Page 99 of Beautiful Chances

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Even though I want to scoff and roll my eyes and call them overprotective, I know they’re doing the right thing. None of us have ordered anything. We’ve barely unpacked. I know I’m in the wrong for wanting to shrug it off because I’m sure it’s Martin’s doing.

We all watch with bated breath while the hotel employee slowly pushes down on the handle and opens the white door to our room. The woman’s long hair sways from a high ponytail as she walks backward into the room, pulling a black cart.

As she turns around, I get a better view of the familiar woman. Even though I have no recollection of ever having seen her before, there’s something familiar about her. Shrugging it off since I can’t place her, I focus on the cart. On top of it is a bouquet of pink Camellia flowers and a single silver dome. “Here you go. I was instructed to leave this here until you’re ready.” She’s speaking so softly that it’s hard to hear what she’s saying.

“What is it?” Kas asks.

“Who ordered it?” Coen wants to know.

“Show us what’s under the dome,” Alec demands.

The woman wrings her hands in front of her, eyeing the door like she wants nothing more than to disappear out of it. “I… I’m not at liberty to remove the dome. I was given explicit instructions from Martin Anderson. He said to leave right away and not touch anything.”

“Is that so?” Kas smoothly asks, keeping his trademark smile on his lips as he slowly moves closer to the door. “Well, if that’s the case, we shouldn’t disobey him.” Then he winks. He fucking winks at her, and I feel my jealousy spiking.

I know Kas isn’t flirting with her. Hell, I’d be surprised if any of them even notice what she looks like. That doesn’t mean I want them flirting with anyone else, even if it is fake flirting.

“Since you’re here, can you take a look at this?” Coen asks, and I turn my head to see him pointing at the wall behind us. As soon as the woman’s attention is on Coen, Kas moves to block the door, and I know she won’t be leaving until she’s revealed what she’s just brought in here.

The niggling sensation in the back of my mind is as frustrating as it’s annoying. Who is this woman?

Rather than watching whatever Coen is pretending to have an issue with, I look at Kas, and as soon as our eyes meet, he mouths, “I love you.” Those three words banish my green-eyed monster, and I blow him a kiss before mouthing it back.

“Oh, I guess it was nothing,” Coen says in a cheery voice after the woman asks what it is she’s meant to be looking at. “I’m sorry for wasting your time, Laura.”

Laura giggles nervously. “It’s no problem, really. But if you’re all set, I should head back to work. Enjoy your st—” Out of the corner of my eye, I watch her turning around, stopping mid-word when she sees Kas blocking the door.

“Now, about that dome,” Alec grumbles. “Show us what you’re hiding.”

“But he said—”

That voice and her almost silver-colored eyes… I’m sure I have seen her before.

“Laura, may I call you Laura?” Kas lazily asks after reading her name tag. “I honestly don’t give a shit who told you what. Our girlfriend suffers from severe allergies. Did you know that even breathing in the aroma of the things our girl is allergic to will cause her to react? I mean, if you think your boss will be happy with a lawsuit due to you potentially exposing this beauty to something that’s downright poisonous to her, you’re free to leave.” Straightening, Kas moves away from the door and gestures toward it.

“But I—”

“No buts,” Coen croons while moving closer to Laura until she’s almost sandwiched between him and Kas. “Make your decision.”

Despite the flustered flush on her pale cheeks and neck, her hand doesn’t shake as she lifts the silver dome.

I feel dazed as I stare at the contents, and it isn’t until Laura lets out a blood-curdling scream that my mind can process what I’m looking at.

A bloody hand is lying on the pristine silver tray, and in the palm is a small envelope and a lollipop.
