Page 49 of Light Me Up

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I didn’t want to be a dick but I needed to make things clear. Right now. I lowered my voice so as to not make a scene, but looked her right in the eye. This kind of thing was one of the complications I hated before. It’s why I avoided going out with women more than once. But now, I’d do anything to make sure there was no misunderstanding. Because Sara deserved it. And so did I.

“Thanks, Amy. But like I told you the night of the party, it’s not going to happen. I’m here to see my girlfriend.”

I might have said the last sentence a bit louder than the rest. The other people in the shop seemed to have heard, a hush came over the place and a dozen sets of wide eyes stared at me. Amy’s were the widest, though. Judging by the way her chin dropped down in surprise, she didn’t seem to know what to say in response.

“It was nice to see you,” I told her. “Have a good day, now.”

I skirted around Amy and walked right to the end of the counter, then around it, where I wrapped my arms around Sara’s waist and took her lips in a fierce kiss. Her body was rigid at first, but melted into my arms soon enough. Her lips opened to me as I felt her arms wrap around my shoulders. At a whoop from the crowd, I figured, why not go all in, and dipped her low, not breaking the kiss until we were breathless.

I lifted her upright again at a smattering of applause from the crowd. She looked like she both wanted to kill me and kiss me more, which was pretty much what I was going for.

“All right everyone, calm down. The show was good, but it’s over now,” I said, motioning downward with my hands.

Amy had disappeared, but Sam and Raf stood by the door, looking shocked, but approving. Sara grabbed my hand and pulled me into the back.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” she said, leaning against the island workstation.

“Well it’s done. Are you mad?”

She didn’t answer right away.

“Yes, but not because of that.”

“You’re still mad about yesterday?”


“Okay, that’s fair.”

Sara huffed. “How can you be so reasonable? It’s infuriating.”

I laughed, because what else was I supposed to do? This woman was dealing with so much and I just piled more onto her plate. And I didn’t regret it, but I wanted her to know I wasn’t going anywhere either. Her being upset wouldn’t put me off.

“I don’t get you,” she said.

“What do you mean?”

“Why me? After all this time. I mean, I can’t even be mad at Amy trying to hook up with you right in front of me, because that’s who you are. That’s who you’ve been this whole time. King of one night stands. You spent years never looking at me twice and I’m supposed to believe you really want me. And you’re not going to get stifled or bored or annoyed.”

It stung hearing her say that, but I understood why. It also confirmed what I thought before. I needed to do a better job of showing her how much I cared. How much I wanted this—wanted her.

“Why you? You don’t get it yet? This,” I gestured between us with my hand, “is electric. Have you had this before? I know you haven’t. I sure as hell haven’t. Maybe I was just waiting for you. Maybe I didn’t know it, but that’s what I was doing. Saving my heart for you, Sara.”


“No, wait. I need you to understand. You’re going through so much right now. And I’m not trying to overwhelm you, so you can tell me to fuck off and I’ll wait until you’re ready. But you and me? It’s right. Everything about it.”

She stepped closer to me, just a step. But it was progress. So I continued.

“Maybe you don’t realize it, but I see you. Every piece of you that you try to hide away. Every part that makes up who you are. The stubbornness. The strength. The magic. You’re vulnerable in ways that slay me, but you’re so good at being strong that people don’t often see it. You thought I wasn’t paying attention? You’re all I fucking think about.”

Her eyes got glassy from tears, and seeing Sara cry was like taking a bullet to the chest. I’d do it, but not if I could help it.

“Baby, don’t cry.” I pulled her to me and held her. She did cry, but she gripped me tightly, as if I were a lifeline, and fuck that felt good.

“This time I’m crying because I’m happy,” she said against my chest. “You really mean all of that?”

I broke away so that I could look her in the eyes.

“I meant every single word, Sara.”

“You called me your girlfriend out there,” she said, pointing to the front of the shop.

“I did.”

She sniffled. “That was pretty presumptuous.”

God I loved her. I bit my cheek to suppress my smile, but it barely worked.

“Will you be my girlfriend, witchy woman?”

“I suppose so.”

“Come here.” I grabbed her and she hopped up into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist. She pressed her lips to mine in the sweetest damn kiss I’d ever had. And all of the problems that waited for us outside were temporarily silenced. This moment right here, was just for us. And it was everything.
