Page 17 of His Prisoner

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“Screw you, Antonio, I’m working out here. What do you want?”

My face squirms back as she squats and lunges in the middle of the room while watching a home workout video. “Aye, do me a favor and turn that shit off for a minute, would you?”

She takes the remote and presses the pause button, grabs a nearby water bottle, and takes a gulp of water.

“So listen,” I say, “is there anything you should be telling me?”

A hand goes to her hip. “Like what?”

“Oh, I don’t know, Fiona. How about the fucking fact that you went AWOL the other day?” My hands slap the air with frustration.

“You know what?” Both hands on the hips now, and her eyes narrow. “Bite me. I’m sick and tired of constantly being controlled by all the men in this family.”


“Do this.” Her face scrunches up as she mimics someone else. “Do that. Don’t go there, it’s not safe.”

Even though I love my sister, the number of times I wish I could give her a backhand to shut her up is unbelievable. “How many fucking times do we got to go over this. Do you have any idea about what’s going on?”

“No, because you don’t tell me. All I know is that I’ve got to be followed around all day by a couple of dumb fucks, while you and Huxley go out sticking your dicks in anything that moves!”

My temper snaps then pushes me forward with a clenched fist. “Watch your mouth!”

Fiona laughs. “Or what? You’ll lock me up like your little slave?”

Man, I’m so close to clipping her one. Have to remember myself, remember my father.

“Shit! You know what, go fuck yourself. From here on out, you do as I say, or I will keep you locked up. Don’t test me!” I storm out the room, slamming the door behind me, and—I swear to God—the hardest things won’t be dealing with our opponents, but with my own family.

Who would have thought?
