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"Not ready. But we might have something that can help," I said slowly.

Amon relaxed and nodded. "We certainly have more than we started with."

I smiled at that, taking a moment to enjoy the view of the men around me, the bright room beyond the thin curtains, the Nile now lit with the fire of sunrise. I had a great deal more than I started with, at least personally.

"I'll go put together my notes for them," Jonathon said.

"I'll get the rest of us coffee, since Book only bothered with his lady love," Ezra said, smacking a kiss against my cheek and jogging back inside.

"Would you like a bath this morning before we get to work?" Amon asked me, Booker rising to join him.

"Yes, please," I said. I started to shuffle the cards together, the question of their message mostly answered now.

"I actually came out to speak to you alone, but that never lasts long," Auguste said grinning.

"Oh. What about?"

Auguste was quiet, and I realized he was waiting. I pushed the cards aside and faced him, taking a moment to appreciate the view of him, all pink and handsome with dawn, before I realized the small sheepish smile he wore was the one that meant he was nervous.

"Auguste, what is it?"

"You asked me a question once, and I told you to wait and ask again in a year," he said, blinking rapidly, words hoarse.

It took me a moment, digging through old memories of Rooksgrave, so collectively few compared to the ones we'd already made in Egypt.

"Would I make a good vampire?" I said, repeating the words.

Auguste's pupils widened again, but he didn't look as starved and shocked as the first time I'd asked.

"Yes, I think so. An incredible one," Auguste said softly.

My lips parted at the sudden offer. It was an offer, wasn't it?

"You don't have to," Auguste rushed out, scooting in and spreading his legs around my folded ones, taking my hands in his. "And there's certainly no rush. But…it would mean…"

"Forever," I whispered, eyes growing wide. Forever with Auguste, and probably Amon and Booker too, for that matter. But then what about—

Auguste leaned forward and kissed between my gathering brows. "I'm thinking of us as a family. And so it's your choice, but also, I would want the others to give their blessing. We already know what Amon could do for you if you were like me, but he might have a proposal of his own. Who knows with a sphinx? And we can make arrangements for—"

"Auguste," I said, halting his ramble, pulling my hands free, but only to hold his face and drag him in for a kiss, swallowing his hum of pleasure. "I want forever with my family. Of course I do."

"One way or another, we'll find it," Auguste said softly, kissing my nose.

"Yes. We'll find forever," I answered, my smile stretching wide, giggling as Auguste pecked at my grin over and over, wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me, carrying me giggling back into our bedroom to find the others.

My gentlemen. My family. My home.

