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“No, it isn’t. Do you have ambassador stuff to do?”

“Oh, I am. Right now, I am courting a foreign emissary.” He licked her mark. “I hope to come out on top in these negotiations.”

She giggled and put her hands over his. “Good luck with that.”

“I feel very lucky right now.”

She leaned into him and shivered as the thrumming started, and the tail came down to offer something that tasted like honey and flowers.

She felt waves of heat building in her body. “What was that?”

“Khytten has been very forthcoming about biochemistry. This is harmless for the baby and a lot of fun for me. It makes your skin more... sensitive.”

“I am going to have to talk with her.”

“She is just sharing trade secrets.” He chuckled as his hands caused her to shiver, twitch, and moan.

“I am going to have to talk to your union rep.” She groaned.

He laughed. “I have a very good union rep. You can call them on your com. Just dial M-Y-A-L-P-H-A.”

Ylara grunted as he slid into her swollen sex. Banter had to be put aside. Besides, she got the feeling that calling that would entail hidden fees.

He adjusted her until she was facing him, and he pulled her arms out at their sides, and they danced.


Ylara grinned as they walked Brit over to the polo grounds where their guys were riding their thundering horses and chasing a ball with giant mallets.

They were up against the Sethir-Nin team and appeared to be winning.

Vallu cheered as Etgar scored, and Sabine let out a whoop.

It had only been a week since they had all settled on Daycross.

The opposing team started to look their way as they tried to get the ball to progress to their own goal.

Ylara muttered to Sabine, “How bad do we want our guys to win, and do we mind a fight after the match?”

Sabine grinned and hitched her dress, so her cleavage was held in by friction and hope. Ylara did the same, and when their guys got possession of the ball, they cheered politely, screaming and jumping when another point was scored.

The Sethir-Nin were staring at them. Well, most of them were. General Madzuk was rolling his eyes at Ylara.

She laughed, and when their guys turned and saw them, they looked and started laughing.

Vallu stepped forward and asked Ylara, “What are they laughing... oh my god.” She started laughing at the cleavage on display.

They remained for the rest of the game, and then, they hitched their clothing back into place and were decorous when the guys came over, their eyes bright and skin flushed. Well, except for Etgar. He just looked extra fluffy.

Riithan picked her up. “That was an interesting display.”

“Well, since you weren’t here, my breasts weren’t doing anything interesting, so I thought I would let them out for some fun.”

“Oh, that was fun all right, but you might regret it.”

She looked at the alphas approaching behind them. “Aw, fuck. They are guests, aren’t they?”

“Yes, they are.”
