops walking and turns around. I walk down to him and smile. “How did you know where I lived?” He gives me a huge smile.

“I followed you home last night.” I immediately stop smiling. He, however, bursts out laughing.

“Oh my God, I’m just kidding, but holy shit, you should have seen your face.” He laughs again and shakes his head. “I called Max and asked him.” I close my eyes and shake my head.

“Asshole.” We both laugh, and he winks again as he turns to walk away.

“I’ll call you, Kallie,” he tosses over his shoulder as he pushes open the door to the steps instead of waiting for the elevator. I shake my head again and walk back to my apartment.

The rest of the day is perfect. Braden comes over with his family, and I do an updated family picture for them. Of course, I promised Dawn I would do a photo shoot with her and I did. She had the best time, and of course, so did I. I adore taking pictures of her; she makes me laugh the whole time. They stayed and we had pizza for dinner, but once Tiffany started cranking, it was time for them to call it a night. Since they left, I have been in my office loading the rest of my photos from the shoot yesterday. I have to say, they are fucking amazing. They are looking even better than I thought they would. I can’t wait to edit them. I think this is going to be the final step in becoming one of the top photographers, or at least I fucking hope so. My cell phone chirps next to me and I pick it up.

Jax: Just wanted to make sure you still had your phone. ;)

I burst out laughing. What a shit.

Me: Thankfully I haven’t lost it again. Although I haven’t left the house so there is that.

I continue to laugh as I put my phone down. I take out the memory card that is finished and put in the final one. As I hit enter to load the pictures, my cell phone rings. I pick it up and smile when I see Jax’s name. “What, you don’t believe me when I say I didn’t lose it again?” He laughs on the other end, and I decide to take a break from the computer and head to the living room.

“I believed you. I was calling about my rain check.” I laugh again as I sit on the couch, pulling my legs up and wrapping my arm around them.

“What about your rain check?” I hear him flick a lighter and know he is smoking a cigarette.

“Well, you owe me breakfast, but considering I work all week, I figured we could do dinner instead. You don’t even have to cook it. We can go out.” My happy mood takes a nosedive. He just doesn’t get it.

“Listen, Jax. I hope I didn’t give you the wrong impression here. I don’t date models, and I don’t sleep with models. It is something I will never do. My career is much too important.” He is quiet for a minute, and I think I may have offended him.

“Kallie, you didn’t give me the wrong impression. You said you don’t date models or sleep with models, but can’t you be friends with them? I’m not looking to get in your pants. I’ll be honest here, I like you, and I’d like to be a friend. Nothing more. Is that something you are willing to do?” I’m such a fucking idiot. Of course, this God of men isn’t interested in me. He can have anyone, literally anyone, he wants. I want to smack myself for thinking so highly of myself.

“I’m sorry, Jax. Yes, I am more than happy to be friends. How about I make you dinner Wednesday night? What time do you work until?” I have my eyes closed with my head back on the couch, feeling like a complete asshole for over-thinking this. I never did with Max, and we’ve been friends for a while now.

“Wednesday is fine. I work until five o’clock, so what time would you be ready for me?” I think quickly about what I have planned for Wednesday and remember I have a shoot with Brinley. Perfect.

“I have a shoot with Brinley, but I’ll be done early. How about six o’clock? Also, what do you like?” I laugh lightly thinking I’m making dinner for a guy, and I don’t know anything about him except that he is a sexy model that seems to be really sweet.
