Page 6 of Light Me Up

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“If I need to present facts and argue them, I can and will.”

“I’m sure.”

“Do you want to debate me, Sheriff?”

“Not particularly. But I want to keep the peace. Half the town hates you guys and that presents a problem.”

“Half the town is only concerned about their wallet.”

“Maybe so. Not my business. My business is making sure everyone is safe.”

“Well my business is caring about this land and water. Something that everyone in town should also care about.” Theo tipped his head, as if to say ‘Touché.’

I looked him up and down, trying to observe his muscled physique in a casual, objective way, but failing. So I fell back on stark confidence.

“You should know, Sheriff, I’m not accustomed to losing. I get what I want. You might want to prepare yourself.”

He stepped closer again, this time invading my bubble. “Oh, I’m ready, hippie.” His eyes bore into mine and then flickered down to my lips. It was my turn to lick now. My breathing quickened, shallow ins and outs of my lungs caused my breasts to rise up, almost touching his chest with the closeness of our bodies.

What were we doing? We didn’t like each other. But as the moment between us drew out in slow motion, I couldn’t help but wonder what if? Maybe he thought it too because his eyebrows drew back together like he was asking a silent question. I breathed in again. My head tipped upward. And then his hands were on me.

Harsh, bruising hands grasped my hips as Theo pulled me against him and his mouth crashed down onto mine. Without thinking, I clawed my hands up his shoulders and wrapped them around his neck. I wanted to climb him, get as close as possible, and I didn’t know why but I put that question out of my head.

All that mattered at this moment was this kiss. These sensations. His short beard scratching my face. His tongue tangling with mine. His lips—softer than I ever imagined—massaging my own with fierce pressure. His hands wandered. One on my ass, squeezing, the other caressing my side, his thumb dangerously close to my left breast.

I bucked against him as I deepened the kiss. He growled in response. It was as if all of our moments verbally sparring had become foreplay for this kiss and I couldn’t get enough. More.

Theo turned and backed me against the counter. I moaned as his hips thrusted into mine, grinding against me. He was bulging and I felt every hard inch of him. I pulled my hands down to feel him now. Every hard line of his chest and abs was perfection under my fingers. I just wanted more.

But just as I thought we needed less clothing, he tore his lips away, resting his forehead against mine. Our heavy pants were the only sound I could hear. I closed my eyes, not sure what to expect next. Or what I even wanted.

As quickly as it had all started, it ended. He turned from me, running his hand through his light brown hair, pulling on the strands. I grabbed the counters for purchase. He paced back and forth for a moment in my small kitchen, which now felt even smaller.

“I’m so sorry. That was a mistake. I shouldn’t have done that,” he said after turning back to face me. He was still feet away but it might as well have been a mile.

“Right. It’s fine.” I dusted off my shorts as if they were suddenly dirty. Really, I just needed to do something with my hands. Did he just give me the best kiss of my life and then apologize? Tea. I needed tea. Ignoring the brute, I turned around and grabbed my tea kettle, filling it at the sink.

“Sara…” He used my real name.

“You can go. Don’t worry about it. You’re right.” I put the kettle on the back burner and lit it. He was being too quiet. I plastered my unbothered smirk on my face and turned to him. “I’ll see you around.”

His eyes examined me, trying to figure me out but fuck if I would let him. So I went back to my task, gathering my cup and saucer and infuser. After a minute, I heard his footsteps as he walked to the hall that led to the front door.

“Sara?” He called.


He hesitated for a moment.

“I don’t know why you were upset earlier, but I’m here if you need anything.”

“Right. I’m fine,” I answered, smiling for both of our benefits. He looked like he wanted to say something else but thankfully, he didn’t, just nodded and turned to leave. And my damn emotions got the better of me.

“Theo?” I called after him. He turned back and leaned his arm on the wall, looking at me with those perfect blue eyes. “I am fine, but thank you for saying that.”

He nodded again, standing a moment longer than necessary. And then he was gone.

What the hell just happened?

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