Page 5 of Brutal Bargain

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This poor girl does not know what she’s just walked into.

Literally and figuratively.

The world has changed, but people have not. They are base, depraved, vulgar.

I’m no different.

Remi:Are you there?

At this point, I need to step back a minute. Analyze the situation. This ‘Remi’ girl could be a honeypot. A catfish designed to take from others. If I wasn’t set up so well, I’d think about employing the tactic myself.

Minutes crawl by as I analyze the situation, trying to figure out the best angle to come at this poor girl with. If she’s desperate, she’ll believe anything. Unfortunately, I don’t think she’s at that point yet.

I’ll drive her there.

Remi:I thought you wanted to negotiate.

Gage: I did, before I realized you were a lost cause.

Remi:How am I a lost cause?

Gage: You didn’t even know bombs are going to rain down on the city, which means you don’t have a plan, which means you need more help than I’m willing to offer. Keep your rubbing alcohol. I have vodka.

Remi:You said you didn’t want that, anyway. You wanted something in demand. I’ll search for it if you’ll help me out of the city. Is it coffee? People run on coffee. Beer?

I chuckle because she’s so damn sweet. A part of me hates that this has happened to her. That the innocent are now prey to wolves.

I might be cruel, but I don’t enjoy soft targets.

Gage: You won’t have to look very hard for what I want.

Remi:Gasoline? If you tell me how to siphon, I’m sure there are plenty of cars lining the street.

Gage: Sweetheart, you won’t have the time to siphon gas with how many ragers are going to be on your ass.


Gage: The dead.

Remi:I saw the dead…I know people call them zombies in movies, but that seems so…impersonal. They were people, once.

Gage: You need to get that out of your head—right the fuck now—because that’s the kind of mentality that will get you killed.


Gage: Stupidity.

Silence greets me. I don’t know if she’s mad or if she’s mulling over what I said. One thing’s for sure, she’s not a catfish. They wouldn’t act this clueless.

Remi:Tell me what’s in such high demand, and I’ll see if I can get it for you. I just need food.

Gage: If you need food so badly, why not scalage for it instead of trying to help me?

Remi:I’m scared it’s been picked over. If I’m going to step outside my shelter, I need assurances I’ll be fed. If I find food, great. If I don’t, I’ll need to trade.

Gage: And what will you do after? When the bombs come?
