Page 112 of Beautiful Chances

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“I’m afraid I have to be thorough. This is an open wound and, as such, very likely to get infected. You’re welcome to clean it yourself before I wrap her back up.”

At the doctor’s suggestion, my body locks up. There’s nothing I want less than Luis’ hands on me.

When my captor doesn’t take the offer, M continues to clean my wound. Each movement has me grinding my teeth together, so I don’t scream out in pain. Even though I recognize his slow movements as gentle, it hurts. “Just get it over with, Doc,” I hiss.

“Do you want anything for the pain?” he asks with a sympathetic look on his old face.

Shaking my head vehemently, I say, “No anesthetic or any other drugs, please, Doctor.” The memory of being drugged and blacking out is still too vivid in my mind. Even though I don’t think Luis will do anything to me while I’m unconscious—or rather, not do anything else—I’m not in any rush to test the theory.

“Very well.” The doctor continues cleaning my exposed wound and the skin beneath where some blood has trailed down, carefully trying not to touch my breasts. If it wasn’t for the stabs of pain, it would be comical.

After he’s done cleaning me, he lathers some salve directly onto my burned flesh. I watch with equal parts fascination and revulsion. Truthfully, I don’t want to watch at all. The sight and smell are making me sick, but it beats looking at Luis or this room that’s decorated like a fucking homage to me.

“There we go.” Doctor M wipes droplets of sweat from his forehead, looking at my now gauze-covered chest. “Remember to clean and change it twice a day.” Then he rambles on about the healing process, and I allow myself to zone out. It doesn’t matter. “Be careful with adding any kind of pressure and take painkillers if it gets to be too much.” I nod along, already knowing I’ll power through the pain.

After Luis escorts the doctor out, he returns and throws another pink see-through dress at me before instructing me to follow him. “You must be famished, darling Baby. Follow me, and we shall get some dinner.” Rather than arguing and risking angering him again, I meekly trail behind him.

As my bare feet pad along on the cold floor, I take in everything on our way, memorizing the doors I see. Hell, I even try to count the steps and remember them. Even though I already know I can’t chance an escape attempt until I know where Coen, Alec, and Kas are, it makes me feel better to know my surroundings. Especially since the place is so eerily quiet, and the thought of us being alone here makes my skin pebble.

“Please, sit down.” Luis pulls the chair out for me before he takes a seat directly opposite.

The light brown dining table is big enough to seat eight people easily, and it’s almost comical that we’re the only two sitting here. I eagerly look around the bright room, not wanting to focus on my captor.

White candles burn from silver holders both on the table and in the windows, casting a warm glow against the surface upon which they’re standing. Like the windows in the room I woke up in, these are covered by shutters, and I can’t see outside. Lifting my gaze, I notice the floor to ceiling creamy curtains, and my heart skips a beat as I remember Alec’s story. Unfortunately for me, the fabric is nowhere close to the candles.

At the far end of the room, there’s a picture frame hanging on the wall, and without thinking, I make my way over to it. The picture displayed in the silver frame is of me giving Luis a lap dance. My hair is divided into two braids. Ihave a lollipop in my mouth, and I am wearing a light pink Babydoll dress. The fabric is so thin you can see my thong through it, and since I’m topless, my areolas.

As though my body has a mind of its own, my clenched fist moves closer to the picture. “Yes, it is quite the picture, is it not? It is my favorite,” Luis says, and I quickly unclench my hand, pressing my fingertips to the glass in an almost reverent gesture.

“I never liked that dress!”

Rather than getting upset with me, Luis laughs. “Very well. Is it the color you dislike?” What the hell kind of question is that?

Since I can’t very well come out and say that the color isn’t as big a problem as the creep whose lap I’m perched in, I haughtily reply, “Yes, and the cut. It’s unflattering.”

“Come sit down, darling Baby. The food will be here soon.” Hmm, unless he expects the food to make its own way here, we aren’t alone. “Once we have something to eat, we will discuss this new arrangement. I have a few propositions I wish to discuss, but not on an empty stomach.”

With my gaze downcast, I sit back down, reaching for the filled wine glass in front of me. Thinking better of it, I let my hand fall to the table. “May I have a bottle of water, please?”

Luis’ green eyes sparkle with amusement when I look at him. “Drink the wine, it is wonderful. Here,” reaching for my glass, he takes a large gulp. “See, there is nothing wrong with the wine.”

Leaning back in my chair, I look at him, trying to gauge the best way to play this. “I said I would like some water. Since I don’t like to drink on an empty stomach, I expect I’ll like it less, as I don’t remember eating since you drugged me.” Shit, I’m doing a horrible job of being agreeable.

Maybe that’s for the best, though. Luis knows me, or, at least, he knows certain parts about me. He knows I’m vain and look after myself, so maybe it won’t seem out of character for me to have these concerns.

“And while we’re at it,” I tag on, unable to help myself. “If you hope to strike any deal with me, you will think twice before marring my body again.”

For some inexplicable reason, my rant makes Luis look contrite. “You are right, I apologize, my darling Baby.” Instead of answering him with words, I jut out my jaw and nod sharply. Each movement makes my chest throb with pain, but I do my best to ignore it. I won’t take any painkillers.

“Ahh, here is dinner,” Luis says as a man I recognize rolls a silver cart into the room.

Before I can stop myself, I gasp, “Steve?” I’m not sure if everything is making my mind play tricks on me or if it’s really him placing plates with food on the table.

“You must excuse my servant. He cannot speak without his tongue,” Luis says with a cruel glint in his eyes. “For some time, he forgot who his real boss is. Something he will never forget again, I’m sure.” As Luis glares intently at Steve, the guy makes a series of pathetic grunts.

Shit, has Steve been spying on Martin?

Fuck, if he has, then Luis will know everything. Forget about the plans for New York. None of that matters now that he has me. Since he knows how Alec and Coen got rid of Neil, I assume he has video footage or a voice recording incriminating them.

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