Page 136 of Beautiful Chances

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Ha, under pressure and queen in the same sentence, now that’s stellar joke material.

Do I feel a bit like Mufasa or Simba after conquering the three steps without making a fool of myself and get to look down upon the room that is filled with people who are here for us? Yes, yes, I do.

Is that smugness wiped away when I, with sweatier palms than I’d ever admit to having, grab the microphone and almost drop it? That would also be a big fat yes.

“You can do this. For fuck’s sake, you’ve done this many times before.”I mentally chastise myself before grabbing the microphone tighter so the sucker can’t slip away from me.

Not today!

I feel a small hand stroke my back just before Mia whispers, “You got this.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming today.” Gah, my voice sounds like it’s about to crack as though I’m an adolescent boy and not a man about to start my own business. “As you all know, we’re here to raise money for Second Chances. Something we deeply believe our community needs. A place where people can come and spend time, learn to cope with their lives, and hopefully see it as a sanctuary away from any troubles they may have.”

I pass the microphone over to CJ so he can continue. “My name is Coen, and I used to be a social worker. In my job, I came across many tragic cases involving children and horrors they should never have to know. Because of the red tape that followed my position, I was sickened by how few times I could actually help anyone before circumstances made it too late. That’s part of what we want to avoid. Second Chances will be a place where people don’t just feel safe, they will belong. With time, we want to hire professionals in different areas to help support, nurture, and inspire everyone who walks through our doors. Sometimes all someone needs is a little faith and a push in the right direction.”

The audience is oohing and aahing in all the right places, and even though I expected it, I didn’t dare hope for how touched a lot of these people look. Sure, they can’t very well look bored. It’s more than that, though. They genuinely look intrigued and empathetic.

“My name is Alec, and my mom was more into drugs than parenting. Because of her choices, I ended up in foster care. The system and caseworkers—who got to go home and spend their weekends with their families, like nothing bad can happen to those placed in the system between Friday evening and Monday morning—were the very people who decided my fate. I was aggressive and had anger issues, and no one helped me deal with my shortcomings until I met these two.” Alec pauses and gestures to me and CJ. “Then I found different ways to cope with my issues, and that’s something we at Second Chances want to encourage. Not only will we have different outlets for those who might all have different baggage, but we will also be open during the weekends and have an around-the-clock helpline. Evil doesn’t take the weekend off, so why should we?”

“I’m not crying, you’re crying,”I mentally chant during Alec’s entire speech. The people here might not know what a big deal it is to see him open up like this. But to me… To me, it’s a fucking Valentine’s Day miracle if such a thing exists.

Alec gives the microphone to Mia, clearly startling her. “Umm, hi… Is this thing on?” She awkwardly taps the microphone. “Sorry, I wasn’t… I haven’t had much time to prepare. Umm, to those who don’t know me, my name is Mia, and I’m extremely proud to support my boyfriends today. Their cause is more than worthy, which I’m assuming you already know since you purchased a ticket. As they’ve just demonstrated, people might need help in many different ways.” Pausing, she looks between my brothers and me, silently imploring one of us to take over.

We all shake our heads, and I whisper, “Keep going, sweets. You know the rest.”

Mia squares her shoulders and lets her gaze wander between the people in the front. “You don’t stop needing help just because you turn eighteen, which is how our society sees it—or at least that’s how it looks. Who is there to help the adults who are lost? Those who can’t find their path in life?” Once again, Mia looks at each of us as if she’s waiting for one of us to take the mic from her and reveal our newest idea and team member.

“Keep going,” CJ whispers as Alec takes her hand.

I don’t know if it’s just my imagination or if she’s looking paler. Shit, maybe we shouldn’t be pushing her. She’s spent most of the last week in bed, alternating between throwing up and sleeping. However, she went to see her doctor two days ago, and apparently, she’s fine.

Taking a deep breath, Mia steadies herself before saying, “I thought I had life figured out. I was living a lonely life consumed by materialistic goods. Greed drove me, greed was behind every decision I made. As a stripper, I didn’t care if the people around me were good or bad, as long as they tipped well. It took four amazing men to open my eyes to love. Three of them are standing here with me today, and the fourth…” Mia sniffles and looks at the floor.

I know who she’s referring to and even though she’s doing a lot better, the absence Mark left in her heart is still not completely healed.

“Even though the fourth man isn’t among us anymore, his wisdom lives on.” She clears her throat before looking back up at the faces in front of her. “After these amazing men came into my life, I’ve learned how wrong I was. What I did wasn’t living, I was surviving. Where I might have scoffed at the notion of love being more important than money, I now know I was wrong.”

Mia takes a deep breath and wipes her hand on her dress.

“Maybe I wasn’t wrong as much as I just didn’t know. When you’ve never seen or felt certain things, how can you ever imagine them? Everyone battles something. You don’t have to be covered in bruises, be an orphan, or a homeless person to need help. We say Second Chances are for everyone. We won’t discriminate against status or age. Anyone who feels they need a second chance in life is welcome.”

I’ve hosted my fair share of events, so I know people will clap now that we’re done. However, no amount of experience could prepare me for the applause we get. Everyone stands up as they clap and whoop. Looking over at the audience, I notice some of the women’s eyes brimming with unshed tears, making me feel like we made it. Not because I want people to cry, but because I wanted to leave them with something so powerful it’s impossible to ignore or forget.

All of that fades away as I look at Mia. The determination, worth, and love shining in her eyes is so powerful she steals my breath with a single look.

“We’re so happy you finally said yes,” CJ murmurs as he pulls her into him.

I couldn’t have said it better myself, though. For over a year, we’ve tried to convince Mia to be a part of Second Chances, to work with us. But each time she declined. Until yesterday when she officially changed her mind and finally accepted her place with us on this new adventure.

“I’m so fucking proud of you,” Reid says as he picks Mia up and swings her around.

Once Reid lets Mia go, his wife hugs her. “You looked incredible up there, Mia. And it’s such a noble cause. What will your role be?”

“I’m not sure yet. I only just made the final decision yesterday,” Mia answers, and even though her tone is pleasant and friendly, her rigid posture screams deflection.

Roger awkwardly pats Mia’s back, telling her how proud he is when Mia surprises us all. “Dad, can you stay for a few days? I want to talk to you but…”

“Of course I can. Don’t worry about time. You’re going to be busy, so I’ll stick around, and you can call me when you’re ready.”

Sitting down at the small table reserved for us, Roger, Reid, and Maria, I reach for the wine bottle in the middle of the table, filling our glasses while we wait for the waiter to announce the first of six courses. I’m so excited about the auction that even though I chose and tasted the amazingness we’re in for, I don’t want to waste three hours on eating.

I don’t quite feel like yelling, show me the money, but I’m not far from it. Of course, I already know we’re looking to make a lot of money today, however, I want to know how much. And then, oh, then I want to celebrate with Mia and my brothers. Preferably naked. Well, I want Mia naked.

“None for me, Kas. I’ll be sticking to water,” Mia whispers, and I frown in confusion. This is her favorite wine. She even picked it.

“Do you still not feel well?” CJ asks, giving her a concerned look.

The smile on Mia’s lips is strained, and I don’t like that. “Guys, I promise I’m fine. I just don’t want to drink after being sick for almost an entire week.” She gnaws on her bottom lip. “I also asked them not to serve me the sushi, I’ll be having some chicken instead.”

Alec tilts his head to the side and looks intensely at Mia. He doesn’t say anything, he just keeps staring. “Sure thing. Should we also make sure they don’t serve you any coffee?” he asks with a wolfish grin, making me think I’m missing something.

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