Page 20 of Beautiful Chances

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I’mstillfuckingfuming. I’m angry. I’m pissed and so powerless to do anything about it.

Listening to the call Baby had with her mom wasn’t merely infuriating, it was painful. To have to hear the woman basically scoff at Baby’s request for them to come to Mark’s funeral… Yeah, that shit wasn’t easy. The sassy, sexy, and capable woman aged backward right before my eyes—changing into an insecure and shaking mess who could barely speak. At least until CJ cleared his throat and gave her a look so heavy with meaning that she didn’t need him to form the words, and after rolling her shoulders, she refocused.

“I’m not asking, mother. I’m telling you that you and dad better come here for the funeral.”When her mom tried to interrupt her, she snapped. “I will only say this once, so you better listen to me. The service starts at ten thirty, and you and dad will be there. You will look appropriate, and you will act decent. I will not have you tarnish Mark’s funeral with your selfish blabbering. You have issues with me, I get it. But that man did you a solid by taking me in and looking after me all the years that you’ve wished I was nothing more than a stain on the sheets from the night you and dad shared all those years ago. If you have a problem with that, you won’t like the consequences. Do the right thing for once in your life, mother.” Baby ended the call just before the phone fell from her trembling hands.

CJ went back to work not long after that, and Baby and Kas went back to the basement. I’m not proud to admit I listened to them through the app, much like I am right now. How can I not? I feel like she’s slipping through my fingers, and I’m not above taking any chance to understand better what she’s doing.

Of course, it didn’t help. All I heard was her taunting Mr. Riley with Kas’ presence while asking the bastard a few questions. He was reluctant to answer questions, which is when she started making out with Kas.

A part of me is intrigued by her technique, while another recognizes that she’s using Kas. Maybe using isn’t the right word… Actually, yes. Yes, it fucking is. She used him to get a rise from our former boss, and Kas sounded all too happy to comply.

It’s now two days later, and that’s still the game they’re playing down there.

Looking at my phone screen, I see nothing but darkness. Baby still refuses to switch the lights on. I get it, I really fucking do. But that doesn’t mean I agree with it. I think she needs to see what she’s doing to him and not hide it away. She’s not a fucking ostrich where it doesn’t exist if you can’t see it.

“Remember the hotel room in New York?” Kas asks, completely ignoring Mr. Riley’s shouts, and Baby makes a humming sound. “Well, was it the same hotel we stayed at for your dad’s birthday?”

With the lights off, I can’t see Baby’s reaction, and I really want to. I want to understand why her voice wavers when she says, “Yeah, Kas. He stayed at the same hotel as we did.”

I’m so focused on my screen that I don’t hear the front door open, and CJ walks in until he asks, “What the hell are you doing?”

That’s a good fucking question, isn’t it? I know what I’m doing, and since he just caught me red-handed, he knows what I’m doing, but I’m still reluctant to answer.

Closing the app, I get up from the couch and say, “How was your day?”

Making a clucking sound with his tongue, CJ looks at me. “Have you decided yet if you’re going to join in?”


“Don’t play dumb with me, Alec. You know exactly what I’m asking, and you need to decide. The funeral is in two days, and I think that means that Mr. Riley has two days left before she wants to make him pay for real.”

I fucking hate that it seems like CJ knows more about what’s going on with our girlfriend than I do. Then, I feel like a motherfucker for even thinking like that. This isn’t about me or any of us, really. It’s about Baby, and it seems like I’m the only one letting my indecisiveness get in the way.

“I don’t know, CJ. Even though I kind of want to, I don’t know if I can.” Letting out an audible breath, I close my eyes briefly. “I have no idea what to do or what I can even do to help. I don’t think this is right. Not because of him, but because of her. I don’t want her to do something she’ll have a hard time living with later on, but I’m not exactly the best person to give any advice on this kind of shit. You and Kas are.” I don’t mean to sound all woe is Alec, but it’s the truth. Kas and CJ have crossed the line, and they have to live with it. I haven’t.

“Maybe that’s exactly what she needs to hear,” CJ says. “After her meeting with Mark’s lawyer, it wouldn’t hurt for the two of you to spend some time together. Maybe go to her place or yours for a few hours.”

I nod to let CJ know I’ve heard him, but I already know I won’t do that. Not unless she asks me to. Because that’s who I am, isn’t it? I will not make her do anything she doesn’t want to, and I guess that means I have to join her in the basement.

“I’ll go get them,” I say to CJ. Then I walk to the basement door and open it before I can second guess myself like an insecure teenage girl.

“… You think cutting the brakes on your car was bad? Get your fucking hands off my property, or you won’t like what’s coming.” Mr. Riley is shouting and thrashing. His face is red, and his beady eyes are focused on Baby and Kas, who are so caught up in their kiss that they haven’t noticed I’ve switched on the lights and joined them.

Taking a moment, I scrutinize Mr. Riley. The man who tormented us and blackmailed Baby into coming back to Serendipity. The man who had me held down while he felt up Baby in his office. While I’ve never thought of him as a big or dangerous person, there are no hints of that version of him left. The man—pet—sagging against the wall, unable to hold himself up, is… I don’t even know how to describe it. Pathetic doesn’t seem right, but it’s the closest I can get.

I eye the many cuts on his arms, legs, and torso, all courtesy of Baby, I assume. Jeez, no wonder she prefers the lights off. He closely resembles a pincushion with all the marks. Some are scabbed, but some are fresh and still bleeding.

“And you, yes, you, Alec… Are you really going to let that blond prick steal your girl? Just like the pimps and drugs stole your mama.”

The fact that he knows my past stops me in my tracks, and I have to force myself to remain calm and not to punch him. I know I shouldn’t be surprised that he’s looked into my past, especially not after he stole my entire savings. But still, shit!

“No offense to your mama, but her pussy was too used, and having you curled up and crying in the wardrobe didn’t help matters. Did you know the night her pimp cut into her was because I demanded a refund?”

My blood runs cold and before I realize what I’m doing, I’ve taken two steps toward Mr. Riley. One of my hands is raised in a fist like I’m about to punch him. “What did you say?” I ask in an eerily calm tone. “What do you know about my mom?”

“Nothing,” Mr. Riley smiles at me. The fucker actually smiles, and I long to wipe the expression away with my fist.

With my sole focus on Mr. Riley, I don’t notice Baby until she takes my hand and leans into my body. “I’ve missed you,” she says.
