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“I can’t wait to go shopping!” Imogen cheered, bouncing in her seat.

“Don’t think that since we’re on vacation, it means the rules change,” Atticus interrupted, staring down the two with his boss face. “No sex allowed.”

Their faces both turned red before they burst out laughing. “Oh, Attie, you’re so worried about that. We’ve only kissed. Calm down,” Immy said, waving him off.

“You’ve kissed! Lore, they’ve already kissed. We need to set up some boundaries immediately,” he said, turning to me with panic in his eyes.

Reaching across, I patted his cheek. “Honey, it will be okay. And besides, if Immy gets pregnant, we’ll just raise the baby.”

His eyes bugged out, and I wondered if I’d given him a heart attack. The rest of the table broke out into laughter as he sputtered, his brain faltering.

“I’m kidding. They’re smart kids, and they’re almost eighteen. Trust them to make the right decisions for themselves.”

His jaw opened and closed as he looked back and forth between the two snickering teenagers at his reaction. “Fine,” he managed to say, sitting back in his seat like a sulking child.

Thankfully, the matches began as the announcer came on over the system, announcing the first two fighters. After the third one, Sawyer and her guys stood and walked down to the front area, so I assumed it meant her boyfriend was next. Moving over to the railing, I watched as Steel moved, his steps quick and fluid.

“He’s good,” I said when I felt arms enclose me.

“Yeah, I think he’ll be a good fit for Nicco’s team,” Monroe agreed.

We watched as he easily defeated his opponent, and I loved watching Sawyer cheer for him. When he stepped down, she ran to him, jumping into his arms and kissing him, and it, for some reason, made me believe in love a little more. I didn’t know their story, but I could tell they’d been through something, their bond tight, and I hoped they made it.

“Come on, it’s time.” Together, we walked down to the floor with the rest of our family. We were all supporting Wells from the front row that Atticus had blocked off for friends and family of fighters, so no one had to search for seats. When we got down there, I bounced on my toes, eager to see Wells and Nicco. It was such a different experience this time as we waited for the fight to start.

For one, we knew Dayton and Darren were gone, and no enemies were lying in wait to strike at us. And secondly, we were all committed together as a unit. When the emcee announced Crash, the crowd went wild, and I loved how many of the Sirens and Mascros were here to support one of their own.

“He looks good,” Monroe whispered, and I nodded, realizing how relaxed and confident he was this time.

“He’s ready.”

The bell rang, but I didn’t focus on anything other than Wells as he struck out at his opponent. It was beautiful to watch him move, his muscles bulging and rippling with his kicks and hits. On his chest, his tattoos gleamed under the lights. The arrows and now our family crest. Nicco had given us all one the day we’d realized what we needed to do and join forces. It was the only way forward and a new beginning for both families.

During the third round, Wells’ kick landed, and the guy went down, falling to the ground and didn’t get up. The referee counted, slapping the floor until he stood, raising Wells’ arm into the air, announcing him the victor.

I jumped up and down, the smile spreading across my face as he stared over at me, a hungry look in his eyes. Monroe leaned close, nipping my ear as Sax bent down from the other side.

“I want in on whatever that is,” Sax demanded, clutching my chin to make sure I heard. Laughing, I nodded, kissing the tips of his fingers that were close.

“Of course, we can all celebrate the win together.”

That night, Wells showed me how much he liked a little anal, giving me two orgasms before he let anyone else have at me. I couldn’t complain, and I didn’t even care if I walked funny the following day. It was all worth it.

I knew I would never wish for anything more as I lay in bed with my husbands around me. I didn’t need to try to gain more or open the door to something that might bring more pain than joy.

This was it. The life I’d wanted.

“What are you thinking, Bellezza?” Atticus whispered from in front of me. I peered up, not realizing he’d been awake.

“How perfect my life is.”

“Oh?” he smiled, smoothing his thumb over my cheek.

“I’ve made my decision. I don’t need the eggs, and the trust can be a college fund for the kids or go toward the center. You guys, the kids, the dogs, my job… It’s everything I could want. I’m so happy. So, so, happy.” Tears welled in my eyes at the truth in that. “I never thought I could be this free, but I am because of the love you guys give me.”

“Are you sure? You don’t have to make this decision now.”

“I’m sure. It’s a reminder of my life before, and I don’t need it. I made my peace with it, and it feels weird to not be able to have a kid with each of you. I don’t want it to hold me back or always think, what if. It feels too much like a safety blanket, and I don’t want that anymore.”

“Okay, Bellezza. I’ll make the call. And I think the scholarship program sounds like an excellent idea.” He kissed away my tears, and I relaxed in his arms, the last weight I’d been carrying around gone.

My perfect life hadn’t been married to my high school sweetheart, living in the suburbs with the white picket fence. Turned out that was my nightmare.

No, my happy ending was here, with these men who lived in the darkness and didn’t shy away from mine. With the family we made and the life where we got to decide who was in it. We were all broken at one point, hiding behind masks of deception, too scared to look at the truth, until we could no longer hide. I once thought my darkest confession was that I was a fraud, a depressed therapist too scared to live her own life.

Instead, my honest truth was the life and person I wanted to be were there, waiting for me all along. I just had to open my eyes and take a chance. And I took that chance several times, finding love with five men, three kids, two dogs, and a whole heap of friends.

People might never understand my choices, but the great thing was, they didn’t have to make sense to others. At the end of the day, the only person whose opinion mattered was my own, and I had finally learned to value it.
