Page 11 of The Pet's Play

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It’d beentwo days since Conall had won his bet, and Sloan had promised he’d get the car for him. Conall wasn’t delusional enough to believe it would be easy. There were only a limited amount in the world, even less in the nero nemesis color, and if Sloan could get one, it could take years. So he didn’t hold his breath. He wouldn’t even be mad if Sloan couldn’t get him the car. He’d choose something else if he had to, and he’d told Sloan exactly that.

“I’ll get you the Nero Nemesis Lamborghini Veneno with the Verde trim,” Sloan had said bluntly.

“But if you can’t—”

“Are you doubting my abilities to get you what you want, pet?” Sloan’s expression had darkened in irritation and he’d leaned back in the leather chair behind his desk.

Conall had sat in the chair on the other side and even that wasn’t far enough away when Sloan got this annoyed. He teased him in the best of times, but this hadn’t been one of those occasions. When it came to providing for Conall, nothing got in Sloan’s way. Conall had learned that when he asked for something, Sloan found a way to get it for him.

Conall was sitting in his office doing some work when Ronan entered the room, his back straight and a rare smile on his lips. Conall frowned at him. “Who are you, and what have you done with my bodyguard?”

Ronan snorted. “The boss is home. He’s asked me to come get you.”

“Where did he go?”

Sloan had told Conall he was going out and he’d be back soon, but he didn’t mention where he was heading.

“That’s not my place to know, sir. He’s waiting for you downstairs near the garage.”

Conall sighed and closed the book he’d been writing in. Standing, he let Ronan lead him down the stairs and out the back door. They made it halfway there when Conall saw it.

A Nero Nemesis Lamborghini Veneno with Verde trim.

Conall wasn’t even hard but he thought he’d come right then when he saw it. He froze, eyes widening. The car looked like something from outer space, the gleaming black paint with green trim teasing him.

Ronan stopped beside him, quirking a grin at him. “Two days. That’s impressive, even for the boss.”

“Holy shit.” Conall laughed, excitement tearing through him and jolting his limbs into action again.

Sloan stood at the driver’s door, the keys swinging in his fingers, which he held in front of him. Conall all but ran toward him and jumped at Sloan. The boss caught him, laughing, and Conall clamped his mouth over Sloan’s, kissing him hard and needily. He dotted smooches all over Sloan’s face before making his way back to Sloan’s lips.

“You are the best man ever,” Conall said, laying a last kiss at the corner of Sloan’s mouth before Sloan dropped him back to his feet. “I am going to give you so many blow jobs for this.”

Sloan’s chest rumbled with laughter. “You did win the bet.”

Conall snorted and tapped him on the chest. “I’m not stupid, Sloan.”

“I never said you were, pet.” His dark eyebrow rose.

“I know when I’m being played. This little bet of ours wasn’t my play, it was yours.” He pursed his lips. “You could have held out until the next day, but you let me win, even though you like being the winner.”

“Did I?” His mouth curled into a half smile. “Is that what you think?”

“No,” Conall said, “that’s what I know. You gave me a position as the manager of escort services because I’m not a fucking dummy. You wanted me to get my car.”

Sloan’s face softened and he pressed his forehead against Conall’s. “No, pet, I would have bought that car for you anyway.”

“Then why did you let me win?”

“You said you’re smart. Figure it out.” He grazed his lips lightly against Conall’s mouth.

“You wanted to make me happy,” Conall whispered.

“Winning is not everything, pet, not when you have someone who gives you so much more.” His fingers trailed down Conall’s cheek and jaw, caressing in gentle strokes. “You are mine, Conall Morrissey, and if letting you win a bet makes you happy, then I’ll do exactly that. I win at everything else in my life. You’re the only one I’d let myself lose to”—his smirk turned terrifying—“but if you tell anyone that, I’ll have to kill them.”

Conall didn’t doubt he would. He grinned. “Don’t want anyone to know you’re all squishy emotions on the inside?”
