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The ride to Nicco's place felt exhilarating and a tad torturous. The light touches he placed on my leg were driving me wild, and I couldn't wait to feel his hands on my skin. Snuggling up in the backseat with someone was sexy in a classic charm kind of way. The nostalgia pulled at me as I tried to recall the last time I'd done something like this? High school?

Time felt like a blur, and panic weaved its way into me as I realized I'd only been with one man my entire life. My. Entire. Life. What was I doing? I wasn't this person. The other night had been the first time someone new had even touched me, and now? Now, I was planning on sleeping with a total stranger? Fuck! Shit, this was bad. How did I get into this? How do I get out of it? Thoughts pinged around my head faster than I could catch them.

"Hey," Nicco murmured as he lifted my chin to him, gazing into my eyes with assuredness. "We don't have to do anything. We can grab a drink and watch a movie. Whatever you're comfortable with, okay, beautiful?"

My eyes flicked back and forth as they searched his eyes, but all I found was pure honesty, creating an instant balm for my racing heart. Despite the bad-boy vibe Nicco had about him with the leather and tattoos, he was proving to be a sweet gentleman. I was discovering how deceptive looks could be.

I mean, the man still screamed sex and that he knew how to have fun, but I was learning he was a man of honor and wasn't going to pressure me into anything. As far as one-night stands go, I doubt I could've picked a better person for it. Deciding I would never get out of this panic if I constantly stayed in my comfort zone, I pushed myself to calm. Plus, I wanted to feel something good for once. Closing the space between our mouths, I placed a soft kiss against his plump lips in an answering kiss.

"I want this. I'm sure." I smiled.

Nicco's returning grin was blinding, and for a second, my heart skipped a beat, confusing me. Pushing it away to deal with another day, I snuggled back into his chest. His arm was draped around me in a warm embrace, and his hand rested on my hip. Nicco's thumb softly moved against the bare skin that was visible between my pants and top. He'd somehow snuck his hand under my blazer, but I wasn't complaining as each little brush of his thumb sent tingles to my core and promised all the things he would give me soon.

The car rolled to a stop in front of a building a few minutes later, and Nicco reached over to unbuckle my seatbelt. It was a sweet gesture, and I found myself wondering if he was even real. Gathering my stuff, I turned and waved bye to Natalie. She'd been my Uber guardian angel tonight.

"Thanks for looking out for me. I guess I'll see you around?" I asked awkwardly.

"Definitely! And no problem, girl. We've got to look out for one another, you know." She smiled. Natalie paused for a second before continuing, almost like she was debating with herself. "Nicco's one of the good ones. Just… just be careful, okay? Call me if you need anything. I'll answer."

"Sure," I nodded, not sure how to take her cryptic goodbye. "Uh, thanks again. Bye."

Stepping out of the car, I took Nicco's hand that was offered. He'd waited out of range, so my conversation had been private. When I stepped onto the curb, I realized instantly where we were. In fact, the dog park from my condo was on the north side of this building, meaning my condo was just around the corner. Well, that would be handy in the morning, I supposed.


"Uh, yeah." I swallowed. "Nice area."

"Yeah, it's not bad. Close to my shop, and a lot of my family live around here too."

Nicco's voice sounded strained on the last part when he mentioned his family, and I didn't know how to decipher it. When I realized what I was doing, I told myself to turn off that part of my brain. I wanted to enjoy this, and if I started to analyze all the little nuances, I'd drive myself crazy. He pulled on my hand and led me toward the doors. The doorman smiled as we walked through, and I couldn't decide if it was an all-knowing look on what we were about to get up to or if he was just used to Nicco bringing random girls home.

Shut up, self. It didn't matter. He's not your boyfriend. It's a one night stand for crying out loud! Get your shit together.

Feeling properly chastised, I vowed to be present and quit overthinking. The elevator was waiting as we walked up to it, and Nicco pulled me in close to him as he hit the number for his floor. I laid my head against his shoulder and breathed in his leather and ink scent.

His shirt was soft against my cheek as it rubbed against it. I felt him start to nuzzle my neck as the elevator rose and goosebumps broke out over my skin. My heels gave me a nice height increase, putting my neck at a perfect angle for him. The higher we climbed, the more his hands began to roam my body, quickly building an inferno in my body.

"You smell amazing. I can't wait to smell you all over, Loren."

A slight moan escaped me as he palmed the globes of my ass in his hands and turned me fully into him. Nicco was fully traveling my body now, mapping it out with his hands. I moved mine lower and placed them under the hem of his shirt. Nicco's skin met my fingers as I explored his back muscles. His skin was warm, and I could feel his muscles flex as I caressed them. I couldn't wait to touch all of his tattoos and trace them with my fingers. I turned even more, so I was flushed with his front, pressing his hard length against my throbbing center.

Gazing up, I found his lustful eyes staring back at me mere seconds before he descended in a tornado of tongue, hands, and heat. One moment, I was rubbing myself against him as he devoured my mouth, and the next, I was against the back of the elevator wall, consumed by passion. His tongue danced with mine in a seductive dance, and I wondered if I'd ever been this thoroughly kissed before.

The elevator's ding accompanied by the momentum shift was the cue Nicco needed to lift me, my legs wrapping around his waist naturally. A slight squeak left me at the change in position, and I draped my arms around his neck tightly. Fear that I was choking him tickled the back of my mind, along with the fact that I'd never been picked up by a man before. I worried I was too heavy and would cause us to fall. My bag began to slip down my arm at the movement, and another squeak left me as I tried to balance my equilibrium.

"I got you," Nicco affirmed confidently, and everything in me believed him.

The fact he wasn't panting helped as well, and I loosened my death-grip slightly, causing him to smile as he walked us to his apartment. I watched the doors as we passed and noticed we were on the fifteenth floor. Dropping my eyes back to his, I found him watching me as I took in my surroundings. It was a little disconcerting since he was the one carrying me and walking, but his smirk was panty-dropping hot, and I couldn't help but kiss him again. I didn't want our lips to miss out on any more time together.

Nicco came to rest us against a wall a short distance later and set my feet back on the ground. I wasn't sure if it was his place or if he just decided he had enough and needed to stop here. I didn't care either way as his tongue continued his assault on all my senses. Taking a breath, he traveled down my neck, licking and biting in little nips and causing me to gasp with each one. Tingles rushed through me and I couldn't wait a minute longer not to feel his skin against mine.

"Nicco," I managed between moans.

"Yes, beautiful?"

"Inside, now!"

"Good idea."
