Page 109 of Beautiful Chances

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“To you? You call it giving in when you have me bound after drugging me?” I force a laugh I don’t feel. “Let’s not kid ourselves. I wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t kidnapped me, we both know it. You want me to want you? You want to claim me? You may be able to do the latter, but the former will never happen.” Turning my head, I look up at the ceiling, ignoring him completely.

I’m sorely disappointed when Luis laughs instead of being rattled or angered by my dismissal. “Have it your way, darling Baby.” Bending down, he moves his face so close to mine I can feel his breath on my skin. “I hoped you would not give in.” Then he licks my cheek before biting down on the tender skin.

My breath hitches, but I still refuse to acknowledge him, keeping my eyes trained on the white ceiling.

“Go-ahead, Doctor M, the lady is all yours.”

“Wait what?”

My eyes snap toward the doctor, and I’m frustrated I can’t see what he’s doing. The suspense is making me edgier than Luis’ threats. I’m just about to demand answers when my captor pulls a knife from his suit pocket and my eyes widen as I look at the metal.

“W-w…” That’s all I manage to mumble before Luis cuts the silver dress in half, exposing my underwear. Before I can even consider reacting, he cuts through the bra and pushes it away, so my naked chest is on display.

Laughter bubbles up my throat, and this time, it’s real. What the hell is he doing? He can’t honestly think I’d be intimidated by being half-naked. I’m a stripper, for crying out loud. I’ve performed in front of a much bigger audience, knowing all eyes were trained on me. Soaking up each bounce of my tits and sway of my hips.

Turning away from me, Luis walks over to the doctor. I swallow my curiosity and turn my attention to the ceiling once more. If only it had a mural or something to keep my attention because right now, all I can think about is my men. Coen, Kas, and Alec… I need to know where they are and if they’re okay. Finding out means I have to play Luis, so I should probably stop antagonizing him.

“Are you ready to wear a piece of me?” Luis asks, the excitement in his voice making his accent heavier than usual.

I bite down on my tongue so hard I taste blood. It’s still worth it, though. I need to be less standoffish so I can get the answers I want. As I look at Luis, I try to soften my gaze as I ask, “What do you mean?” It’s hard to remember my plan when he smirks.

“My darling Baby, you do not have to wait long. All will be revealed shortly.” While he talks, he moves around the bed. Tightening and securing each of my bonds. “I believe we’re ready, M.” Then he places a mask over my mouth and nose and throws open all the windows in the room.

The doctor finally moves closer. He’s a small man, not much taller than me. His hair is almost gone, and what little that’s left on his head is almost white. I can smell his foul breath as he sits down next to me, scooting so close we’re touching.

“Get on with it,” Luis orders, and the doctor immediately springs into action.

I quirk a brow as I recognize the wax strips in his hand, but I keep my mouth shut as he places them on the skin between my breasts. He systematically works until the area is completely waxed, much to my confusion. Then he cleans the area with water and soap before squirting cold liquid between my breasts. I watch, unimpressed, while he opens a packet of what looks like wipes and starts wiping my skin. I wrinkle my nose, trying to avoid breathing in the harsh stench from the sanitizer.

When the doctor’s hand lingers, Luis clears his throat. “What did I say would happen if you overstep? Do not forget yourself, Doctor M.” The anger in his voice is palpable, and if I wasn’t bound and stretched, I don’t doubt I’d want to curl in on myself. “I apologize, my darling Baby. M is here to carry out the procedure, to make sure it is done correctly. He is not here to touch you inappropriately.”

The shiver that works its way down my spine at the mention of a procedure has nothing to do with the wet and cold bed I’m lying on or the windows that are letting the cold wind inside. For the first time since I woke up, I allow myself to feel my fear, and I pull at my restraints.

“Let me go this instant,” I idiotically demand. “Luis, look at me. It’s not too late to stop this. You need to let me go.”

Placing a hand on my cheek, Luis strokes the skin gently. “I cannot. This needs to be done, but I want you to know I take no pleasure in it. Although I will treasure and love the result, the method is barbaric to me.”

His words effectively put an end to my calm, and I thrash while screaming at him to stop. I even turn my head and snap my teeth, ready to bite his hand. “Let me go,” I scream as loudly as possible, already knowing there’s nothing I can do. Whatever this M is here to do will be done, I can see it in Luis’ eyes. There’s no fighting this or swaying him, his mind is set.

I hate that tears are falling from my face without me being able to wipe them away. I know I should pay attention to what M is doing, but I can’t. All I can do is think of the three men I wish would break down the door and come to my rescue.That they aren’t here speaks volumes, and even as I try not to think about what that means, I already know. If they’re not here, it’s because they can’t be.

“Three minutes,” M announces, and I try not to shiver at the implication.

What the hell is happening? Is the sick fuck going to operate on me while I’m fully awake? No, that can’t be it. My eyes flick between Luis and M, but I can’t see anything. M has his back to me, and my captor is perfectly positioned in front of him.

“Do not forget you brought this on yourself, darling Baby,” Luis says in an almost apologetic tone. Then he moves to my other side. “Show her what you are doing.”

Following Luis’ command, M moves around, and I gulp. There’s a fucking blow torch in his hand. Even though I should fight, I can’t. All I can do is stare unseeingly at M. My mind shuts down and I see… Nothing. There’s nothing to see in front of me, and I can’t hear. It’s like I’m in a bubble that exists outside time and space, just me existing without my senses.

My nothingness is shattered as I feel something on my skin, and a guttural screech is ripped from deep in my chest. My body is spasming, trying to move away from the burning sensation, but there’s no way to move.

Pain like I’ve never experienced takes over my body, cutting off my screaming. I fight to breathe, but I can’t. I fight to see, but I can’t. My mouth is open on a wordless scream as darkness swallows me.
