Page 128 of Beautiful Chances

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“Ithinkthat’sthe last of it!” I triumphantly exclaim while moving the paint roller down my old bedroom wall one last time. Alec looks around as though he’s surprised we’re done, and I can’t blame him. I feel the same way.

Ever since I found a buyer for my apartment almost two weeks ago, I’ve been so focused on each task that needed to be ticked off our to-do list. In the madness of finishing my place in such a short amount of time, I almost forgot that all that was left today was to give my bedroom walls one last coat of paint.

“Looking good,” Alec says. His eyes aren’t on the wall, though. He’s looking straight at me.

No matter how many times I hear one of my guys say that, it makes me preen. Especially at times like these. My cheeks are flushed, and I’m dressed in washed-out shorts and an overwashed tank top. Hell, I even think I have some white paint on my cheek. In other words, I don’t feel sexy or beautiful.

I used to think those were the best ways to feel, but now I know better. Nothing beats being loved by Coen, Alec, and Kas. Well, almost nothing. Feeling as accomplished as I do right now, that comes pretty damn close.

Over the last two weeks, we’ve all worked so hard, and I’m genuinely pleased we got the place finished in time. Every morning me and Alec are the first ones up, and most nights we’ve continued long after Kas and Coen have called it a day.

While Kas and Coen have done most of the heavy lifting, Alec’s been helping me paint, cover holes, and clean the carpets. I know Alec is annoyed he still can’t do all the things he could do before Luis took him, which is why I always make a big deal of reminding him of how far he’s come.

It’s been six months since Coen rushed Alec to the hospital after I killed Luis and reclaimed my life. A shudder takes over my body as I think back to our time in the dreary private hospital room and the distressing beeps from the machines around me as we all refused to leave Alec’s side.

Unlike Kas, Alec luckily didn’t have to be put into a coma. I still remember the fear that clutched my heart at the mere thought, and I honestly don’t think I could have handled the stress of another coma. Not knowing what to expect when he woke up… To say I’m beyond grateful it didn’t come to that is a gross understatement.

Alec had numerous surgeries and blood transfusions, and then to really top it off, the dreaded and insane rehabilitation. While Steve had done his best to cause as little permanent damage as possible, it wasn’t completely unavoidable. Apart from blood loss and shock, Alec also suffered from nerve and tissue damage, mostly to his arms and hands but also to the chest.

Of course, Alec hated being reduced to a hospital bed, but despite his grumpiness and bad mood, the four of us made the best of a horrible situation. I suspect he didn’t hate it as much toward the end. Constant pampering can break down even the grumpiest of men. It was probably the sponge baths that changed his mind. Taking my role seriously, I bought a sexy nurse costume and washed him as often as he wanted and needed it.

Spending all my time with the three of them has given me valuable insight into their different approaches to things. For example, during a game of Monopoly, I learned Kas isn’t averse to cheating, and that Coen is a stickler for rules. I also learned that Alec is a sore loser, and when he landed on my most expensive property for the fifth time, he threw the board with all the pieces rather than admitting defeat. As I said, valuable insight.

“You did it, Baby.” Alec murmurs against my neck, kissing and licking his way up my skin.

Tilting my head to the side to give him better access, I correct him. “We did it.” This was a team effort through and through, there’s no way I could have done it without them.

A moan is torn from my throat as Alec slips one hand beneath the waistband of my shorts, his deft fingers trailing my folds outside my underwear. “We don’t have time,” I pant.

“There’s always time. They can take a cab,” Alec suggests, and he’s right.

I pull my phone out of the back pocket and text Reid that he and Jewell need to find their own way to our house. Our new house. Afterward I sent a message in the group chat with my guys.

Me: Are you guys already here? You should come upstairs for one last walk-through!

“No more texting,” Alec growls and takes the phone from my hands.

Giggling, I turn around in his arms and press my body flush against his. “You better take my mind off the fact you just stole my phone,” I purr before undoing my shorts and pushing them down. “Get on your knees.” I barely get the last word said before Alec lowers himself in front of me.

He places his hands on my hips and pulls me closer, moving his nose against my needy nub while inhaling deeply. “Fuck, you smell so good.” The action makes me laugh, but my laughter is quickly morphing into needy moans as he pulls my panties down and rolls my clit with his tongue.

“What exactly is he inspecting?” Kas asks as he and Coen enter my apartment.

Opening my eyes, I see them wearing matching grins while looking at me through hooded eyes.

“Why don’t you come over here and see for yourself?” I suggest, my need for all of them feels overwhelming. Waggling my eyebrows, I add, “You should probably remove your clothes so I can do a thorough inspection as well—oh fuck…” I wanted to say more, but I lose all train of thought as Alec moves two fingers inside my channel.

As much as I love what Alec is doing to me, it feels wrong that he’s on his knees, and I weave my fingers into his hair and pull until he looks up at me. Bending down, I fuse my lips to his, loving the way I can taste myself on his lips.

“Get up,” I say gently, lifting my arms when Coen tugs impatiently at my top. In the time it takes Alec to stand up, the other two get rid of the rest of my clothing.

Standing up, Alec complains, “I was busy eating my favorite meal.” He looks as put out as he sounds.

All of them know I don’t like them to be on their knees for me, not even to pleasure me. It might seem like such a small thing to obsess about, but to me, it’s massive. I don’t have many things that trigger my anxiety, this is close to the only one. If Alec had lowered himself, I could probably have overlooked it. He didn’t, though. I told him to do it, and I know he—like Kas and Coen—will do anything for me.

I yelp as I feel my left ass cheek burning. “Get out of that head of yours, babe.” Coen sounds almost annoyed. “We’ve been over this time and time again. We love being on our knees for you, especially when we get to eat you out. It’s just as much a treat for us as it is for you.”

Nodding, I worry my bottom lip.

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