Page 87 of Beautiful Chances

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Alec hands me a cup of coffee. “You look amazing as always, Baby.” The way he can’t tear his eyes away from me makes me preen under his gaze.

“Sweets!” That’s all Kas says before pulling me into his waiting arms. “We’ve missed you.”

I can’t help laughing since it’s only been about an hour since we were all together. “I’ve missed you, too. All of you.” I’m not saying it to placate them, I’ve honestly missed them as well.

“So, today it’s bye-bye birdie,” Kas quips before jumping onto the kitchen counter, where he shoves a handful of Doritos into his mouth. Of course, he also takes the opportunity to slowly and obnoxiously lick his fingers clean just to get a rise out of Alec.

“Enjoy your early grave,” Alec says with a disapproving look in his gray eyes.

I stiffen and mentally count to ten at his words, trying not to cringe.

Coen sends a worried look in my direction that I pretend to be oblivious to. Alec will realize what he said, Kas will torment him, and Coen will try to keep the peace—but it’s not needed. I know Alec meant nothing by it. It’s part of the usual banter and scolding between the health freak and the jokester.

Seriously, there are so many things going on, and none of us need to also worry about what we might or might not say. Not today—not any day, actually.

“Oh, shit, Baby—” Yep, right on cue. “I didn’t think and… I’m so sorry.” I watch Alec run his hands through his jet-black tresses, and I can’t look away when one hand moves down his face to palm his chin. His cheeks and chin are covered in a sexy layer of stubble that I know feels amazing against my skin, and right now… Nope, I can’t let myself get distracted.

“Kas, are you ready to visit Lila?” I ask, squeezing Alec’s arm to let him know we’re okay.

Jumping down from the counter, Kas wipes his hands on his dark jeans, leaving behind orange fingerprints of his fingers. “Yep, let’s go.”

After kissing Alec goodbye, I turn toward Coen. “Say hi to your dad.” Then I kiss him as well. Before Kas and I get into the Uber that’s waiting outside, I turn around and look at my two guys who volunteered to clean up my mess.

“Don’t say anything,” Alec says. I’m about to question what he thinks I’m about to say, but he speaks before me. “I can see guilt written all over your face, and there’s no need.”

Coen backs him up. “Yeah, have fun or whatever. Don’t worry about anything here.” I kiss Coen goodbye and leave in the Uber that’s waiting for Kas and me outside.

“Mia, Kas… It’s a surprise to see you here.” Although Lila smiles, it doesn’t look genuine at all. “Please, come in.” She waves us inside with a glove-covered hand, which looks completely at odds with her outfit. Since it’s not my place to say anything, I don’t, merely following as she leads us into the spacious living room in the house she shared with her husband.

Looking around, I can’t help admiring the decor. The furniture is white, the walls are cream-colored, and every table and shelf is made of glass. It’s stunning, and it looks like something that would cost a pretty penny.

“Your house looks amazing. Did you decorate it yourself?” I hope she can hear how much I mean it, rather than thinking I’m just being polite. Maybe it benefits me that we both know we have no reason to be polite to each other, so why bother if it isn’t sincere.

Lila sits down in one of the elegant armchairs and pours tea for both Kas and me. She looks every bit a gracious host, which is freaking me out a little. “No, I hired a decorator back when we bought the house. Do you want a cookie?” Picking up a silver tray, she hands it to Kas.

“Thank you,” he says before handing it to me, and I politely shake my head. Even though the chocolate chip cookie looks delicious, I need to get back to a healthier lifestyle.

Although the guys keep telling me I’ve lost weight, and I know that much is true, that doesn’t mean I’m living healthy. Maybe it wouldn’t seem like a big deal to someone else, but to me, it is. I’ve always been the master of my body, treated it like a temple. I can’t let go of my values. I’m afraid that if I keep straying from who I was when Mark was alive, I’ll end up in a place where even breadcrumbs can’t lead me back.

“I imagine you’re here to give me an update on my husband, and that’s fine. But I do have something pressing we need to discuss first. I’m being brought in for another interview with the detectives tomorrow. They’re now investigating Neil’s disappearance to ensure there’s no foul play. Of course, as the wife, I’m the first suspect, but…” She trails off, and I’m glad because I don’t need her to spell out who the second suspect might be.

Not only were Lila and I the last two to see Neil, but we also individually—and combined—have more than enough reason to want him gone.


“Are you bringing a lawyer with you?” Kas asks, not sounding the least bit bothered. I don’t know how he does it.

With shaky hands, she brings the cup to her lips, taking a sip before saying, “Yes, I think that’s for the best. I don’t want to be caught off guard.” Even though her tone is as unsteady as her hands, there’s something eerily calm about her. No, not calm… Resigned is a better word.

She’s sitting ramrod straight, and on the surface, she’s acting like a gracious hostess. However, I’m willing to bet I wouldn’t have to scratch hard to find something hidden beneath her surface. I can’t put my finger on the exact thing that makes me uneasy, but something seems off.

“Here’s the thing, Mia. After today, I don’t think we should talk anymore. Not on the phone, and I don’t want you showing up here again. I’m not saying this to be cruel, but we need to distance ourselves from each other. We have no logical reason to stay in touch, at least not one we want anyone to know about. And for that reason, I’m also begging you to get rid of my husband if you haven’t already. If they find him, there’s a lot at stake for all of us. Is that really worth it?”

Gnawing on my bottom lip, I peek at Kas as I consider Lila’s question. “Thank you for the warning. We’ll make sure to be careful.” If this makes Kas feel anxious, scared, or stressed, his voice doesn’t betray him. “We’ll take precautions. It will all work out.” Taking my hand, he squeezes it as he says the last part while looking straight at Lila.

“If it’s needed, you can contact me, Kas. It won’t look odd since we’ve talked before, and you’re already on my phone bill.”

The smile she gives Kas rubs me the wrong way, and before I can compose myself, I hiss, “Don’t test me, Lila. Kas is not yours, and he’ll never be.” If I thought I could make Lila back off, I’m proven wrong when she laughs. And when Kas joins her in laughing at me, I feel my temper flaring.
