Page 38 of Beautiful Chances

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It’s still weird to hear his first name used. In truth, I have never given much thought as to what his full name was. To me, he was just Mr. Riley. I force my mind back on what she’s saying, and it makes sense. The thing is, though, right now, I couldn’t care less about my money. Well, I still want it back; it’s just not the focal part. It’s merely the best I could come up with not to invite further questions.

“I will not do anything to him, Baby. All I want is a private conversation with the guy who held me down in his office, forcing me to watch him touch you. The man who stole my savings, thereby jeopardizing Second Chances—and to top it all off, he also cut Kas’ brakes and caused the accident.”

Fuck, I guess I hadn’t realized just how much pent-up shit I have, all thanks to Mr—Neil. I still need to talk to him alone, that’s the only way I can figure out what I can do.

Even though they don’t seem to know it, I’m team Baby all the way. The things Neil has done are unforgivable, and I can’t just sit back without doing something. Not for what he’s done to me. Ironically, stealing my money is the smallest of his crimes. What he did to Kas and Baby, that’s some really fucked up shit. Shit, I can’t just let go.

On top of that, the life I’m valuing isn’t his. It’s hers. I don’t want her to live a life of regrets. An existence always haunted by whatever it is she wants to do to our former boss. No one is worth that valuable piece of yourself, and no one can take it from you. It can only be given freely by letting that person live rent-free in your every thought.

“Are you sure, man?” CJ asks, and I roll my eyes at him. “Come on, Alec, it’s a fair question. You’ve never really been on board with all of this, so why make it harder on yourself?”

Even though I love my brother, I want to punch him right now. “Right, which should also tell you that I wouldn’t just randomly say that without thinking it through.”

Baby turns around in my lap, so she’s straddling me before placing a hand on my cheek, and I can’t help leaning into her soft touch. “What are you not telling us, Alec? I can tell there’s something.”

And there we go. The two of them should fucking solve crimes instead of committing them.

Deflecting, I ask CJ, “Why are you home in the middle of the day?” He was home yesterday as well, mumbling something under his breath when Kas asked. I have no intention of letting him get away with that today.

“I’ll tell you tonight when Kas is back. I don’t want to explain it twice,” CJ says in a tone meant to sound bored. However, after all these years, I know he’s nervous.

Giving him a toothy smile, I say, “Okay, I’ll explain myself tonight. Where does that leave us then?” I place my hands on Baby’s hips, meaning to… I don’t actually know what I wanted to do, but what I actually do is slide her across my lap so I can feel her soft breasts against my chest.

“Hi, there!” She wiggles as she beams at me.

Her crotch is resting directly on top of mine, and there’s no way she isn’t feeling my cock harden beneath her. This makes me feel guilty. She was accosted by Neil fuck knows how many times, and I won’t even pretend to know how to deal with that. Naturally, that causes me to feel even more guilty because this shouldn’t be about me. Shit, how am I supposed to know what’s okay and what isn’t?

Since the night we spent in my old apartment made it clear that she doesn’t have an aversion to being touched, I might read too much into this.

When I continue to sit here completely motionless, she asks, “Is that a pipe in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?”

CJ and I groan simultaneously at the Kas-like comment.

“On that note, I’m going to catch some Zs if we’re not going back into the basement until tonight. Think about what I’ve said, Mia. Maybe make a list, or something, of everything you can think of that will help. We can go to Lila and ask her if we need any additional info.” CJ gets up from the chair. “Oh, one more thing, Alec… Don’t fuck her on the table, please.” With a wolfish grin, CJ leaves Baby and me alone.

“Someone tell me if you fucked on the table, preferably before I place my food on the surface.” Kas sounds almost outraged as he balances his plate with food in one hand and a drink in the other.

Me and Baby are already sitting, and while I ignore him, she raises a brow at him. “Were you planning on eating directly off the table?”

“No?” Kas says with a perplexed look on his face.

Laughing, Mia says, “so why does it matter if my ass has been on the surface if your plate acts as a barrier? Besides, you’ve never had any complaints about how I taste. Why are you complaining now?”

Kas scrunches his face up in an expression similar to if he’d bitten into something sour. “It wasn’t your ass I was worried about touching the table, sweets.”

This makes all of us laugh. I throw my head back, CJ holds his stomach, and tears brim Mia’s eyes. Usually, I only tolerate Kas’ jokes and antics, but today they’re welcomed like a long-lost companion. Thanks to his inability to take anything seriously, the mood is lifted. Hmm, maybe that’s not the right way to describe it, seeing as CJ, Baby, and I were cooking together and had a brilliant afternoon. Despite that, there’s this cloud of urgency and seriousness hanging over us, as if it was a balloon Kas just popped.

I could tell him that all Baby and I did this afternoon was snuggle on the couch and watch some romcom doing nothing but kissing—but where’s the fun in that? I decide to have some fun and say, “In that case, you don’t want to sit on the couch or any chairs, the kitchen counter, or… Actually, I think yours and CJ’s bedrooms are the only safe places.”

“So you had a tour-de-house sex marathon while I wasn’t home?” Kas sounds like his only problem is being excluded.

Shrugging, I say, “Oh, did you only mean today? In that case, the kitchen is fine. You can eat out there.” I blow him a kiss for good measure. Kas’ jaw is proverbially touching the floor, making me laugh again.

“Is it only Alec’s ass you’re opposed to, or do you want to know where mine has been?” CJ leans back in his chair with a shit-eating grin and folds his arms behind his head.

I can’t contain my laughter any longer, and both Baby and I burst at the same time. It’s so freeing and normal that I forget about everything else and let myself have some regular fun with my brothers and our girlfriend.

All good things must come to an end, and ours does once Kas has licked his plate clean. And no, not just metaphorically. The bastard literally licked the porcelain to get every last bit of the pasta sauce.
