Page 135 of Beautiful Chances

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The door to CJ’s office is wide open, so I don’t bother knocking, and I walk in at the same time CJ exclaims, “Are you kidding? This isn’t what I rented.” He is holding up a dark green tux that matches his eyes. Sure, it could have been picked by him, at least in taste. But I know he picked a black one, we all did. So why is Alec holding a gray one that matches his eyes? Aaaaand as I spot the navy blue one that must be mine, I sense a pattern.

Lifting mine off the rail they all came on yesterday, I inspect it. “Guys, these aren’t rentals,” I say as I note the label on the back of the jacket. The price has been torn off, and I’m willing to bet it has on all of them.

“Bu—” Alec looks at me like I’m insane.

CJ studies his suit and says, “No, you’re right. These were bought. Do you think they made a mistake?”

Chuckling, I say, “I would probably be willing to think so if Mia didn’t lock the bathroom door as soon as she heard Alec yelling. Now I think it’s more likely that she changed our order.”

“You think?” Alec is still looking at me like he’s waiting for me to announce this is all an elaborate prank.

Hanging my suit over my arm, I turn to leave. “How else do you explain that we randomly, by mistake, all got suits that match our eyes?”

“I should have bought you all matching sweatpants with the words’ property of Mia written across the ass,” Mia hisses when yet another woman compliments our suits with a lingering stare.

Chuckling, Alec takes Mia’s hand and laces their fingers together. “Too late now, and it’s only fair. If we have to watch every man in this room drool over you, it’s nice to know we’re getting some attention as well.”

“Not every man,” Mia adds in a smug tone.

CJ squeezes her ass and whispers, “Your brother, Dad, and Martin don’t count, so yes, it’s every man.”

I’m still surprised that Mia invited Jewell, her dad, Reid, and his wife, Maria. Unfortunately, Jewell couldn’t make it, and I’m assuming she didn’t invite Miranda. I haven’t asked since she’s still a sore subject, but three out of five ain’t bad. I’m happy that most of her family showed up for her. Well, not for her, for us—at least according to her. For someone so bright, she can be so clueless sometimes.

Right until yesterday, she kept insisting this was our event and not hers. She’s wrong, though. This is all of ours, and it has been for a long time now.

“Are you ready? Any last-minute hiccups?” Martin asks as he joins us.

We all watch as he and Mia do that weird European kiss on the cheek thing, and as much as I like Martin and am beyond grateful for all his help, I don’t like that he always finds reasons to touch her. However, as I look at Alec and CJ, neither of them seems bothered, so I guess it’s just a me thing.

How very fucking swell.

Trying to sound calmer than I feel, I say, “Good thanks.” Even though he clearly wasn’t talking to me.

Next to me, Mia is practically vibrating with excitement. “Martin, thank you so much for coming and, again, for all your help. It’s such an incredible turnout.”

“Yes, thank you,” I say as I slap him on the back. “No hiccups that we’re aware of, but it’s barely started yet.” Although I try to smile, it feels more like a grimace. I can practically feel my brothers’ gazes burn into my skin, but I refuse to look at them.

“Thanks for coming,” Alec says.

“It’s nice to see you again, and thank you for everything.” If CJ is trying to be subtle in insinuating we have a lot of other things to thank Martin for, he’s failing miserably.

“Let’s go find our table, shall we?” Martin holds his arm out toward Mia, and I watch with a frown on my face as she takes it.

Alec, CJ, and I trail behind them, and for some reason, my mouth feels this is the perfect time to whisper, “Did you guys know Mia’s first sex dream was about the guy currently escorting our girlfriend to our table at our event?”

Hmm, I guess it’s possible I’m more bothered by this than I first thought. I mean, I wasn’t happy to hear it, but I thought I’d let it go, never to think about it again.

Rather than listen to my brothers hissing at me, I make my strides longer to catch up with Martin before entering the main room, where everyone is seated. “Excuse me, I think Mia should walk with us, so people know she’s part of today.” I give him my most amiable smile before I take her hand.

To my surprise, Martin squeezes my shoulder with an almost wolfish smile on his face. “About time you manned up and claimed her. I’ll go find my wife. Good luck.”

What the hell was I thinking? Martin is here with his wife, so of course, he wasn’t going to… Yep, it’s becoming abundantly clear that I don’t even know what I was thinking or where I was going with it. If I had a scoreboard against myself, I’d be deducting points right about now.

Pulling up my suit jacket, I pinch myself, and when I feel the sting, I have no choice but to believe that it really did just happen.

“Let’s go,” Mia murmurs and takes Alec’s hand.

As soon as we enter the main room, there’s a big applause led by Mia’s brother, and some even stand up as we make our way to the makeshift stage we’ll also use for the auction. There are only three steps up to the podium, and as I place my feet on each one, I’m irrationally scared I’ll fall and ruin everything. Yep, my mind is a fucking drama queen under pressure.
