Page 20 of Brutal Bargain

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“Yes you do, it’s…it’s—”

“Not part of the deal.”

“It’s basic human decency.”

“I’m not decent.”

“Oh, yeah—because you're a fucking black suit.”

Inside the bus, it’s like a sauna. I can barely breathe, the air is so thick.

He drags me by the arm midway down the bus. I try to resist, but it’s futile given his size.

“Why are we here? It’s hot as hell in this shit hole.”

“Which is why I’m bringing you elsewhere.” He points down, and I see that through a school bus window, there’s a hole leading into the earth.

“Climb down.”

I squat and see a rope ladder.

“Where will this take me?”

“To a parking garage.”

“Are there any dead down there?”

“No, but hurry, before I decide to leave you.”

I do as he says, and descend the ladder to the concrete floor. It’s dark and utterly terrifying. If Gage were to pull the ladder up, I don’t know what I’d do. I can’t see a thing.

A light shines, and I look over to see Gage standing next to me. I can’t believe how quiet he is, despite being built like an ape.

He grabs my forearm and pulls me forward with him.

“Hey, I can walk on my own, ya know!”

“But you’re slow, and you don’t know the way.”

Even if I wanted to follow him, I’m exhausted, and my legs start to wobble. Annoyed by my struggle, Gage turns, bends, throws me over his shoulder and continues on.

I open my mouth to complain, but they’d just be wasted words. I already know that Gage isn’t going to listen to a damn word I say. He cares about one thing and one thing only: pussy.

Which is why he’s probably so urgent right now. He wants to claim his reward.

We go through doors, down long halls, through more doors until finally, he brings me into a small room about twice the size of the closet I was stuck in and sets me down. There’s a bed, a desk, a chair, and another door that’s opened to a bathroom.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I say, looking around the room that appears to have no food. “I thought you lived with others.”

“I do, and we will eventually move there once I have you properly vetted.”


“I need to make sure you’re right for the group.”

“And what if I’m not? Will you kill me?”

“You really are mouthy, aren’t you?”
