Page 49 of Devoted

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Cannon is a natural.I might’ve been surprised before I knew his background, and maybe I expected him to pick up the steps easier, but his impeccable poise and the adept way he learns makes him a pure joy to partner with.

I shut the music off. “What I wouldn’t give to take you for a spin around a full-sized dance floor.”

His expression tightens, and he shoves his hands into the pockets of his sweats. “Yeah.”

I hit on a touchy subject. He’s only told two people in his life about his past; he’s not ready to twirl through town. “Sorry, I was just being—”

“You have nothing to apologize for. I know what you meant.” He traces a finger down my cheek. “I’d like that someday too. Small steps though?”

“This is special enough for me. And I’d like to show you what I have planned for a new foxtrot routine, but I’m starving.”

Heat darkens his eyes, and he pulls me into his arms. “I’m starving too.” He places a kiss next to my lips. “I can’t be in here and not think about you on your knees.”

My cheeks burn. It’s a thought that’s been on my mind. There’s one thing about that day that’s bothered me. “I was too afraid to look.”

“At us?”

“At me. I’m used to seeing myself perform, and it’s like—” I huff out a frustrated sound. “It’s like I’m back to being a noob and I don’t know the steps.”

“You’re self-conscious when it comes to sex?”

I shake my head. “No. It’s more like I’m shy. When I look in the mirror, I watch how my body moves. Am I precise? Am I on beat? Does my expression match the song? Am I using my costume to its full effect? I don’t want to critique myself having sex.”

“Then don’t.” He twirls me around until he presses my back against the solid wall across from the mirrors. “It’s about passion. It’s about being in the moment and not setting up the next step. You don’t worry about what happens next—you experience the moment.”

“Like freestyle?”

He squats, dragging my leggings down with him. “Only if you like others watching. This is all for you.”

I stare at the image we make. His broad back’s blocking out my bare legs. His head’s positioned to cover my groin. My eyes are luminous, and my expression is timid but intrigued. It’s a sexy image, made more erotic because it’s us.

“It’s like moving art.”

“All you have to do is enjoy the show.” He places a kiss on my center, and I relax into him and the stroke of his tongue. I can see the tension drain out of my body. My lips part and I lift a leg to his shoulder to give him better access.

When we messed around in here earlier, he had me on my back and I was more in tune with what he was doing than with what I was seeing. This adds a new level to the experience. It’s like it’s me, but it’s not. I’m seeing a new side of me. Another layer I might’ve known existed if I’d had the right partner. New ways to be intimate. A different level to our connection.

“Cannon,” I gasp, close to a climax.

In minutes, I’m done. My legs shake as I crash into my peak and shudder against Cannon’s mouth. He’s my support, and I can’t take my eyes off us.

I’m barely back in my body when he’s climbing up me, shoving his pants down, and pushing inside. I wrap my legs around him and contract my thigh muscles, shoving him deeper. My back grinds against the wall with each thrust. His lips are at the base of my throat. He’s kissing, nibbling, sucking. The position leaves the view behind him open. It’s us in the mirror. His ass cheeks clenching, my legs hooked behind his back, my face flushed.

His powerful legs are braced, and his hands are at my ass. Even if the wall wasn’t there, I wouldn’t fall.

He kisses his way up my throat and notices me watching him work himself inside of me. His sexy grin only makes the energy building inside me coil tighter.

“What do you see, swan?”

“I see us.” His next thrust is hard, and I moan. “I see us in harmony, like our dancing.” His force increases, and I have to gasp out the next words. “You lead when we have sex just like you lead on the dance floor.”

“I can fucking read you,” he grunts with his lips at my ear. Shivers ripple over my skin. I want to hold on, but the visual of what we’re doing catapults me toward my peak. “I know what you need. I feel you tightening around me. You’re going to explode soon.”

My needy cry is the best answer I can give him. I’m almost there.
