Page 10 of Edith's Orc

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“What? Why?” Nako turns and grabs my arm, her eyes wide. “I’m the oldest here. I should go first.”

I laugh. Typical Nako. “Like seniority or something?” She hasn’t dated anyone since her husband passed.

“Yes, like seniority.”

“You’re still grieving and I’m ready.”

Nako’s eyes narrow as she studies my face, and a storm of red flashes around her. “I don’t want you to do this just because you feel bad for me.”

She signs the same trite thing Emma did. “We will figure out a way to get out of this.”

Emma agrees, staring at Alexa as she talks and signs simultaneously. “You’re going to love the Orclans.”

“We need to stall this as long as we can. The more women they pull from Earth, the more we have to get out of here safely.”

I smile as I struggle to do the same. “I’m sure I’m going to like them, too.” Unfortunately, I’m not as quick with my hands, and I end up signing after.

“They won’t be pulling any more women from Earth. I fixed that on the way here.”

I hold up my right hand, the smoky gray ring on my middle finger flashes in the low light.

Emma doesn’t get it though, blurting out, “What do you mean?”

I’m still trying to figure out what to say and how to sign at the same time when the door we entered through opens and two insect-looking Ropors step inside, making the room shrink substantially.

Springing to my feet, I round the table, standing next to Emma and Nako as I take in their brown, muddled auras. They hang around them like a smoke cloud, but maybe that’s a good thing since I’m not a fan of bugs.

There’s a hissing that changes range in choppy beats, and when it translates to English in a monotone voice, I realize that’s their language. “Edith, thank you for volunteering. Follow me to Cal’s dwelling.”

Well, shit. Here we go.

Straightening, I pull back my shoulders, determined to be strong. After all, I’ve been preparing for this my entire life. I can’t let fear stop me now.

Nako steps in front of me, wrapping me in her arms. “Be strong, little sister. We will survive.”

Her vehement declaration of what I already know gives me strength. It’s just right now I’m worried about. Thankfully, Emma links her arm through mine, and I float toward the strange bug creatures on numb legs.

But when we get to the opening, one of the Ropors blocks Emma, declaring, “You’ll come with me.”

I’m already moving away after the other Ropor when Emma calls out, “I’ll see you soon!”

Damn. I hope she’s right.
