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“Sounds good. I’m easy, I like anything.” I think for a minute about what I can make.

“Well, that’s not much of a help. Do you like eggplant?” He takes a drag of his cigarette before answering.

“Yes, I told you I’m easy.” I laugh because in my childish brain I keep thinking of him being easy sexually. “Get your mind out of the gutter, woman, I’m not talking about sex.” This, of course, makes me laugh even harder.

“I’m sorry. I have such childish thoughts.” He laughs and I smile.

“Well, so do I. Obviously, we will have a lot of laughs together. As much as I’d love to get to know more about you tonight, I really need to get to bed since I have to be at work at five tomorrow.”

“That is fucking horrible. Much too early for me. Alright, so I guess I will see you Wednesday.” I go into the kitchen to get a glass of soda and smile when I see the picture Dawn colored for me on my fridge.

“It is early, but I’m used to it. Yes, you will see me Wednesday. Good night, Kallie.”

“Good night, Jax.” I hang up and lean against the counter, sipping my soda. I think this might be the start to a great friendship.

I am setting up my studio for Brinley, excited for her shoot today. We are doing a boudoir shoot, which is always fun and sexy. I have everything ready and decide to make a quick sandwich before she gets here. I make my turkey sandwich and sit on the couch to eat. I flip through the TV channels, find Pitch Perfect on, and get all excited. I love this movie. I laugh watching it and finish off my lunch. As I put my plate in the sink, Brinley walks in. “Hey, Kall.” We hug and head over to the couch.

“I know we talked about it a little, but I figured we should just go over a few things. Obviously, we’ve done these quite a few times, but I think we need something different. I’m just not sure what yet. Maybe we could do a few shots on that white fur carpet I got, what do you think?

“Kallie, I think you know exactly what you are doing, and you don’t need me to approve it. Now let’s do this because I’ve got dinner plans.” We get up and I laugh.

“I’ve got dinner plans too, bitch.” She stops short and spins around, putting her hands on her hips.

“With who?” I tap the corner of my mouth with my finger like I’m thinking. “Don’t be a bitch.” I laugh and head toward the studio.

“I’m making dinner for Jax.” She grabs my arm and stops me.

“What the fuck do you mean?” I pull in my eyebrows in confusion.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She shakes her head and gives me a disappointed look.

“Listen, you know I’m all for you getting out there and dating, but do you really think screwing around with a model is a good idea? I mean, you are the one always saying how important it is not to do that. And Jax?

Damn, Kallie, he is one of the biggest models out there.” I’m pissed, beyond pissed, at her assuming I’m screwing him just because I’m making him dinner.

“First of all, fuck you. You must not know me at all if you think for one second that I would break the most important rule, the rule I live by, run my business by. Second, I’m making him dinner because I left my phone on the beach, he found it, and returned it to me. It’s my way of thanking him. Third, it’s as friends, Brin, friends. Nothing more.” I head into the studio wanting to get the shoot over with now because I’m so pissed she would think so little of me.

“Kallie, I’m sorry. Don’t be mad, but what the hell did you expect me to think? You said you had dinner plans. You want to know my dinner plans? I’m having dinner with Blake, and do you know what dessert will be? Me.” I face her as I put my camera strap around my neck.

“Brinley, you and I are nothing alike when it comes to men. You don’t care if you fuck up potential modeling jobs or your career. Me, I won’t do anything to ever fuck it up.” I know that was mean, but I’m pissed. Not to mention, I’ve told her so many fucking times not to sleep around with models, but she just won’t listen to me.

“I don’t want to fuck up my modeling career, but I can’t help who I’m attracted to.” We need to drop it and move on because this is an argument that is never ending. She’ll never see what she’s doing is potentially disastrous, and I’ll never understand it.

“Let’s just do the shoot. We both have plans we need to get to. Go change into your first outfit, and we will start on the bed.” She doesn’t say another word, just carries her bag into the bathroom, and closes the door. I blow out a breath hating the fact that we are starting this shoot pissed at each other. I go over to the lights, turn them on, and take a few shots to see how the lighting looks. I move them around until I’m happy with it, and that’s when Brinley comes out of the bathroom. I smile when I see her. She looks sexy as hell. She has on a black teddy with garter straps hooked onto her nude-colored stockings. She has on bright red fuck me heels, which bring out her red lipstick. “I’m sorry, Brin, I don’t want to fight with you.” She hugs me and whispers she is sorry in my ear. “Now get that sexy ass on the bed.”

The next few hours produce some of the sexiest photos of Brinley I’ve ever taken. The ones on the fur carpet are ridiculously hot. I need to do a couples shoot with her soon. I told her that when she finished dressing, and as always, she said just let her know. “Hey before I leave, you never told me how the photos from this weekend came out?” I smile as I hand her a bottle of water.

“Holy shit, they are stunning. I’m going to post a few on my website this weekend. Seriously, they came out better than I ever imagined. I can’t wait for everyone to see them.” She guzzles down her water and throws the bottle away.

“I knew they would be amazing. You don’t give yourself enough credit for how talented you are. I’m out of here, girl, I’ve got a date to get ready for. I’ll be good, I promise.” I roll my eyes and she laughs. I let her out and lock the door behind her. Checking the clock, I see I have two hours before Jax gets here. I decide to get the eggplant rollatini ready for dinner.

It takes me forty-five minutes to make dinner, but at least now, all I need to do is cook it. I stick it in the fridge and head to the shower. I take a quick shower, knowing it will take me a while to do my hair. I decide to wear my favorite jean shorts and a black V-neck T-shirt with my black and pink flip-flops. I head back to the bathroom to blow-dry my hair. Once I finally have it dry, I’m not happy with it straight, so I pull out the curling iron. I throw in a few loose curls and smile at the result. I love the way the dark under my hair looks with the blonde, especially when it has curls mixing it together. I put on my makeup, which doesn’t take long because I’m so used to doing it. It’s routine, eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, blush, and lip gloss. Once I’m done, I clean up the bathroom and go out to stick the eggplant in the oven. I wipe down the counters before heading into the dining room to put a tablecloth on the table. Once it’s all set with dishes and all, I sit down for a minute. I haven’t sat down since lunch, and my legs are thankful for the rest. No sooner do I put my feet up on the coffee table, and there is a knock on the door. Shit, my stomach tightens as I make my way to the door. Why the hell am I nervous? It’s dinner with a friend, a friend I know nothing about yet, but still a friend. I grab onto the door handle and blow out a breath before opening it.

There is Jax smiling with a bottle of wine. “Hi, please come in.” He comes in and hands me the wine.

“Hey. I figured wine was the least I could do considering you are making dinner.” I walk into the kitchen to put the wine on the counter, and he follows me in. I’ll admit it’s a little strange having him here. I feel a bit awkward. “This is a great place, Kallie.” I smile because I love when people talk about my apartment.

“Thanks. Let me show you around.” I show him the entire apartment, explaining to him how it looked when I bought it and all the work I did to get it to the way it is now.
