Page 67 of His Prisoner

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“Good. Did he say what this is?” Antonio points to the parcel on the dance floor.

“No. He, ah…wasn’t able to speak once Vinnie had his knee on his neck. They’re taking him to the basement.”

“Alright.” Antonio takes a deep breath, looking deadly as he’s about to walk toward the box.

“No, boss, please. Let me.”

The young man is clearly an aspiring soldier. He’s confident, unafraid, and extremely respectful. We watch him from a safe distance as he approaches it. He picks it up, confusion flashing across his face as if he’s felt something moving from inside, and he then places it on a table. He lowers his head to hear before slowly peeling back the ribbon. As he opens the box, all of us hold our breaths, some women turning into their husbands’ chests. Then we all exhale with utter relief when he calls us over. He gives the box to Antonio.

“What is it?” I ask.

Antonio removes the objects from the box, then lays them in my hand. Two bullets, one with Mr. and the other with Mrs.

“Oh shit,” I breathe out. “Has there been any objection to our marriage that you know of?”

“No,” Antonio says, deep in thought. “I can’t imagine which of the families might be behind this…”

I look around and see all the guests’ worried faces. I step close to Antonio and speak low. “Look, if anybody ever had a chance to get us, then that was it. Clearly, their threats are empty.”

He lifts his head, “You’re right, as always, mia cara.” Then he glances out into the distance, where the man ran off to. “Now, they’re going to spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulder, regretting this day.”

I smile, nod, and turn to our guests.

“Everybody,” I shout out, “It’s okay! It was a false alarm, and the man has been apprehended.” Simultaneously everyone starts to chatter excitedly, but at least their lives are safe now—not like ours, but then again, when have we ever been truly safe in this family?

Antonio steps next to me and addresses the crowd, “Come! Let’s get back to enjoying our night!”

The music comes back on, and the guests filter back into the tent, back to their drinks and their dancing. I can see some were spooked, and they pick up their things to head home, but I’m not bothered. No lives were lost and considering the track record of events at this house, that’s a good night by our standards.

Antonio finishes whispering into the new guy’s ear, then comes to me and grabs my hand. The guy runs off toward the house, while Antonio leads me back to the dancefloor, pulling me close for a slow dance.

“Never a dull moment with the Moretti’s,” he says, looking serious. I put my hand on his cheek.

“Mr. Moretti, is that apathy I hear, on our wedding night?” A smile spreads on his face, he can’t help it. “I’ll have none of it! Besides…Mrs. Moretti needs you in high spirits when she drags you to the honeymoon suite.”

He chuckles now, touching my face too. “Oh, Mrs. Moretti, you’re mistaken. It’s me who will be carrying you over my shoulder, throwing you down, and crawling under this thick dress of yours.”

A naughty giggle bursts from my chest, “So what are you waiting for?”
