Page 86 of Beautiful Chances

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EventhoughI’mnot particularly looking forward to visiting Lila today, my mood is too good to be ruined by having to inform her of her husband’s death—and my stalker. It’s not only because of my self-proclaimed renewal, I also had an amazing night’s sleep. We all fell asleep in my bed, a mixture of limbs. Each of my guys touched me throughout the night, making me feel safe and whole.

It is said that the best beautification is a good night’s sleep, and now that I only really have two days a week where I need to dress up, I’m treating every reason to leave the house as an excuse to do so. Until I became unemployed with nothing to do, I never gave it much thought—it was just part of my routine. But now that I don’t have a place to wear my pretty clothes, do my makeup, or style my hair, I miss it probably more than I should.

It’s not until I zip my skirt closed I realize I’m whistling and humming under my breath. Something I haven’t done in… Well, ever. At least not consciously. I step into the gray pumps that match my short-sleeved button-up shirt before wiping down the bathroom mirror so I can do my makeup.

As I apply mascara to my eyelashes, I think back on last night. What we did… What we shared really felt like a baptism for me. I feel purified of the madness Neil awoke within me, and I feel restored to my former self—or better yet, maybe it was more like a purification of the old me. Something much needed to make room for my new self.

I don’t want to move backward, I want to power ahead with full steam. Any version of me before Alec, Kas, and Coen isn’t worth reminiscing about. That girl was blinded by shiny objects and wealth. Placing the mascara wand back into the bottle, I feel as though I’m hit with an epiphany. My mom was right. She was speaking the truth, and I’m the one who had it backward.

Money truly isn’t everything. Love is.

An overwhelming urge to pick up my phone and call her comes over me, and before I can talk myself out of it, I go for broke.

“Mia?” My mom’s tone is frantic as she picks up after only one ring. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”

“Hi, Mom.” I tentatively greet her, shocked by her concern. “Y-yes, I’m fine. I just called to—”

There’s an almost wheezing sound coming from my mom before she clears her throat. “I don’t quite know how to say this, but Mia, I’m so sorry for how I have treated you—” Her voice wavers.

With an audible sigh, I try to interrupt her. “Mom… I—”

“No, please listen to me. You’re my daughter. I’m meant to love and protect you. Not push you away and judge you. Since our last visit, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking back on everything, and I don’t know where or when it went wrong. I know it’s me who has behaved terribly.” Mom takes a deep breath, likely to steady herself. “I want you to know that I have never thought of you as a whore, not really. I think… When you left and blatantly discarded our family, it hurt me so much. Even though that’s no excuse for me letting it fester and turn bitter, it’s what happened.”

I nod along as I listen, biting down on my lip, so I don’t interrupt her.

“Are you happy with your life, Mia? With your job?”

I’m about to nod again until I remember she can’t see me. “I quit my job,” I admit. “But I am happy with my life. I thought I was happy with my job as well, I really thought that’s what happiness felt like.”

Prompting me, Mom asks, “And now?”

“Now I know that what really makes me happy are Alec, Kas, and Coen. You don't approve, but they’re my everything.” I’m glad that my tone conveys just how much I believe that to be the truth. I don’t mean that I don’t want my family or anyone else around me as well. After all, I’m greedy like that.

As Mom says, “I’ve been meaning to call you.” I feel my eyebrows shoot up so high it wouldn’t surprise me if they touched my hairline. “Your brother landed a new account. He got headhunted by a German company. He’s going to oversee and manage their IT team here in America as they merge with Electric Mind.”

Feeling as though the air just got sucked straight out of my lungs, I stammer, “W-what?” I need her to repeat it, so I know I heard it right. When my mom reiterates the company name, I ask, “When did that happen?”

Mom fills me in on how my brother got the offer just a few days after Mark’s funeral. In the process, she more than once mentions how big a deal this is, and I can’t help but smile at the pride in her voice. My brother is excellent at his job, so it’s no surprise that a big corporation would track him down.

“What’s the name of the owner?” Even though I’m sure I already know the name, I have to ask.

Mom muffles the microphone, so I can’t quite hear what she’s saying. “Your dad says it’s Luis something. Why do you ask?”

Gnawing on my bottom lip, I contemplate if I should tell her. “Mom, can I call you back tonight?” I ask, deciding I need to speak with my guys before saying anything else.

“That’s fine, Mia. But now that I have you, we’re thinking of throwing him a surprise party to celebrate. Would you be able to attend?” After a few beats of silence, she hurries to add, “Your men are more than welcome as well.”

I swallow several times, trying to clear my throat from the ball of hurt that’s now placed in the back. Even though I badly want to ask if I would have been invited if I hadn’t called, I don’t. “I’ll have to think about that,” I say. I might have been the one to call and, in doing so, given her the proverbial olive branch, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to make any promises right away.

Despite the lingering hurt, I agree to consider it and get back to her within a day or so. “Mom, I have to go. Kas and I have to visit someone, but I will get back to you.”

“Thank you, Mia. I’ll speak with you then, and… Mia… Take care of yourself.” With those words, my mom hangs up, leaving me slack-jawed and with my feelings and thoughts all over the place.

Knowing that it’s almost time for Kas and me to go see Lila, I force everything else to the back of my mind. Then I take a step back. I check that my subtle makeup is just how I want it before quickly braiding my hair. Looking at my reflection, I like how the black pencil skirt hugs my hips and ass, and how my shirt makes what’s visible of my cleavage almost look sexy in an understated way.

“And so it begins,” I whisper to myself before grabbing my small handbag and walking downstairs to where the guys are waiting.

“Good morning, babe,” Coen murmurs after kissing me almost reverently.

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