Page 12 of Renegade

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“Poppy, can I tell you something and it stays between us?” I ask with my stomach in knots.

She turns to face me and even mutes the TV. “Of course you can.”

“I don’t know if it’

s a good idea for me to accept any surprise from Fitz,” I say and chew my lip.

“Why not?” she questions.

I glance up, hoping that maybe if I don’t see her face I won’t feel like such an asshole. “Well, I felt things last night with Fitz, things that I shouldn’t be feeling.” This is too much, I am such a damn fool.

Poppy grabs my hand and I stare down at her. She gives me a smile and says, “Brooklyn, I think it’s great. You’re craving things, things that Hank can’t and won’t give you. Fitz is a good guy. Not everyone sees it or thinks so, but they don’t know the real Fitz.”

“I’ll never cheat, Poppy,” I say crossing my arms.

“No one is asking you to. If fantasizing about someone is cheating, well I guess I cheat all the time. There is nothing wrong with enjoying yourself and there are plenty of ways to enjoy yourself without having sex.” She pulls me in for a hug and I rest my head on her shoulder. “Well, I’m not sure what those ways are, but I’m sure they’re fun.”

We both laugh and she pulls back. “Thanks. I guess you’re right. I like being around him or at least I did last night. There’s nothing wrong with having a guy as a friend, right?”

“Right. Now please get your ass in the shower, you reek of Fitz’s cologne,” she says and pushes me away from her.

She’s right, I do smell like him and damn I wish I could remember exactly how close we were for that to happen. I lightly shake my head to clear it and tell her I’m going to shower. I get clean clothes, my clothes, and take a long, hot shower. The longer the water beats on me, the better I start to feel. Once I’m clean and smelling of coconuts again, I get out of the shower. Putting on my bra and panties I giggle. Poppy says I need new ones something I’d never given it much thought before, but she may be right. These are old and definitely not something I’d want anyone else to see.

I pause with my tank top in my hand and look down at myself again. Why would that thought enter my mind? No one is going to see these or any new ones I get. I push that thought down with everything else and pull on my pale green tank and jean shorts. Make my way to Poppy’s guest room, and sit in front of the mirror. I blow dry my hair and pull it up into a pony tail, exactly how I would do it at home. I put on minimal makeup, just mascara and lip gloss. Once I’m done I look at myself in the full length mirror and frown. Last night I felt so good about myself, I felt sexy and today, well today I feel like Brooke from California. I’m starting to think I don’t like her so much anymore.

I roll my eyes and go out into the living room. I stop short when I hear voices coming from the kitchen. Without even seeing, I know one of them is Fitz. I’d know that voice anywhere. It’s deep, throaty and demands your full attention. Fuck, I don’t want him to see me like this. I don’t look like I did last night and I have no doubt that when he sees me like this he will realize he wasted his night on me.

Just as I turn to rush back to the bedroom, Poppy sees me. “Oh good Brooklyn, I was just coming to get you.”

I close my eyes and try to find enough confidence to turn around. When I do, I’m greeted by her huge smile. “Oh, why? What’s up?” I ask feeling like such an idiot.

Nate and Fitz join Poppy in the living room and I want to crumble to the ground. Fitz looks even hotter than he did last night, which I thought wasn’t possible. He’s got on a black button down shirt, but he’s not wearing it like any guy I’ve known. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, the shirt is untucked and the top few buttons are open, hinting at just a bit of skin. He’s got on jeans, similar to last night that are worn and I know now that is on purpose. His short hair is a mess on top of his head, yet it looks so damn sexy. Of course, here I am looking like just any ordinary girl. Nothing about how I look right now stands out. My hair is in a damn pony tail. Ugh, I want to crawl into a ball and hide.

“Morning, Brooklyn,” Fitz says and my pussy builds with a need I’m not familiar with.

I gaze at him for a second longer before directing my attention at the hard wood floors. “Good morning.”

“Ouch. Oh, Brooklyn, Nate and I are going to grab coffee. You want your usual?” Poppy asks and I snap my head to her with wide eyes. She’s rubbing her arm and I figure someone punched her playfully. I just don’t know which one. I don’t say anything, what can I say? She’s doing this on purpose to get me and Fitz alone and I’m too nervous for that. Still staring at her, she giggles and grabs Nate’s hand. “Oh okay. I’ll just get your usual. Be right back.”

That’s it, she just leaves. She leaves and I’m standing like a fucking idiot in the living room with Fitz staring at me. He’s probably hoping they get back as fast as I am. He starts to move closer to me and my stomach gets that nervous, excited feeling. Like butterflies times a thousand. I feel like I should run and hide, but I’m unable to move. It’s part fear, part curiosity.

I see his sneakers nearly touching mine and smell his strong cologne enveloping me. His fingers touch my chin and he lifts my head to look at him. “Don’t get shy, I’m the same guy I was last night.” I try to nod my head, but he’s still got my chin in his fingers. “I’m going to hug you, alright?” He doesn’t wait for me to agree, he just wraps his solid arms around me and holds me close. My arms instinctively wrap around his waist and he kisses the top of my head. “Much better. You look beautiful this morning.”

I lift my head off of his chest, even though I’d love to keep it there and look at him shaking my head. “No I don’t. I just look.” I pause for a minute thinking of exactly how to put it, before I continue, “ordinary.”

He laughs, softly, and it vibrates throughout my body. “Brooklyn, you are anything but ordinary.” He leans forward and presses his lips to my forehead, leaving them there a bit longer than he probably should. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it.

I finally pull away, because as much as I want to stay wrapped in his arms, I’m with Hank. “Thank you,” I say and cross my arms, while biting my lip.

He clears his throat and I look at him. “I was going to call you, but Nate wanted to stop by so I tagged along. I want to take you somewhere today, a surprise, but first we need to go to the studio. What do you say?”

I should say no. I should say I’m with Hank. I should say that taking me somewhere is probably the worst idea ever, because I’m terrified of what will come of it. What do I say? “I’d love that.”

I’ve heard people say that you can see someone smile with their eyes, but I never understood what it meant. Right now, looking at his blue eyes shine with complete happiness, I totally understand. A slow grin spreads across his face and he does something that I swear other people probably would just ignore, he winks at me. For the life of me I can’t understand why I find it such a turn on, but I do.

“Great. So how are you feeling this morning?” he asks as he makes his way over to the couch. He sits down and rests his arms on the back, resting his right foot on his left knee. He’s so relaxed, so laid back. I’m envious.

I walk toward the couch and sit at the complete opposite end from him. I want to crawl up next to him, rest my head on his chest, but instead I continue to be the good girl I’ve always been. Briefly looking up at him, before looking down at my hands I say, “Better than I did when I first woke up.”
