Page 56 of Light Me Up

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The moodback at work was angsty as hell and I knew it was because of me, but I had no intention of changing it. I was furious. I wanted to punch something. I wanted to shoot something. But I had to keep my primal instincts under control and focus on the task at hand. Getting this bastard.

The fire department was still on scene at Sara’s house. They’d been able to put out the fire before it did too much damage to the house itself, but the back deck, part of the kitchen, and the entire yard were wiped out. Her prized garden. That felt pretty fucking personal.

I’d brought Raven over to Ellie’s apartment since she was downtown. Ellie was horrified at what happened and said she’d take good care of Raven. The poor cat didn’t want me to leave, though, clawing into my shirt as I tried to hand her over. And dammit if that didn’t get to me, piercing a little cat-sized spike through my heart.

I needed to get to the hospital ASAP. I hated the thought of Sara being alone after what she just went through. But I had to get things going here first so we could formulate a plan to catch this guy.

I stood in the bullpen with Miller and a few of the guys from the overnight shift. It was shift change soon, but I didn’t want to wait for that. We could get started on the investigation now. The longer we waited, the more likely it was that this asshole would get away. Or strike again. And I was not about to have that.

“Miller, I want you to take the lead while I’m gone. We need footage from every security camera within a five block radius of Sara’s house. Some of that might take time, but the traffic cameras are a good start and we have access to that right now.”

“Yessir, on it.”

“Also, I want you to coordinate with Dane. He mentioned he’ll need to interview Sara and me, since I was there tonight too. I told him to meet us at the hospital. But I want this fast-tracked, so if he needs anything from the department, I told him you’re his man.”

“Got it. We can handle it here. Go be with her.” Miller had also known Sara since she first moved to Moon Harbor. The other officers looked at me and nodded. I couldn’t overlook the love others had for her. So many of us were connected in this small town and while at times that felt constricting, overall, it was a blessing. We took care of each other.

“I have my phone. Call or text with updates.”

“Will do.”

“I’ll be back in an hour or two.”

I clapped Miller on the back, and left the bullpen.

I could have walked to the hospital, it was only a few blocks west of the harbor, but I didn’t want to waste a single moment. I need to either be with Sara, or working on the case. So I jumped in my police cruiser in case I’d need it later, and drove up to the hospital.

My badge was always handy at getting past guarded doors, but since this was Moon Harbor, everyone in the ER knew me regardless of it. And I’d venture to say my little display smooching Sara at The Witch’s Brew yesterday had made the gossip rounds.

“Hey Sheriff. She’s in room four,” the reception nurse said to me before I even got to her desk. She buzzed me through the doors, and I took off down the hall, not before nodding a “thank-you.”

I stopped at the sign on the wall with a simple “4” on it, taking a moment to breathe deep before I went in. I knew how sensitive she was to energy. I didn’t want her to pick up on how anxious and angry I was feeling. It’d just make her feel worse. So I took a moment to think about how good it felt to hear her say she loved me. At the warming of my heart, I pushed through the door.

Sara laid in the hospital bed, still in an oversized T-shirt but now also wearing scrub bottoms. She was hooked up to an IV and still had an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth. Her eyes were closed. She was the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen in my life.

I walked over to the bed and sat in the chair next to it, pulling her hand into mine. I leaned down to kiss it, and rested my forehead on top.


I jumped at the sound of her voice. She giggled and took off the mask.

“Jesus woman, I thought you were asleep.”

“No, just resting my eyes. Sleep has been elusive tonight.”


She looked so tired, but so beautiful. I didn’t think I’d ever want to stop staring at her.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

“Am I okay? I’m not the one who was in a damn fire.”

“No, but you worry more than anyone I know.”

My shoulders dropped and I squeezed her hand.

“I’m okay now.”


“But tell me how you are. What did the doctor say?”

“I can go home later. They’re just keeping me on oxygen for a while and gave me some medicine in that handy IV bag. I might be uncomfortable for a bit. My throat and chest hurt, and my cough is gross. But otherwise, I’m lucky.”

“Thank god, baby.”

“Where’s Raven?”

“Ellie’s. She sends her love.” Sara nodded. “And, um. The house. Is it?”

“The house is mostly good. The deck is gone, and there’s some damage to the kitchen. But, uh, the entire backyard is—well, it’s leveled. I’m so sorry, Sara.”

She pulled her lips inward, nodding again, and blinked to fight back tears. But they came anyway.

“I don’t know why I’m so emotional about a garden.”

“Babe, you loved it. You worked hard on it and made it into something magical. It was a beautiful piece of you. So you have every right to mourn it. But we’re gonna regrow it. Make it better than ever.”

She sniffled. “We?”

“Of course. I want to help, if you let me. I want to be with you every step of the way, Sara.”

Her body shook with sobs now, and she threw her arms around my shoulders. I moved closer, wrapped her in my arms, and held on tight.

“I love you so damn much.”

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