Page 22 of Light Me Up

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Sara sat in my office,knees pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. She looked so scared. Ellie sat next to her but they weren’t talking, just sitting in silence. I’d already wrapped up the scene at The Witch’s Brew and had the evidence packaged for examination.

I stood in the hall in front of my office window, not able to force myself to go in yet. While a part of me was bursting with some sort of manly honor after she flung herself into my arms earlier, I was mostly seething. I didn’t have any clue who would have sent that to her, but it was a grotesque warning and I was about to rage on something—or someone— in response.

I needed to cool down before I talked to her. I’d never seen her so nervous, so off-kilter. It reminded me of the morning we kissed, that fear I noticed. But this was worse.

My mind was a hurricane again, but this time, the thoughts and questions plaguing it were all concerned with her safety. How much danger was she in? Did she know what this was about? She was a damn coffee shop owner in a small town, for christ’s sake. Who could want to hurt her and why?

“A tongue?” I looked to my right and saw Sam had somehow appeared at my side. Alex strode up close behind him. I was too in my head and needed to focus.

I nodded. “A fucking tongue.”

“God. Who would do such a thing?” Alex asked, visibly horrified.

“I’m going to find out,” I grunted, probably a little more angry than I should have. Alex bristled, but put a hand on my shoulder.

“I know you are. Can I join her?” I sighed and gave her an apologetic smile. I needed to rein in my anger and focus it in the right place.

“Please do. She’s… nervous. Not her usual self.”

Alex nodded and turned the corner to enter my office. She knelt on the floor next to Sara’s chair and put her arms around her.

“So what’s the deal? Any leads?” Sam asked.

“Not that I should be discussing it, but not yet. Forensics has the… evidence.”

“It said her name? Like, it was definitely meant for her?”

I nodded again. “I’m glad you guys came for her. She’s scared.”

“Yeah no shit, this is insane. Plus, you’re not her favorite person to be around anyway. We’ll take her home with us.”

A bolt of angry lightning shot through me, but I kept myself in check. Sam didn’t know how I felt about her. And it would just upset Sara more if I said anything. But the caveman side of me wanted to pick her up and carry her to my home. Give her safety and solace. Make sure she knows it’s me providing that for her. But that was selfish, so I just thanked Sam and left to go check on the deputies.

Miller, who had my old position now, was sending out images of the note and envelope to handwriting experts and other police departments in the state. It was already the end of the day, so I didn’t expect any results, but he was on top of things, probably because objectively, this was one of the most interesting cases we’d seen in a damn long time. Well, this and Alex.

Last year, Alex had found some threatening letters addressed to her aunt who had recently passed away. It turned out to be a whole mess of family secrets and town scandal. She was kidnapped and almost murdered. My old boss Sheriff Olsen resigned in disgrace over it all. Now I felt like I could relate to how crazy Sam was trying to protect her. I’d do the same for Sara. I will do the same.


Miller looked over his notes. “The envelope was postmarked down in Concord, New Hampshire. We’ve requested security footage from the post office, and the PD there is looking through their files for anything similar. The medical examiner has the uh, evidence, and a sample is on its way to Augusta for testing, but we probably won’t hear anything for a while. They’re backed up.”

“Damn. I mean, I figured as much, but it still sucks we have nothing else to work with right now.” He nodded in understanding. “Thanks, Miller. Keep me updated.”

“Will do, Sheriff.”

I walked back down the hall to my office, finding the mood a little lighter than before. Seeing Sara smile, even just a little, made the knot in my chest loosen a little. Sam looked up at me from his spot leaning against the wall. He raised his eyebrows as if to say “any updates?” but I just shook my head.

“We’re all set here for the time being. You guys gonna take Sara home with you?”

She looked up at this, then back and forth between Sam and me. It got her to sit up straighter, but she wasn’t happy.

“Oh no, that’s silly. I’m fine. All this fuss over me is not necessary.”

“Hush, we take care of each other, remember?” Alex said, patting Sara’s arm. Sara smiled at her, but continued.

“What about Raven? I have to feed her. Besides, that… package… came to my shop, not home. Whoever sent it might not have any idea where I live.”

“I don’t want to take that chance.” I said, my voice a bit more gruff than I intended it to be. Sara looked at me, but I couldn’t read the emotions on her face like I usually could. She was shutting down. Trying to seem okay in front of everyone.

“I can feed Raven,” Ellie offered, but Sam stepped forward.

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