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Clasping the necklace around my neck, I stepped back and took a look at myself in the mirror. The emerald green dress glimmered in the light, and I couldn’t help but fall in love with the ensemble. Stacy had done well picking it out for me. The necklace sparkled as the diamonds and emerald caught the light, and I wondered if I’d ever worn anything as expensive as this before.

The answer was an easy no.

Stepping into my stilettos, I picked up the clutch and black lace mask off the dresser and headed out the door. It was time to don a mask for an entirely different reason tonight. When I came to the staircase, I grasped the railing, taking extra care in my shoes. The slit in the dress moved with each step I took, showcasing my long legs as I descended.

It was like out of a movie as I approached the five men below, all decked out in suits. Each one looked different, but they were all scrumptious and all mine. Atticus was the first to step up, taking my hand and helping me off the last step.

“You look magnificent, Bellezza.”

Smiling, I wrapped my arm in his as we made our way out the door. I eyed the others as we passed, and I prayed we got to have a private celebration after, where I could peel each layer of the sexy tuxedos off of them. Sax growled as I passed, making my whole body quiver.

My eyes trailed over Nicco, loving that his tattoos stood out on his hands and neck. I still needed to spend some time licking them up and down. Monroe and Wells stood at the end, looking just as delicious in their black and white. Monroe winked at me, causing me to lick my lips at the flirty behavior. Wells gave me one of his classic surly expressions, his eyebrow raised as I passed, and I could hear the reprimand he wanted to give in my head.

Yes, I definitely needed to have time with all of my husbands tonight. It would be mandatory, I decided.

When we stepped out the front door, I was momentarily confused until I saw the limo at the curb. Ideas of what mischief we could get up to in it before making it back home started to swirl now. I rubbed my legs together, needing some friction to stave off the desire pulsating below.

“You look so fuckable, Bellezza. I have half a mind to say screw the party and just have my way with you in the back; this dress pooled around you as I slide my cock in you,” Atticus purred into my ear, his breath cascading down my neck.

My breath hitched, and I paused on the step, my hand gripping him harder as a wave of desire rushed through me. “Shit, if you don’t stop, I’ll come right now.”

“Well, that sounds like a challenge,” he teased, nipping my earlobe.

I didn’t know what had gotten into Atticus, but it seemed like taking down his foes was a huge turn-on for him.

The car door opened as one of the guards tried to hide his smile, and I slid in, taking a moment to gather my dress to keep it from wrinkling too much. Because I wasn’t blushing after being caught by the guard. Nope.

The other guys filtered into the car, and as the door shut, I felt like the sexual tension raised a notch. Fanning myself with my mask, I tried to cool off my insides. I could not ruin my dress before taking Dayton down a few pegs.

“I don’t think that’s going to help, Beautiful,” Nicco teased, licking his lips as he adjusted the massive erection he was sporting. I could even make out the line of piercings and wondered just how tight those pants were.

“Perhaps we should discuss the plan again?” I asked, needing a distraction.

Atticus chuckled but obliged. “You each have your area and the person you’ll be watching. Nicco, you’ll be on Mr. Thompson, the building inspector. Monroe, you have Judge Ryan. Wells, you have Mr. Shultz, the fighting commissioner, and Sax, you’ll be on Jones, the police commissioner. Which leaves me with the mayor and Loren his date. You have the secrets you’re to use and see if you can find any other information on what Dayton is up to. He will be there, and he’ll have his spies as well. The advantage we have is knowing the club, the players, and what moves he’ll try to make. We just have to lead him into position and let him set the trap himself.”

“What if he doesn’t fall for it?” I asked, hoping there was a backup plan.

“He will,” Atticus said with some steel. He turned, his eyes softening when he looked at me, noticing my fear. “But if he doesn’t, we’re prepared for Plan B with the media and virus that Pixel made before she left. It’s not ideal as we won’t gain as much leverage, but either way, my father won’t be walking out of there the winner tonight. We’re going to knock him down and make it harder for him to get back up.”

Everyone nodded as I looked around the car, and I prayed that everything would go as planned. We couldn’t afford for it to fail. At this point, everything came down to this party and the secrets we held.

The limo pulled up to the club a few minutes later, all of us in our own heads as we thought through our information. It had successfully killed all the lust in the car as no one had even looked up from their lap.

Atticus held out a hand to me as I stepped from the limo. Our masks were on now, our roles fully in place as my husbands walked ahead. Sax stayed back, his role as guard in place. Nicco strode forward, waving and smiling for the cameras. Monroe and Wells walked hand-in-hand together. The red carpet entrance was packed with people milling about, hoping to get a shot of us or someone famous.

Camera flashes went off every second, and I placed a megawatt smile on my face. It was the moment all of my upper crust training was made for. Too bad my mother wasn’t here to see it firsthand. Doubt they had this coverage in jail. I snorted at that thought and Atticus tilted his head slightly, his own mask of indifference in place.

“Nothing,” I whispered, linking my arm to his. The paparazzi had done such an excellent job for us last time that we’d opted to use them again. Though it meant we had to be careful not to be caught doing anything, since we were only toeing the line tonight, it wasn’t that much of a risk. It would mostly be for all those who wanted to be seen, including Dayton.

Once we stepped into the club, I took a moment to admire all the details that Atticus had put in place. The club was transformed with lights and hefty velvet drapes of fabric hanging from the ceiling. There were even some acrobats on big rings, performing in certain spots, twirling around. Waiters dressed in tuxedos and masks mingled with trays of drinks as they effortlessly moved in and out of the crowd. A five-piece wind ensemble sat on the stage, playing a melodious tune.

The whole scene rivaled any masquerade ball I’d ever envisioned. It was seductive elegance at its finest, and we were about to strike down an evil man while wearing couture. It didn’t get much more upscale than that.

“Go time,” Atticus mumbled, kissing my cheek and walking to intercept his target. He was to occupy himself with the Mayor until his father arrived. We knew that Dayton would make a scene, and we had to be ready to strike when he did. We couldn’t allow him to have any foothold here. Not on our territory.

The woman I was to cozy up to was headed toward the bar, so I followed, hoping my recent success at making friends would pay off. Sitting my clutch down, I turned and gasped, catching her attention. “Oh, wow, your dress is stunning.”
