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“What do you see for you and Riithan?”

She swallowed. “Nothing. I don’t see anything but a few rounds of sex, and then, our future is unseen.”

“What causes that?”

She tangled her fingers together. “There is something missing. Something that hasn’t happened to clear my vision. It will be short for me until that happens.”

“What do you think needs to happen?”

She shrugged. “I guess I need to stop feeling disposable.”

He leaned back. “That is it. I did wonder. Thank you for the conversation.”

She got up, bowed again, and he stopped her. “That is the way a servant shows respect. Put your hands on your thighs and incline your head downward.”

She did as instructed.

He smiled. “Very well done. You use this for Himera and me. Riithan as well if you are at a public meeting.”

“What about others of your people?”

“Head up, shoulders back. You outrank them.”

“Oh.” She bowed again and left before he authorized it.

She returned to Riithan’s side, and he murmured, “Are you all right?”

“I am fine.”

He rubbed her arm and kissed her forehead, just as she used to do to Baola. Comfort for a small person. She grimaced.

A discreet chime rang, and the men went on alert.

The three figures were very familiar. She was embarrassed when she saw what they were carrying.

Etgar was carrying a Sethir lap harp. It was a traditional gift for brides.

Vallu beamed until she saw her expression. She walked up and hugged Ylara. She whispered, “What’s wrong?”

She swallowed. “Can you put the harp away? I don’t qualify.”

Vallu jolted and stroked her cheeks, kissing her forehead. It appeared to be contagious.

She shook Etgar’s hand and smiled. “Shortest honeymoon on record.”

He chuckled. “I am sure yours and Riithan’s will beat it.”

She pulled her hand back. “Right.”

He frowned. “Are you all right?”

“It has been a difficult week.”

He touched her head. “It will get better from here.”

“Where is here?” She gave him a weak smile.

The Sethir-Nin introduced themselves to the Lord, Lady, and dowager lady of Daycross.
