Page 18 of His Prisoner

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Ican’t say I expected the knock at my door. When Antonio walks in with a bottle of wine and two glasses, I’m sitting on the windowsill, looking out into the distance. It’s dusk and the moon is slowly rising. He looks at me curiously, then kicks the door closed with the heel of his foot.

“I thought you might like a drink,” he says. “I know I could use one.”

I don’t reply, but merely watch on as he sits at the table, pouring two glasses. He pulls the empty chair from under the table, placing it adjacent to his at the corner of the table.

“Take a seat.” He clenches his jaw, making it somehow seem more chiseled. God, why do I see him this way? Why do I see a sex-god walking into my room, looking like a 1920’s gangster that I’d like to sit on, instead of the monster he truly is? Reluctantly, I stand up to join him at the table.

By this time I’ve already changed my outfit again. The clothes Sophia brought me are all stunning, and I took my time hanging them in the closet as if I were here on holiday. When evening washed over the sky, I changed out of the orange dress and into this body-hugging suede red dress, mid-thigh length with little slits on either side. Without any entertainment, the least I can do for fun is try on these expensive pieces given to me. I didn’t intend to look sexy for him, but the way his eyes slide down my legs as I walk toward the table is somehow electrifying. I’m barefoot, my hair is natural and loose, so the only thing I’ve done to feel good about myself is slip this dress on.

“Keeping you locked up was never the plan,” Antonio tells me, once I’m seated. He leans back in his chair, the buttons on his shirt fighting to stay closed against his muscular chest. Even his slacks look strained around his thick thighs.

“No?” I nervously fiddle with the stem of my glass. “Then what was?”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know.” He then looks back at my dress. “Sophia organized you some nice clothes, I see. You look absolutely ravishing in that dress, cara mia.” My dear.

My inner-self struggles between rejecting his compliments and squirming in pleasure under his hot gaze. But wait, You don’t want to know? What does that mean?

“Were you supposed to kill us?” I ask, my eyes glued to the table. My voice confidently defies him, but my vision is where I falter. I don’t want to look into his eyes again. I don’t want to lose my strength, to let my body feel something toward him again. At the same time, my nerves churn in my stomach as fear helps me to keep my gaze averted. I can’t deny that he’s got the upper hand, so I remain timid for the time being. When he replies, I can feel him watching me intently and hear the authoritative rumble in his voice.

“Let’s not dwell on what was supposed to be.” He sets his glass down and leans forward with his elbows on his knees. “Tell me,” I look at him involuntarily and he’s much closer now. “You have friends, back home?”

I shrug, “Of course I do.”

“A boyfriend?” Pausing, I contemplate my answer. If I say yes, will he leave me alone or be even more interested? Sensing my hesitation, Antonio chuckles, leaning back again, his hand on his thigh. “I’ll take that as a no. I’m just doing my job, you know. Trying to gauge how many people might be looking for you.”

Damnit.I should have said yes. “So you intend to keep me here for a long time?”

Taking a slow sip of his wine, he shrugs. “I don’t know. As mentioned, this wasn’t the plan.”

In frustration, I stand up and pace the room. “So then what the fuck am I doing here? I’ll go crazy just sitting here with nothing to do!” Antonio watches me with amusement. When I turn to face him, his eyes are low on my body, taking in every inch. “Can you make up your mind, please?!” I’m practically shouting again. “Just decide what you want!”

This time he chuckles and stands, walking toward me with his hands in his pockets. “Oh, I know what I want.” I’m frozen in place as he stops inches from me, twirling a strand of my hair around his finger. “And I’ll have it, in due time.”

A shiver crawls up my spine, leaving a trail of goosebumps up my arms. I’m scared, but the thought of him taking what he wants from me brings up memories, of dreams and fantasies. Of emotions I’ve wanted to feel for so long. How can I deny myself that he is exactly what I want? What I knew I wanted every time I was asked about Chad? About why he wasn’t good enough? Well, this is why. He didn’t send shivers across my skin.

Then again, maybe he’s good for something. I try a different tactic.

“Well, I do have a boyfriend. I just didn’t want you to kill him.”

Lifting my chin, I step away from Antonio, crossing my arms. My long hair slides out of his fingers, and he nods slowly.

“What’s his name?”

“Do you think I’m stupid?”

“Is it Chad?”

Fuck.He’s done way more research than I thought. Or at least he probably got some junkie that owes him to sit outside the shop for days. Wow, it amazes me just how much was happening that I didn’t know about. Now that his name is out, I don’t even want to keep the ruse up. Just lying about liking Chad is a disgrace to my inner-self. My subdued inner-self who wants Antonio instead. I keep quiet, biting my lip.

“Well, Chad can’t save you. Not with his skinny little arms and fucking corduroys.” His deep voice rumbling reminds me of a killer in some movie that I can’t remember the name of. He’s dark, he’s dangerous, and it’s way too sexy to be real. I roll my eyes and turn away, looking out the window.

“Do you like that?”

