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"Do you want to get out of here?" I asked, finally finding the nerve to do it.

"Oh, thank fuck. If you didn't ask me in the next minute, I was dangerously close to throwing myself at you in the hopes of seducing you, but since I haven't had to do that in over twenty years, it was probably going to be an utter failure."

"Well, that can still be arranged. Throw yourself at me all you want. There's no way you'd fail," I growled. The thought of her throwing me down on the bar had me straining even more against my pants. "Let me settle up our drinks, and then we can head out?"

"Yes, please," she begged, and I wanted to bow down to whoever would let me make her demands happen.

Cami was there instantly, handing me a credit card receipt. She had my card on file and had apparently planned ahead, the little matchmaker. In this instance, I was happy she had. Signing, I made sure to leave her with a generous tip before taking Loren's hand and pulling her from the barstool in quick succession.

"I'm hoping you didn't drive because I don't think it would be wise for either of us to try tonight. I don't want to take chances with your safety, so I was going to order an Uber, if that's okay with you."

"I Ubered here, so that works. I have someone we can call, but I need to grab it out of my bag from the locker."

We headed to the lockers, and she pressed her thumb down to retrieve her massive bag. I stared in wonder as I tried to fathom what one put in something that big.

"Shut it, not a word," she smiled as she dug through the contents.

"It's just, wow. That is some bag."

She rolled her eyes but smiled with me all the same. She pulled out a card, entered the info in her phone, and asked for my address before hitting send. I didn't even question it. Something about her didn't have me worried about bringing her home with me. Once she stuffed her things into her purse, I grabbed her hips, pulled her body flush to mine, and pressed her up against the wall.

"I can't wait to get you undressed so I can touch every inch of you, but first, may I?"

She looked at me quizzically, unsure what I was asking, so I slowly moved my hands to the strings of my own mask. Untying them, I revealed my whole face to her and waited for her reaction. Loren licked her lips once I was visible, making the small, vain part of me thrilled she didn't hate what I looked like. Loren nodded again when I looked back, so I slowly pulled her ribbon, letting the mask fall free of her face.

"Wow, you're even more gorgeous than my imagination," I whispered, causing her cheeks to tint pink.

"You're not so bad yourself," she purred.

Not wanting to wait any longer, I descended to her mouth and brushed mine against hers. Her lips were soft and pliable, her lipstick having left her with each sip of her drinks. Slowly, I began to trace my tongue over them, grinding myself into her core. Loren's soft moan opened her mouth, and I flicked her tongue, tangling ours together. I could taste the sugar on her lips and it had me craving more.

I pulled back after a minute, already breathing heavily, and not wanting to get started only to be interrupted when the car arrived. Her moan of protest was affirming as I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side door to exit. Just as we got there, I felt her pocket against my thigh buzz, presumably announcing the Uber.

She followed me, biting her lip as she looked at me with liquid desire dripping from her. Just before I opened the door, I yanked her hand, drawing her into my body.

"Luscious Loren, I can't wait to have you all to myself, but before we step out this door, are you sure this is what you want?" I searched her eyes for the truth. I didn't want to take her home if she would regret it later or was too intoxicated to make a safe choice for herself. Her eyes were clear when she looked back.

"I'm sure, Nicco. I want nothing more than to spend the night with you. I'm a little tipsy. Those drinks Cami made are strong, but I'm good, I promise. I have full function of my decision making abilities."

Her voice was firm, and the fact she could state all that reassured me. Kissing her once more briefly, I drew back to head out to the car. I'd come back tomorrow and grab my bike. It would be amazing to take her on it, but she wasn't dressed for it tonight, and I didn't want to chance the few drinks I had to impair my driving with Loren in tow.

"There," she pointed to a silver SUV, and I chuckled. Of course, it was Natalie.

"Well, well, look what you caught." She grinned at Loren when she opened the door. I shook my head, laughing at Natalie's antics.

"I take it you two know one another?" asked Loren.

"Oh, yeah. Nat and I go way back. She had the unfortunate luck of dating my dumbass cousin. You know, the one you met tonight?"

Loren cringed at my comment, connecting the dots as Nat groaned out a laugh.

"Sorry?" Loren questioned, unsure.

"Ha! Good riddance. The only good thing Mason ever did was give me Lily. He's too stoned half the time now to worry about, and I have full custody. She's my world. This one, though, he's a good egg." She motioned to me.

"I knew I liked you, Nat," I grinned at her.

"He does seem pretty sweet," beamed Loren, looking at me.
