Page 60 of Beautiful Chances

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Alec and I are sitting on either side of her in the booth. It’s not the same as the one we’ve sat in before, but it’s nice. It’s hidden behind an alcove, and the lighting is sparse. On top of that, the restaurant isn’t as packed as the other times I’ve been here with Mia.

Looking around, I notice the family that’s sitting a few tables from us. The dad is doting on their daughter, while the mom is helping their youngest eat his spaghetti. I hold my breath when he takes some of it into his meaty little hand and throws it at the dad. My heart plummets to my stomach as I wait for the outburst of angry voices, but it never comes. Instead, all four of them laugh. Such a small and insignificant moment, yet it feels monumental to observe a happy family dynamic like that.

“I don’t think you even know how much you’ve each helped me,” Mia says, her voice wavering a little. “Each of you has helped me so much. Look at where I am, that’s all because of you three.”

Forcing my attention away from the family, I focus on Mia. Sensing how nervous she is, I stroke her thigh.

Mia leans across the table, taking Kas’ hand. “Kas, you always make me laugh. You’re a constant reminder of how important it is to have fun, to let go, and just enjoy myself. You’ve shown me it’s okay to be silly and have fun.”

Kas swallows so hard that his Adam’s apple bobs in his throat. Pushing his glasses further up on his nose, he squeezes her hand and beams at her. It’s not his usual joking smile. Oh no, it’s way more loaded than that. As though she’s all he sees.

Without letting go of the jokester’s hand, she turns to Alec. “Ever since you received the call about Mark being in the hospital, you have helped me stay in touch with myself. You don’t let me shy away from what I don’t want to feel. Your heart is bigger than you know, and I’m… I feel honored you allow me to be part of your world.” Alec mumbles something unintelligible before pulling Mia close enough so he can kiss her.

Being privy to my brother, not just showing PDA—something he’s always been against—but being so open with his affections is a rare thing. I think I would be less surprised to see a mythological creature than I am watching Alec pour himself into that one kiss.

“And Coen, my sweet and dominant Coen, I see you for who you really are.” Mia’s words shock me so much that I abruptly let go of her thigh. What the fuck does she mean she sees me? I’m about to ask when she lets go of Kas’ hand and places my hand back on her naked flesh. “You challenge me as much as you let me be weak. You don’t merely lower the barriers on my safety dome, you obliterate them and show me new and better ways.” Then, to my surprise, she moves my hand to her core.


“You show me what you don’t want the world to see. You all do. All three of you have let me see what’s really going on beneath the mask.” She points to my arm, Alec’s neck, and Kas’ chest. “And I don’t just love it, I crave it. I think I’m addicted to it.” Mia replaces the sheepish and shy expression on her face with a flush when I trail a finger between her panty-covered folds.

“Well, I feel called the fuck out,” Kas smarts, and Alec is quick to echo his sentiment.

“I know that you’ll be amazing at helping and guiding other people. The money is just as much for the strangers you’ll help as it’s for you.” Squirming, Mia bites down on her lips as I bypass her underwear and circle her clit with my index finger.

Despite touching her, I feel stumped by her accurate assessment of us. No, scratch that. It’s not the assessment that stumps me, it’s that she’s still here. That she still wants us—wants me.

“Does this mean you want shares in Second Chances? I mean, do you want to be part of it?” Until Alec asked, I didn’t even consider that this could be her motive. However, now that he has asked, I kind of want her to say yes.

Second Chances is for everyone, and right now, I feel Mia needs one as much as we do. While she has nothing to atone for—not compared to us—she needs a second chance at a career and her freedom.

“No, absolutely not. That’s your dream and not mine,” she confirms with a snort.

Kas looks at her and asks, “What is your dream, sweets? Do you still want to start your own business?”

Mia worries her bottom lip as she ruminates on Kas’ question for longer than I like. To prompt her, I part her folds and let two fingers sink into her heat. “No,” she breathes, looking at me from beneath her long dark lashes that fan across her skin when she closes her eyes. “I no longer want that. I don’t know what I want anymore… But, hmm… I’m not even sure the Business Classes are worth it anymore. At least not until I figure out what I want to do.”

Not happy that she’s considering dropping her classes, I remove my fingers from her wet pussy and pinch her clit.

“You should keep going.” I’m surprised that this is coming from Alec, of all people. I would have thought he would urge Mia to spend all her time working out with him or something. “Well, unless you’re going to look for another job, I think it’s good for you to have something else to take your mind off things. Besides, I’m sure Coen will be glad not to go alone and have someone he can do projects with.” Alec’s gray eyes shine with an intensity I don’t think I’ve seen before.

I have to admit that Alec is making a lot of sense, not just because I’d hate to no longer have her company in class. Regardless of whatever else is going on, I don’t like how shut off Mia is from the world outside of our house. She has nothing she needs to leave the house for if she drops the classes.

“Maybe,” Mia relents, subtly moving her hips closer to my hand, and I move my fingers back inside her.

“How about teaching dance? There are all sorts of places where you can do that.” Kas’ suggestion intrigues me.

Shifting in her seat, Mia forces my fingers as far inside her as possible. I swallow the groan I want to let out. She feels so fucking amazing that it’s hard to continue to pay attention to the conversation going on around me.

Canting her head to the side, Mia replies, “I don’t want to teach, and I definitely don’t think I have the patience for it.”

Kas pulls a face, and in an apologetic tone, he says, “Marilyn could use some help if you have the time. She has this big recital or something coming up, and I know she’s nervous as hell.” Shit, I feel like such a prick right now, and a quick glance at Alec confirms he feels the same.

We’ve all been so preoccupied with everything going on that I don’t think any of us have bothered to ask Kas about his mom and sister. While it might be understandable, it’s definitely not okay.

“Of course, I’ll help your sister. When? Where? How often?” Mia showers Kas with questions I’m sure he can’t answer.

No matter what she says about not wanting to teach, she can’t deny how her face lights up as she’s talking about helping Marilyn. Gone is the haunted, slightly guilty look in her eyes.
