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“Hello, Father.”

I didn’t say anything else, wanting to watch his face. My insides danced in glee as he began to turn purple. It fell from smug to confused before landing on rage.

“What is this?” he turned, taking in the empty stadium aside from me and the ones I’d come to depend on—my family.

Loren, Sax, Nicco, Wells, and Monroe stood behind me in an empty ring, safe from my father’s ministrations.

“I believe this is the mouse taking the cheese and falling into the trap. Snap!” I clapped my hands together, the sound echoing around the deserted arena now that the fake sound we’d pumped in had stopped. He sneered at me, his eyes moving over my head. I could imagine how they looked behind me, all majestic in their poses as they stared Dayton down.

“It doesn’t matter. I can still take you out!” he roared, spit flying everywhere as he reached for his gun and pulled it free. This time, he was more clever and didn’t waste a second before he pulled the trigger, aimed for my chest.

The sound went off, and he blinked as he looked down at the gun, wondering why it hadn’t shot like he wanted.

“I don’t understand,” he whispered before tossing the prop gun onto the ground and leaping for me. I heard Loren gasp behind me, but I’d been prepared. I knew my father wouldn’t go down without a fight.

Dayton lurched forward, and I dodged, stepping to the side. Slowly, I rolled up my sleeves as we circled one another, taking in my father for the last time. He looked even worse than he did a week ago. He was sweating, his brow dripping, and I smiled that the formula we slipped into his water seemed to be working. He wheezed, his eyes drooping as he reached into his pocket to pull out a crude shiv.

While this hadn’t been part of the plan, I wasn’t worried. One, the effects of the drug “Old man,” as Pixel had named it, would be hitting him about now. And two, I learned to never underestimate my father the day he sold his own daughter to gain power. He always had an escape plan, even faking his own death. So, I would never make that mistake again. I was ready for anything he had to throw at me. If he managed to attack me, it would be my fault for not paying attention.

His steps faltered slightly as he blinked again, his hand re-gripping the shiv. “What… what is going on?”

“Now, who isn’t listening, Dayton? I told you. You lost. You fell into my trap with such ease, I almost feel bad for killing you this time. Almost. You will die tonight and never be a threat to my family again.” My words had never been said with such conviction before, and I meant every last one of them.

He sneered, drool dripping down his chin as he hunched over and lunged for me. He must’ve been saving up all of his energy because he managed to slice my shirt, but nothing else. He tumbled to the ground where he stayed, panting from the exertion.

“Really? I liked this shirt.” Sighing, I unbuttoned and removed it. He peered up at me, his eyes wide when he saw my new ink.

“What have you done…?” he wheezed, his voice trailing off at the end like he no longer had words.

“Oh, this?” I asked, pointing at the symbol of a lion and rose. “Do you like it? You gave us the idea, actually. You kept leaving your moniker all over our things, so we took it upon ourselves to mark what was ours. You can never touch our hearts. Loren saved us from that fate.” He sneered at the mention of my wife and I smiled even bigger. “My brother designed it, you know, the one you thought you’d use against us? Well, he’s got real talent, that one.”

“Ah, thanks, big Bro,” Nicco cheered from the ring. I peered over, finding him sitting on the side, leaning against the ropes as he swung his legs out.

“It’s an abomination,” Dayton spat, attempting to reach out for me one more time. I stepped on his hand, taking a small ounce of pleasure as he cried out. I wriggled the shiv out of his palm and threw it far away.

“No, that’s where you’re wrong. What you made our family was an abomination. Now, I’m resetting history, correcting the course of our lineage, and making it the family it always should’ve been. I’m just sad you won’t live to see it. I know how much that would kill you.” I smiled, liking the irony. “The Costa Sirens and the Mascros are now joined, bringing a new chapter to our family. Your murder is the last one I’ll ever commit. It’s a new era, Dayton, and you’re shit out of time.” I patted his cheek, unable to help myself from patronizing him one last time.

“How?” he asked, and I smiled, liking that he finally accepted his fate.

“Easy. I did what you taught me. I used your own hubris against you. I knew you’d escape eventually, so I made it happen. I had the guards talk about the fight so you’d come here, intent on settling the score. We had everyone we know and a few rentals parked outside and created a sound feed to give the appearance we were here. Each step you took was orchestrated by me. You were so bent on destroying us; you never stopped to question that I could’ve fooled you. Ergo, your demise.”

I bent down, getting closer to the dying man on the floor. “The gun was fake, and your current condition is thanks to a brilliant cousin of mine who created a time-release formula to make you feel like an old man. I don’t really understand the science behind it, but basically, it made your pain receptors think you were ninety, so everything hurts. And because she’s Pixel, you’ll even…”

I scrunched up my nose, waving a hand in front of my face.

“Yup, there it is. You even have the pleasure of shitting yourself. If they were to do an autopsy, it would show you died of a heart attack. But you won’t be getting one of those. I haven’t quite figured out if we should return you to your cell and let them find you or just feed you to the rats here? I’m leaning more toward the rats, but I’ll let the daughter you tried to sell make the final call. She deserves that much. To know, once and for all, that you’re gone from this earth. Enjoy your last few seconds, Dayton, because you’re done.”

He tried to groan, but it was already too late for him. I waited a few minutes, my experience with him last time flashing back, and I knew I wouldn’t leave until I was confident he was dead. Hesitantly, I reached out, placing my fingers on his neck, and waited to feel a pulse. I relaxed when nothing could be found, my head dropping to my chest. When a tear fell down my cheek, I realized the weight that had been lifted.

A hand touched my shoulder, and I looked up into the eyes of the woman who’d saved me from myself. Who showed me I could be a better man than my father.

Standing, I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close, needing to remind myself I wasn’t the hard mafia boss I pretended to be sometimes, but a man. A man who was broken and had been put back together by love. A man who was finally free of the restraints an evil dictator had placed on him. A man who had hope and a reason beyond duty to get out of bed in the morning. A man who had been forged through flames and had come out better. A man who loved others beyond measure and was loved in return. A man who was no longer alone. A man who’d learned that the actual definition of family wasn’t about fear or obedience, but that a real family was made from respect and love.

“It’s done,” she whispered, rubbing my back. Nodding, I drew away, and she wiped my face, staring at me adoringly. “I love you so much, Atticus. Never forget that.” Leaning up, she pecked my lips, sealing her words to my heart. When she stepped back, I saw the rest of them waiting to comfort me.

I would’ve laughed a year ago at the idea that I could consider five other men to be my best friends, people I trusted explicitly and sought out, but I did. I still didn’t want to touch dicks with any of them, but joining forces to bring our wife pleasure was the ultimate experience of love and trust.

Walking forward, Sax pulled me into a brief hug, slapping me on the back. “You did it, Mas.”

Nodding, I stepped forward to Nicco, who pulled me into another hug, holding me tight. “I’m so glad to have discovered the truth. I’m honored to be your brother.” He squeezed tight, and I pulled back, catching the mistiness in his eyes that matched my own.

Monroe and Wells each clapped me on the back, giving me nods of respect. They fell into line behind Loren and me as we walked toward the tunnel on the other side. A team of Sirens were waiting to take Dayton away for now.

“He’s ready,” I said, and they bowed their heads in respect as they walked past. Stepping out into the warm summer night, I felt the last of the tension leave me. The villain of our story was dead, and now we could live our lives free of his torment.

And I, for one, couldn’t wait.
