Page 28 of Light Me Up

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I wokeup to the greatest feeling in the world. Spooning Sara in my bed. Did I think I’d ever say those words a year ago? Hell no. But now that it was happening, I wasn’t about to ignore how damn happy it made me. My arm draped around her stomach and my face was buried in her mess of curls. And my dick, hard and ready, was pressed against her perfect ass. But I was ignoring that. Mostly.

I breathed in that smoky citrus scent of hers and noted how it calmed me. Because as soon as I gained full consciousness, my pulse raced like a motherfucker. My mind raced with thoughts from her story last night and I struggled to contain all the emotions that bounced around my chest.

It killed me seeing Sara cry. For years, I’d known her as the strong one, the unflappable one. She didn’t let things get to her. She certainly didn’t need anyone. But hearing her story, knowing how much trauma she’d been keeping locked away inside her, just about broke me.

And the fact that she let me in? She opened up to me and let me see her, let me hold her? It shifted something in me. I knew it was coming. I knew I wanted Sara but now, it was bone-deep. I needed her. I needed to be there for her. I was going to make her mine and make her understand, she never had to be alone again.

Sara shifted in front of me and my dick twitched. Which wasn’t surprising. But since it was currently resting against her ass, and I was trying not to be a horn dog after the seriousness of last night, I tried to shift away. She turned to face me and goddamn how did she look even better all sleepy-eyed? This woman was a goddess and I didn’t think I’d ever get over it.

“Hi,” she said with a soft smile. I returned it.

“Hi back.”

She looked away then, and I could see the moment shame took over her thoughts. I hated it. I wanted to kiss it away, but I knew I had to tread lightly.

“I’m sorry I was such a mess last night.”

“Never apologize for opening up, Sara.”

Her eyes returned to mine and she gave a slight nod. I tucked her hair behind her ear, taking a moment to appreciate this intimacy that we’d discovered. But I didn’t want to overwhelm her, so I lightened the mood.

“Plus, now I know you don’t snore, so you’re welcome in my bed anytime.”

She laughed and rolled her eyes and I thought I could watch her do that every damn day. I didn’t want to question how I got here, but it was so foreign, I couldn’t help but feel lost at sea. I just hoped I could get my sea legs in time to keep Sara steady. Because I wasn’t about to give up on her now. And she was as skittish as a cat. She preened like one too, I noticed, as she stretched out on the bed next to me.

“You know, you look pretty good lying here next to me. We might have to make it a regular thing.”

“I don’t know about that,” she said, looking at the ceiling now. “But, for the sake of honesty I will say I, uh, didn’t hate feeling your arms around me all night.”

“I knew it. You’re a cuddler. I give good cuddles, don’t I?”

“Well don’t get all cocky on me.”

“That’s my default state, baby.”

“True.” She laughed again and it was music to my ears. Especially after her tears last night. Her lips curled upward creating little dimples in her cheeks and how had I never noticed those before? God I wanted to kiss them. But I was treading lightly. Right. I got up from the bed to remove myself from temptation.

“Let me make you breakfast.”

“Wait, you want to make me breakfast?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Can you even cook?”

“Oh ye of little faith.”

I walked out of the bedroom—still shirtless and not planning to change that—fully aware she was watching me. Good. Maybe I could get her to see me as more than the cocky man-whore jock she used to hate. Because while in some respect I was those things, I was a lot more too. But it was a role I’d grown to be comfortable with, and I let myself rely on it for far too long. That was going to change.

I opened the fridge and surveyed the contents. I knew she liked sweets so I started mixing some pancake batter. After throwing some bacon into a pan, I spooned perfect circles of batter onto a skillet, then cut up some strawberries. I flipped the pancakes and by the time I plated the bacon and berries, they were ready to be added too. When I turned around, Sara was just standing there staring at me with wide eyes.


She looked at the plate in my hand as I brought it over to the small table against the wall and set it down for her. I motioned for her to sit, then handed her a fork.

“Theo, I… This is all very impressive.”

I tried to ignore the slight pang of disappointment from her being so surprised and instead leaned into the fact that I’d impressed her. If that’s all it took, then this would be easy. I had lots of tricks up my sleeve.

Not able to help myself, I grabbed the back of her chair and leaned down to kiss her cheek.

“Enjoy,” I whispered in her ear, and smiled when she shivered.

“You’re not eating?” She asked as I made myself a protein shake.

“Nah, every other day I make one of these,” I answered, turning the blender on. “It helps me keep my figure.” I added with a wink. That earned me a laugh, and I was relieved that her good mood had lasted. It was about to take a turn, though. I needed to know the rest of the story.

I waited for her to finish her food, and then sat across from her. She knew it was time, so she took a deep breath and let it out in a long, slow exhale.

“So… why were you scared to go to the police?” Her eyebrows furrowed, and she looked confused. “What’s wrong?”

“That’s just not the question I was expecting, but I guess it makes sense.” She looked around, as if searching for the words. “Theo, you’re a good man. I might have been annoyed by your cockiness at times, or repulsed by your man-whore routine—”

“Interesting way to say I’m good.” I smirked.

She crinkled her nose, but then grew serious.

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